Staged Government Terror: An Open Admission Within The British House of Lords

Brandon Turbeville Activist Post  November 11, 2010

If there was any doubt that governments fund terror and stage false flag attacks against themselves, that doubt should be erased by a recent exchange within the British House of Lords. In addressing his peers in the House, Lord James of Blackheath revealed that he had been involved in the laundering of billions of pounds of terrorist money, specifically that of the IRA and various North African terrorists at the behest of the Bank of England. James also explained that he had been contacted by a secretive organization that was offering to help Britain pay off its extraordinary debt.
The debt question was actually what prompted such an unbelievable admission of guilt by Lord James in the first place. Initially, he announced that he had been contacted by a very “strange” and secretive organization that wanted to “make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the economy” in England. After relaying this to a colleague in the House of Lords, Lord James was apparently told he was not important enough to be contacted by this organization, a statement which James evidently took personally. In response to his fellow Lord’s statement that he didn’t have the experience to deal with this agency, which is apparently secret to everyone except those deep in the Know, James’ response was remarkable.
“Yes I do,” he said. “I have had one of the biggest experiences in the laundering of terrorist money and funny money that anyone has had in the City. I have handled billions of pounds of terrorist money.”
When asked by the Baroness Hollis of Heigham where the money went to, he explained further:
Not into my pocket. My biggest terrorist client was the IRA and I am pleased to say that I managed to write off more than #1 billion of its money. I have also had extensive connections with North African terrorists, but that was of a far nastier nature, and I do not want to talk about that because it is still a security issue.
James went even further after making these remarks, implicating the Bank of England in the funding of terrorists as well. “I hasten to add that it is no good getting the police in, because I shall immediately call the Bank of England as my defense witness, given that it put me in to deal with these problems.”
While the idea that the Bank of England, the House of Lords, and other governmental institutions fund the very terrorists they claim to be so afraid of is not surprising at all; it is only surprising to see
such open discussion of it in public. Britain has devolved into a police state in recent years under the guise of fighting terrorism, yet their own governmental and banking institutions openly admit to funding these terrorists. This is a clear case of the Problem-Reaction-Solution technique that has been so successful for governments and societal leaders for thousands of years.

But James’ comments do not end there. “The point is,” he says, “that when I was in the course of doing this strange activity, I had an interesting set of phone numbers and references that I could go to for help when I needed it. So people in the City have known that if they want to check out anything that looks at all odd, they can come to me and I can press a few phone numbers to obtain a reference.” James does not expound upon who these contacts actually are, but they are undoubtedly very well-connected and powerful people if they can be called upon to corroborate and provide references for such internal affairs such as those being discussed by Lord James.
Yet James’ comments reveal even more secretive activity when he begins to discuss the shadowy organization, Foundation X as he calls it, that allegedly contacted him with the proposal to aid England in the payment of its debt. Undoubtedly, the stature of Foundation X ranks higher than any organization we are currently aware of. As Lord James attempted to connect Foundation X with the appropriate individuals within the House of Lords and the Bank of England he says, “I found myself between a rock and a hard place that were totally paranoid about each other, because the foundation X people have an amazing obsession with their own security. They expect to be contacted only by someone equal to head of state status or someone with an international security rating equal to the top six people in the world."

James is clearly describing some very powerful movers and shakers with tendencies toward elitism. They are obviously accustomed to being contacted by individuals very high up in the social structure and they are unappreciative when addressed by the lower stratum. Yet when members of the Bank of England and the British House of Lords are considered lower members of society, just how high do the Foundation X people go? While bloggers have suggested that the mystery organization may be the United Nations Office of International Treasury Control (UNOITC), and some have even hinted at the Vatican, Lord James has made it clear that Foundation X, whoever they may be, are “still effectively on the gold standard from back in the 1920s and that their entire currency holdings throughout the world, which were very large, were backed by bullion.” This means that “a figure for the amount of bullion that would be needed to cover their currency reserves, as claimed, which would be more than the entire value of bullion that had ever been mined in the history of the world.” According to Lord James, Foundation X is willing to loan the British government billions of pounds for projects as diverse as hospitals, schools, and crossrails.
Regardless of the final outcome of the Foundation X loan discussion, its offer has at the very least provoked an astonishing admission from a member of the British House of Lords. A government that openly admits funding terrorism, which is aimed at its own population, and then considers business deals with shadowy financial organizations without informing them should provoke widespread outrage. But, given the current state of affairs in England, it probably won’t.

Works Cited
“Conservative Peer Lord James of Blackheath: I’m a money washer, not a money launderer.” November 4, 2010.

Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University where he earned the Pee Dee Electric Scholar’s Award as an undergraduate. He has had numerous articles published dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, and civil liberties. He also the author of Codex Alimentarius – The End of Health Freedom

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