You Are Not Living In A Free Country If...

by: Walter "Bruno" Korschek

Read the following and then you decide if you think you are still living in a free country:

- You are not living in a free country if your retirement medical care, via Medicare, is dependent on the actions and whims of politicians.

- You are not living in a free country if a large percentage of your retirement cash flow, via Social Security, is dependent on the actions and whims of politicians.

- You are not living in a free country if your pre-retirement medical care, via the ramifications of Obama Care, is dependent on the actions and whims of politicians.

- You are not living in a free country if your ability to go to college, via student loans, is dependent on the actions and whims of politicians.

- You are not living in a free country if your ability to get a home mortgage, via Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, is dependent on the actions and whims of politicians.

- You are not living in a free country if almost a third of your annual earnings go to taxes to support all levels of government.

- You are not living in a free country if government and political class spending has rung up trillions of dollars of national debt that will eventually have to be paid by you, your children and your grandchildren.

- You are not living in a free country if you privacy rights can be almost arbitrarily be violated by the Patriot Act.

- You are not living in a free country if your political leaders hold you and your opinions in contempt:

1) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi - those that oppose Obama's health care reform effort are un-American.

2) Congressman Charles Rangel - those that oppose Obama's health care reform effort are like the
racists that opposed the civil rights movements in the 1960s.

3) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - American tourists that come to D.C. in the summer physically smell.

4) Congressman Dick Grayson - those with a different opinions from him are knuckle dragging
Neanderthals, terrorists, and racists.

5) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi - those against the building of a mosque close to Ground Zero in New York City need to be investigated.

6) Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee - Tea party members used to wear Ku Klux Klan white sheets.

7) Czar Van Jones - those opposed to the President's policies are a_ _ h_ _ _ s.

- You are not living in a free country if the executive branch can circumvent Constitutionally mandated government appointment reviews via a "czar complex."

- You are not living in a free country when politicians can use billions of taxpayer dollars, via earmarks, to finance their perpetual re-election.

- You are not living in a free country where politicians decide what private companies live (e.g. Citigroup) and what private companies die (e.g. Lehman Brothers.)

- You are not living in a free country when those in office can maximize their re-election chances with favorable gerrymandering of Congressional districts.

- You are not living in a free country if your selection of a Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party via the primary and caucus system can be overturned by a small cadre of insiders in the upper echelon of the party called "super delegates."

- You are not living in a free country when sitting politicians can automatically grant themselves annual pay increases regardless of how poorly they led the nation during the past year.

- You are not living in a free country when sitting politicians cannot be removed from Congressional committee posts regardless of how poorly they performed their jobs on those committees (e.g. Intelligence committee members who did not foresee the 9-11 attacks, Finance committee members who did not foresee the coming of the "Great Recession", Interior Department committee members that did not properly oversee the BP oil rig inspection process, etc.)

- You are not living in a free country when any level of government can seize your property for a supposedly fair price and turn it over to developers for a private sector development project.

So let's review. Politicians control our pocketbooks, our health, our retirement funding, who we vote for, our privacy, our property rights, and our ability to get a mortgage or student loan while calling us names if we dare to disagree with them. Hardly sounds like the traditional definition of a democracy to me.

The beauty of this system that the political class has worked out for themselves is that they are able to keep us fighting among ourselves which diverts our attention to the fact that our freedom and liberty have slowly been stripped away. We have reached a point in this country that a great portion of our lives is no longer controlled by our brains, our energy, and our initiative but by about 600 people sitting in Congress and the executive branch of the Federal government.

We vehemently fight among ourselves over relatively trivial matters such as whether a mosque should be built close to Ground Zero, whether a sitting President should address the nation's school children, whether a Boston police officer over reacted when the President's friend got arrested, etc., while the political class strips us of our wealth and our liberty without ever solving a major issue:

- We are no closer to a rational drug policy in this country since Nixon declared War On Drugs in the 1960s, with this void allowing a narco state to develop just south of our border with Mexico.

- We are no closer to a rational and coherent national energy policy despite the oil crises from the 1970s.

- We are no closer to having world class public schools despite the warning of failing public schools from early in the Reagan administration.

- We are no closer to having a sane balanced budget process for the Federal government with the political class spending trillions of dollars more than they bring in revenue.

We no longer live in a free country and we have allowed them to do it to us. That is why it is so important to begin the cleansing process in November and dump all incumbents out of office. In addition, we need new politicians that will begin a real and aggressive march back to freedom starting with the following steps: reduce Federal government expenses by 10% a year for five years, overhaul Social Security to make it financially solvent and revenue/expense neutral, institute term limits for all politicians, remove politicians from committee posts for not meeting minimal levels of performance in their areas of committee responsibility, eliminate the "Super Delegate" process, strengthen eminent domain laws to protect private property rights, and neutralize the current gerrymandering process for Congressional districts.

Speak out against the madness that is our current political class, vote out the incumbents in November. How much worst could it get?

About The Author

Walter "Bruno" Korschek is the author of the book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom and Destroying The American Political Class," which is available at and online at Amaozn and Barnes & Noble. Our daily dialog on freedom in American can be joined at

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