
Obama Follows Bilderberg Consensus In Abandoning Iraq Withdrawal
Power brokers at 2011 St. Moritz conference agreed US “has no intentions of ever leaving Iraq”
Paul Joseph Watson

Last month we reported that the occupation of Iraq would be “prolonged indefinitely” and that a substantial number of U.S. troops would remain in the country beyond the December 31 deadline, which is precisely what transpired yesterday when the Obama administration announced its intention to abandon the original withdrawal plan.

“The Obama administration has been debating how large a force to propose leaving in Iraq. It made its proposal now in hopes of spurring a request from Prime Minister Nouri Maliki’s government, and to give the Pentagon time to plan, the officials said,” reports the L.A. Times, confirming that plans for a full withdrawal by the end of the year have been all but scrapped.
Senator John McCain has also called for 10-13,000 US troops to remain in the country for for “intelligence capabilities”.
Of course, these troops will be supplemented by security guards, mercenaries and innumerable other assets, swelling that figure by tens of thousands.
How were we able to forecast that efforts would be made to prolong the occupation beyond the set deadline? We didn’t have to rely on any crystal balls – we were merely going on leaked information from the 2011 Bilderberg Group meeting – a conference of global power brokers that the establishment media still claims has no influence on world affairs.
While the mainstream press was busy obsessing about Weiner’s Weiner and claiming Bilderbergers were merely gathering to play golf and idly stroll through the mountains of St. Moritz, Bilderberg members themselves were busy forming the consensus on the big issues, namely Iraq.
