How Your Present and Future are being DESTROYED by the “Global Elite” – Right Now!

Article Author:
Fight The Oppressors
Since September 2008, the world has been experiencing a global financial disaster that some analysts say could still end up being worse than the Great Depression of the 1930’s. At the time of this writing, late 2010, we are going into the third year of it and no one is talking about seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

This is the second very major catastrophe of this decade. The first was what we all now know as “9/11” - the horrific events that happened on September 11, 2001.

And notice both events happened in September?

Almost 10 years later, what has been the real outcome of 9/11? Governments spying on its citizens, restraining freedom of speech and the right to protest, passing oppressive Laws under the guise of “homeland security”, vilification of Religions, racial profiling, and the policing of all the things that empower people to stand up against their oppressors. Not to mention of course, a “war” in Afghanistan and Iraq, resulting in an ongoing mounting death toll of American and Coalition military, and even higher casualties of Afghans and Iraqis, not all military either – all under the pretence of “The War on Terrorism.”

Except, our enemy has changed. Several times! First it was “Osama Bin Laden” then it was “Al Qaeda” in general, then somehow or another it became “Saddham Hussein” and now it is various hard-to-pronounce crackpot Iraqi and Afghan militant groups who have been so enraged by what has transpired in their countries in the last 10 years, courtesy of the United States and the token “Coalition Forces.”

Wake up! The “terrorist threat” was always there. It was magnified not by “Al Qaeda” and all the other subsequent mumbo jumbo names of “new terror cells” that they keep coming up with to keep things “fresh” so as to continue to string the public along.

It was magnified by the actions of an infiltrated United States of America. And right under the noses of the good people of the United States, those people who believe in Truth, Justice and “the American Way.” The infiltrators care nothing of the values of the American people, and instead have been working hard to erode, poison and remove the spirit of the United States for a long time, especially since September 11, 2001.

The United States of America is now but a shadow of it’s once great former self.

So who are infiltrators?

In the Western World, it has always been “the Jews” who were the target for suppression and hate. This has been ongoing for hundreds of years. Their refusal to integrate with the peoples they lived with in Western and Eastern Europe and the aggression they created by this resulted in the same thing happening over and over again wherever they went: eventual hostility towards the Jews after wearing out their welcome. Sometimes this resulted in violence. The Jewish people have a track record of antagonizing the people they associate with. This is a matter of fact. What other race of people on Earth aside from the Jews have their own official term that means hostilities towards their race? That word is “Anti Semitism.”

The end of World War II was a major turning point for the Jewish people. They received the greatest sympathies from the rest of the world for what happened in war-torn Germany, and with emotions running high at the time, orchestrated the Kangaroo Court that was the “Nuremburg Trials.” One of the outcomes of that farce and witch hunt was the new name they came up with for their perception of those events: “The Holocaust.” This has been rammed down everyone’s throats ever since. And boy, have they milked that one!

However, it is unfair to generalize in this way. The term “Jews” means the group of people who are Jewish. A generality like that is not useful. Speaking in generalities obscures the discovery and identification of the individual people within the general group who are guilty of the things we are upset about.

This generalization of the term “the Jews” and the whole “anti-Semitic” thing has been just as played out by the real people hiding in that group who are responsible for what is wrong in the world today as those who have expressed hostilities towards them.

If it is not “the Jews”, who are they?

In Jewish history there was a movement called Zionism. Zion is the Hebrew word for “Jerusalem.” Zionism was a Jewish Political movement originally formed in the late 19th Century by Theodor Herzl, an Austro-Hungarian author, whose book “The Jewish State” was the impetus for the Jewish people to stand united and try and establish a sovereign state for the Jewish people. Jews considered themselves a displaced people with no homeland, and in need of winning back a place in the world for their own kind. This was eventually achieved in 1948 with the formation of Israel in the Middle East. Since then the original role of the Zionist movement has declined except in Israel politics. The original Zionists, inspired by Herzl achieved their purpose. There was no more need for the movement once their homeland was established. Job done. Mission accomplished. And well done to them.

However, today, a small but powerful faction of extremist, oppressive, and self serving Jews hiding under the “Zionism” name have become a threat to the free world. These pseudo “Zionists” are to Jews, as Al Qaeda is to Islam - an extremist group. They are not “the Jews” just as Al Qaeda is not “Islam.”

These modern pseudo-Zionists are a danger and threat to the rights and freedoms of Mankind. You reading this are one of the people who are threatened.

Posing as Jews when it suits them, they play the “poor us, we are victims” anti semitism card when confronted or attacked and they fully capitalize on this smoke screen to prevent detection and identification.

Pseudo Zionists have a hidden agenda and they are the ones who have infiltrated and control many governments, Banking, Finance, corporate entities, the Media, Television, Mental Health, Law, Education etc. They are behind much of what has gone bad in the domino effect of the crashed world economy and destroyed world currencies. They have thrown the dogs off their scent by hiding in amongst the broader generality of “the Jews” to avoid detection and accountability.

Their plan was and is World control. They are members of the “Global Elite.”

A major enemy of theirs are the Islamic Arab nations. Because of their close associations and conflicts with the Muslim world, Zionists fear being exposed by them more than by any other people. The Arab nations are very capable of doing that, if anyone would listen to them!

However these Pseudo Zionists have managed to shift negative world perceptions from them (as “Jews”) to their enemies. Anti Semitism has become anti-Islam.

How did they turn the tables? Answer: 9/11.

Here is a test. How do the American people, the American government, and indeed the World view the concept of “Islam” today? How long has it been this way? How many people had even heard the words “Muslim” or “Islam” prior to 9/11? How come when we say those words today there is a degree of negativity colouring our views of these two things? Who are the “bad guys” in modern TV shows and movies now?

“War on Terror” has been rammed down our throats for 10 years. Repetition of the propaganda has programmed us into developing negative views about “Muslims” and “Islam” no matter how hard we try to remain fair and objective. It is brainwashing, by the Media and Governments. It is religious discrimination and incitement of religious hatred.

Islam is the sworn enemy of these extremist Jews flying the Zionist flag.

How would it feel to be a “normal” respectable Muslim in all of this? Or a normal, respectable Jew? These people are the majority. They are peaceful, law abiding, generous, cooperative, positive and socially motivated members of the Jewish and Islamic faiths. Those people are like us, good people. They are not our enemies.

Our enemy are the Pseudo Zionists. The “Global Elite.”

Being key players in Wall Street, US Government, and US Banking, these suppressives, have contributed to not one major threat to the people of Earth but now to two major threats.

They were ultimately behind “9/11” and are ultimately behind the current shambles the United States is in financially and the knock-on effect it has had on the rest of the world.

Since the current global economic crisis is a sort of “part two” of world domination, what happened to “part one?”

Domination and subjugation of the world’s populations did not all go as intended through the 9/11 master plan which was to police everyone into submission in the name of “homeland security” and “protecting our freedoms” in response to the hoax “War On Terror.” Thanks to a totally incompetent, dopey, US President who was not a good liar, the Internet, suspicious and concerned members of the public trying to raise the alarm, whistleblowers who were involved, etc eventually a lot of people got smart, got educated even haphazardly, but at least better informed, about 9/11.

Do a Google search on “9/11 conspiracy.”

Today it is common knowledge that the Zionists orchestrated 9/11. This was most eloquently summed up by former Italian president Francesco Cossigain 2003. He is quoted as saying:

"All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan."

Just recently, on October 24, 2010 the President of Iran, Mr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dared to speak up at the United Nations General Assembly saying that 9/11 was “an inside job.” He said:

"… some segments within the US government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy, and its grips on the Middle East, in order to save the Zionist regime."

The effect it caused? The US delegation “walked out.” There was international outcry by governments and the Media (surprise, surprise) against President Ahmadinejad. Outcry? Really? Easy to walk away than to face the possibility of exposure.

I don’t think the President of Iran is one of the Global Elite somehow! Well he is not a Zionist Jew, so how could he? I wonder how soon it will be before we see on the news that “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad died peacefully in his sleep after a short illness.”

Well, thanks to financial criminality in the United States of America, ultimately overseen by the Pseudo-Zionist-Jewish bankers running the country, we have a new effort to ruin, control, and dominate the populations of Earth in the form of the current “World Economic Crisis.” If you don’t believe that, look at the following list of people that run the US Federal Reserve. All of these people are Zionist-Jews.

1. Ben Shalom Bernanke: Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2020.
2. Donald L. Kohn: Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2016.
3. Randall S. Kroszner: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
4. Frederic S. Mishkin: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2014.
5. Alan Greenspan: Advisor to Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Recent Chairman.

Remember it started off in the United States of America. And then we were all told that it was the same everywhere else and overnight it became an “international crisis.” Now it’s everyone’s problem. It’s gone global. And today we struggle to keep our businesses going, pay our bills and mortgages, raise our families, and hope there will still be a future for us to retire to. We, the people are the ones suffering for those people’s plans of global domination.

Since 2008, what have we experienced? Crashed world economies. Crashed currencies. Huge debts that will NEVER be able to be paid back. Financial criminals exposed. Crazy, desperate “stimulus packages” putting money back in to the pockets of the people who caused the mess. Loss of jobs. Big freezes on spending, in effect crippling the natural and necessary flows of economy and trade. The disappearance of “Christmas” (cut spending.) Soaring Crime. The list goes on. Chaos is one word to describe it.

The tactic has been to reward the criminals and penalize the good.

This post-9/11 world we live in today is so vastly different from the pre-9/11 world we left in the last century. The 21st Century so far has been a nightmare!

The world is going down the toilet at a mad rate.

This opens up the future possibility of a need to implement… martial law.

Martial law = a Police State. We are already half way there!

Police State = reduction of freedom

Reduction of freedom = external control greater than the will of the people.

External control not stopped = eventual world domination

How do you cripple a society?

Destroy that which makes the society work. Money. Economics.

Destroy that and the door is wide open for total control.

Do not let the Pseudo-Zionists, posing as “Jews” do this to us.

Christians, Muslims, Jews and everyone else unite, and as one use the Internet to educate. Stop them before they stop us.

Fight The Oppressors is a lone individual whose educational material is for the benefit of all people of Earth, presented in an objective and informative way.
