
Feminist Tyranny - a U.S. Export to the World
 by: Shane Flaith

Feminist tyranny refers to government-supported procedures that clearly deny fundamental rights including constitutional due process to men and fathers under the guise of assuring a 'greater good'. That greater good espouses the safety of women and the best interests of the child.

The feminist system is a sham for controlling society. But it's well-funded and well propagandized. This article summarizes the issues of this tyranny, how it has spread and the growing recognition of how it works to destroy society and the rights of fathers.

Feminism was accepted by most as simply fostering equal opportunity for women. So, government-funded programs came into being to promote this.

The growth of feminist tryanny:

Unfortunately, the money and efforts put into these programs began to support far more than equal opportunity for women. Those in charge found that it opened up an opportunity to direct society in ways that abridged the rights of men and fathers - and their equal rights. Control - not equal opportunity -became their agenda.

Their growing power with government funding allowed perverse changes in the laws - changes that denied the constitutional protection for men and fathers against false accusations. Feminist-instigated government policies and laws view their intentions as a 'greater good' than the rights that keep all of us free. That's the hallmark of tyranny.

A fact of freedom:

There's no greater good than the preservation of your fundamental rights. Those rights include your right to life, liberty, property, self-determination, and your right to parent by direct support and care of your children.

One critical and fundamental right - left to government - is the 'due process' it must adhere to before denying you any fundamental right. In a nutshell, you must have done something seriously wrong and the government - through a trial process with a jury of your peers - must be presented with evidence that's beyond a reasonable doubt for a criminal wrong, or that's clear and convincing for a civil wrong. Not having your 'right to due process' means losing all other rights by a judge's whim.

Feminist propaganda:

But the 'due process' right is precisely what feminist tyranny voids. They invariably propagandize that the safety of women (or best interest of children) needs to take precedence over fundamental and the due process rights of men or fathers. They don't say this precisely, but that's what their efforts have produced.

They also push propaganda about the 'evils' of men and the 'victimhood' of women. It vilifies those it would unjustly persecute while championing those it favors without scrutiny. A convincing propaganda blinds an unwary public to persecution occurring. Nazi propaganda used this approach. As Goebels said, "Just lie enough 'til they believe you".

Feminist tyranny attacks the underbelly of society - the family. Through divorce and the 'new' domestic violence laws, fathers and other men - without the due process to protect the innocent - are thrown out of their family and effectively enslaved to pay for their persecution.

Fathers Rights groups have protested the lack of due process - and lack of equal rights - in divorce and paternity results. But they're easily smothered by the government-subsidized and highly funded women's propaganda machines - and their political clout.

The spreading of the feminist tyranny:

The effectiveness and organization of the feminist system in the U.S. has allowed it to institute Women's Issues-type organizations not only in other countries but into charities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that oversee aid and its direction in underdeveloped countries. Their input invariably undermines traditional families in favor of the feminist tyranny model of society.

India protests feminist tyranny:

The feminist tyranny instituted within India's family-related laws has now caused Indian family and men's associations to react to the destruction of rights it causes. These protesting groups recognize the feminist tyranny's system.

They say that under the innocuous guise of women's rights and women's empowerment, radical feminists have systematically destroyed the institutions of family and marriage in most Western countries. They directed their attack at the so-called "developing" nations like India, which is known for its strong family culture and marriage values, and where the only means of social security is the extended family.

The weapons and tactics employed in feminist terrorism are:

* Hate speech against men and family

* Fabricated and false statistics

* Blatant lies

* Opportunistic arm-twisting, guilt-tripping and bullying

* Draconian gender-biased laws

This feminist system has successfully hijacked the concepts of fairness and equality under law, sabotaged the ideals and goals of democracy, slaughtered human rights and are insisting on a Taliban-like regime in every nation. The fallout of this global gender war is a steep rise in divorce rates, number of fatherless children, violence against men, number of men ending their own lives, number of "unwanted" pregnancies and juvenile crimes.

Feminist terrorism is one of the worst dangers faced by all nations today, and the threat transcends all social, economic and religious barriers. Civilized and respectable citizens of all countries, religions, and socio-economic groups should actively counter such feminist terrorism for the sake of the well-being of our families, communities, our future generations and freedom.
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