Anti-Bhurka Law Passed in France


This week a controversial anti- bhurka law went into effect with the obligatory bin Laden sounding warning audio tape. The new law prohibits citizens from covering their faces in public, aka. the bhurka.While I agree with the concept of freedom of religion, I also agree that masks in public is a security issue in Europe. We in Canada have had similar laws for many generations but its rarely enforced due to half the population wears ski masks during the cold winter months. The KKK was forced to wear their hoods that showed their faces when they marched.a few years back. But unless it's 10 degrees below freezing it goes against western morales for anyone to cover his face in public. And to require woman to do it in public by some medieval bondage mechanism upon woman goes against everything we stand for in a free country.

Leaving aside that a country cannot abide threats by any fanatical billionaire with a box cutter, a country can't allow its immigrants to bring the worst aspects of their totalitarian homelands under the guise of religious freedom..We don't allow female mutilation (circumcision) or honor killings or sharia law because such things go against what the original idea of the New World which is to leave behind those ancient ways of thinking and doing things. The bhurka isn't a fashion statement like wearing a ring or a bone in one's nose, its a sign of bondage of half the population in the eyes of a small minority. That minority wouldn't mind imposing their bhurka on all women everywhere.An idea that shows a lack of respect for half the population is no longer going to be allowed in France and I say good riddance..
