Rights Under Attack

Emergency: Politicians Call for End of 1st & 2nd Amendments
Is the Loughner Massacre the crisis this White House and Congress have been waiting for?

Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes
Prison Planet.com [1]
Jan 11, 2011
Alex Jones issues an alert via a special video address [2] as certain factions in Congress are moving very quickly to seize upon the tragic shooting in Arizona to pass both gun control laws and restrict free speech under the guise of protecting political servants.
The emerging background of Jared Lee Loughner clearly indicates a deeply mentally disturbed individual, but many in Congress cannot wait for all the details of his motivation to emerge before hurrying legislation through Capitol Hill this week. They have teamed up with the mainstream corporate media to pose as concerned liberals trying to protect the weak, while forcefully demanding draconian restrictions on the Bill of Rights.

The rush is on to prey upon sentiments while they are still fresh. They will use this tragedy to usher in an agenda the Obama Administration couldn’t otherwise advance, but have long planned for. Top Obama and Clinton advisors like Robert Shapiro have cryptically warned for months [3] that only an Oklahoma City or 9/11-style incident could save Obama’s presidency. Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel famously quipped [4] that “You never want to let a good crisis go to waste.” Is the Loughner Massacre the crisis this White House and Congress have been waiting for?
For gun legislation, there’s been no useful momentum until now. Holder [5] and Obama [6] heralded the return of the assault weapons ban early on in 2009, but the focus has always been on the available political currency. But with a ripe tragedy that rightfully shocked the nation at hand, Rep. McCarthy and other dedicated gun grabbers in Congress have rallied, ready to ‘look at what I can pass.’ [7] McCarthy has eyed banning the 30-count clip used by the accused killer, one of the expired provisions of the Assault Weapons Ban she and others got under Clinton.
Emergency: Politicians Call for End of 1st & 2nd Amendments  5months 340x169 [8]
Meanwhile, Congressman Robert Brady plans openly to ride on the backs of Giffords’ attempted assassination and the murder of 5 others as well, with plans to “criminalize” threatening language or symbols against members of Congress. Like well-laid plans for anti-gun legislation, the Democrats have long plotted an avenue to impose the Fairness Doctrine over the realm of talk radio [9]. In the name of protecting our elected officials, Brady will help chill political speech, starting with the banning of over-zealous rhetoric like the well publicized example of Sarah Palin’s map which placed a “target” [10] over a number of districts including that of Rep. Giffords.
Despite the fact that the father of slain 9-year old Christina Taylor Green demanded [11] the press not use his daughter’s death to restrict civil liberties, the public figures involved have lined up to grandstand over the incident and exploit the madness of accused murderer Jared Lee Loughner.
Pima County Sheriff Dupnik lead the demands to reign in speech and tone down the rhetoric [12], lambasting the “vitriol” of pundits and politicians, openly challenging their right to express and defend their views and stating in his press conference that those who talk for a living ‘have free speech,’ but that such speech bears ‘consequences.’
“When the rhetoric about hatred, about mistrust of government, about paranoia of how government operates, and to try to inflame the public on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it has impact on people especially who are unbalanced personalities,” Dupnik said [13].
Fresh food that lasts from eFoodsDirect (AD) [14]
Plenty of others, including Mark Potok of the SPLC, followed Dupnik [15] in implicitly blaming the actions of the suspected shooter on a cocktail of voices in the “radical right” whose angry sentiment has risen to the surface since the 2010 midterm election season.
Those in Congress, however, have already reciprocated with immediate proposals for legislation [16]. The overtones are reminiscent of the rushed and pressured passing of the Constitution-shredding PATRIOT Act in the wake of 9/11. Now, as the War on Terror– supposedly justified by the September 11 attacks– has shifted into the war of suspicion against the American people, returning veterans, political dissidents [17] and others, certain factions in Congress now want to cut again at the Constitution and Bill of Rights, imposing the burden for the malicious and evil actions of one individual on the free speech and 2nd Amendment of everyone in the national conversation and political discourse.
Now, a decade after all Americans gave up a number of their rights in turn for the auspices of ‘security’ following 9/11, some of the most ‘vitriolic’ and supposedly ‘angry’ voices in politics, along with the others, will be asked to give up their freedom [9] to words and expression so we can again feel a little bit “safer.” But it won’t work. Bad people and criminals will still get guns; insulating politicians will only advance tyranny’s shadowy ascent; and chilling free speech will only bring martial law control over the people closer still.
As Benjamin Franklin wisely warned in the founding era, Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither (and will obtain neither).
