Republicans Hope To Take Back Congress

This November's election may see a resurgent Republican party backed by the Tea Party movement retake both houses of congress! Are Americans that angry at Obama and the Democrats that they have taken leave of their senses, lost their minds as well as their memories? What are the GOP offering Americans besides a repeal of Obama's Health care reforms, repeal of the Wall Street reforms more financial deregulation, and a return to Bush era tax cuts for the mega-wealthy, and mega-corporations? It seems so, a recent CNN/Time poll has the right wing leading. The Democrats has had healthy majorities for two years and were too wimpy to pass any real social agenda. I don't know who is worst. Then there is the Tea Party who is too cowardly to run candidates outright against the established two-party system, that they feel it politically expedient to infiltrate and subvert to GOP by running in mostly Republican primaries.

Emotionally it might seem right to throw the bums out and start fresh with a new crop of representatives, but some of these new candidates, like Christine O Donnell, do not seem to know what the jobs they seek actually entail. Their learning curve will be so sharp I fear they will be overwhelmed and disappointed by the process that they will be easy pickings for the dogs of DC. Strong minds and wills are needed in Congress to be a check and balance over any administration.

By Editor
