Police State

TSA Agents Think They Are Above The Law
TSA worker in uniform flashes badge, brutally rapes woman

Paul Joseph Watson

Yet another example of a TSA agent engaging in rampant criminality and believing themselves to be above the law emerged yesterday, when 52-year-old TSA worker Harold Glen Rodman allegedly approached a woman in full uniform before flashing his badge and proceeding to brutally rape and sodomize her.

“Police arrested Rodman on Nov. 20. He is charged with aggravated sexual battery, object sexual penetration, forcible sodomy and abduction with intent to defile,” reports ABC 7 News.
“Police said the victim reported that she and a friend were in the 10500 block of Winfield Loop in Manassas when the suspect approached them. The suspect flashed a badge and sexually assaulted the victim before fleeing on foot, police said.”
The Transportation Security Administration confirmed that Rodman worked for the agency but refused to say where or in what capacity.

As we have documented, this certainly not the first time a TSA agent has abused their position of authority to wantonly break the law.
Earlier this year, a TSA agent in Connecticut was charged with harassment after he posed as a cop by flashing his badge at a woman in an attempt to intimidate her into driving faster.
This is by no means restricted to two isolated incidents. Every week brings a new TSA horror story. Given the epidemic of harassment, criminality and abuse that TSA agents have been caught engaging in both on the job and off-duty, it’s not surprising that the rollout of an army of TSA agents to provide “security” at every level of American society, from train stations to bus terminals, from highways to high school proms, is stoking concerns that the federal agency is set to become the de facto “civilian national security force” that Barack Obama promised in his pre-election speech.
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
There’s a whole army of TSA workers who think that because they are given a shiny badge and a blue uniform that makes them above the law and allows them to engage in criminal acts and sexual deviancy. That they think they can get away with intimidating the public into following their every order, even to the point of sexual assault, underscores the mindset of a nation fast sinking into an authoritarian police state.
What kind of training must the feds be giving TSA agents to produce such a prolific streak of criminality and abuse of power? Or on the other hand is it more to do with the fact that sexual deviants and criminals are attracted to a job that allows them to fondle and abuse women and children?
Either way, such stories illustrate what an odious and reprehensible agency the TSA has become and why it should be completely abolished, especially considering the fact that these state-hired goons are now roaming bus terminals, train stations and highways. If you think you can avoid this by not flying, think again.
The fact that scandal and criminal behavior involving TSA agents continually gets swept under the carpet while the establishment media ignores the clear evidence that this is an epidemic of abuse illustrates the reality that the TSA is designed to be an occupying force whose primary role is to oppress and abuse the American people.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.


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