
Canadian Government Falls Without A Shot Fired

Breaking News: Just 20 minutes ago the Canadian government and its ruling party was defeated in a non-confidence motion in the House of Parliament. The issue that led to the fall of the minority "Harper Government", (Conservative Party) was they had earlier been ruled in "Contempt of Parliament" by the Speaker of the House, over issues of non-disclosure of govt. documents that would certainly make the ruling party look very bad. The Prime Minister refused to disclose the documents required by a parliamentary committee and it spun out of control for the Harper government. Or did it?

Some might have thought the opposition would wait until the vote on the budget next week, but this way the Conservatives have the ignominious legacy of being the only Canadian govt..turfed out on a non-confidence motion over a contempt of parliament ruling.

The last Canadian govt.. voted out on a non-confidence motion was the minority Progressive Conservative government of Joe Clark back in 1980. This time a minority govt. situation has been in effect for the last five years and this column thinks it has worked very well. Especially after the 11+ years and three consecutive majority parliaments enjoyed by the previous Liberal Chretien Regime.

All polls show that the citizens of the country have no real appetite for a federal election right now. Maybe they are more concerned with issues closer to home. Maybe the people are fine with the current minority parliament situation. We all know it is much harder for any party to affect great change when in a minority in the House.

The three opposition parties voted against the minority Harper Conservative govt.for the first time ever, on a formal non-confidence motion by the Liberal Party..This is a Coup-de-tat Canadian style. This is how you effect change without violence, without bullets or bombs. No one is protesting in the streets over it because, we all now know we will be able to do what no one in the middle east is allowed to do.Vote. After watching the struggle for new freedom in the middle eat lately, I believe Canadians appreciate our freedoms and rights even more than usual, least not the ability to elect our own representatives.

Breaking News: Ten minutes ago the Prime Minister announced he will visit the Governor General tomorrow at Rideau Hall and ask him to call an federal general election.

It is my prognosis that the Liberals will eventually make a secret deal with the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois to gain power via a coalition government aka. Great Britain.

Democracy works in Canada and I believe that  if the rest of the nations would only follow our political example, we all could solve most of the worlds problems.
