
Free Speech Case Headed To Supreme Court Could Have Huge Impact On Socia...

Is Michael Avenatti The Savior Of The Democrats, Or An Opportunistic Huc...

Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Made Her Story Up! (REACTION)

30 Seconds on Chinese Train Shows What Facebook Wants in America

The Wall Street Journal Taking Money Away From Kids With Cancer

Gab Scourged from the Internet by DeplatformHate

Third Migrant Caravan Is Reportedly Armed, Clashed At Border

Fox News Ratings Beat CNN & MSNBC Combined

Trudeau's using your banking information to "expand the state"

China’s “Terrorist” Concentration Camps

Illegal giggles about killing cops, Dems outraged... at...

Trudeau plans massive increase in Somali immigration

Project Veritas: Beto Staffers Apparently Used Campaign Funds to Support...

Don Lemon Doubles Down on his Racism as Legacy Media CNN Circles the Wagons

Migration not a 'human right': Austria pulls out of UN-backed pact

BREAKING: Mueller’s WORST NIGHTMARE Materializes As Investigators Reveal...

Claire McCaskill Gets Desperate, Goes Full Republican as Poll Numbers Fall

Justin Trudeau wants your private banking information | Ezra Levant

Open racism? CNN host says ‘white men are biggest terror threat in US’

Project Veritas Exposes Andrew Gillums Racist Staffer and Intent to Brea...

Hungary shows the 1st world how it's done, eliminates gender studies

Losing Democrats Desperately Embrace Trump Immigration Policy

Beto O’Rourke on MSNBC: Democrats ‘Absolutely’ Pander To The Rich

Cenk Uygur Rips Establishment Media Directly To Their Face

4 reasons college degrees are losing their value

Hillary Clinton Flirts With Idea of 2020 Run, Leftists Collectively Cringe

'Religious justice': Islamist party calls for death of judges who acquit...

Corporate Media Outlets STUNNED That Candidates Are Talking About Climat...

Why They want to REPLACE YOU

CNN'S ULTRA Racist Comment & Heated INSANITY on the VIEW!!

Red Wave Early Voting Results & The Debunked Media's Denial of Reality

Never Go Full Don Lemon - Says Stop Demonizing People Then Demonizes a Race

Racist Don Lemon and CNN Have Gone Insane!!!

Don Lemon goes FULL RACIST in this clip and becomes Black Hitler

Belgium Hits Facebook With $100 Million Fine

Investigation Finds Smartphone Updates Designed To Increase New Device S...

THEY ARRESTED HIM! Cops Nab UNHINGED Lib After Trying To Buy The ONE THI...

Three migrants charged with drugging and raping Italian teenager

Migrants Open Fire on Mex Cops

Bloomberg Uses the Pittsburgh Shooting to Push His Gun Control Crap Again

Dems ROCKED By One Woman Seconds After Sh...

OVER 5,000 Troops En Route To Block Migrant Caravan

Stripping The Central Banks Power Is Easier Than You Think - Episode 1702a

The Birthright Citizenship Debate Is Bad News For Democrats

Michael Avenatti: The Dem Nominee Better Be A White Male

New "Orange Man Bad" Ice Cream Flavor By Ben&Jerry's

Social Media Exodus


Gab is Being Attacked Partly Because Twitter Has Low Long-Term Viability

Bigoted Don Lemon the Perfect Example of Why the Left is Losing

Trudeau strips Nazi of Canadian citizenship, but not ISIS members

Hillary Is Back: 'I'd Like To Be President'

Social Media Regulation Is Coming, NOTHING Can Stop it

Matt Drudge is Right about FOX Being a Moronic Sham Company

Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Insinuates that All Black Men Look Alike

Walmart Caught Sharing Shoppers’ Personal Data With Facebook

Merkel, “Pawn of American Deep-State,” Won’t Seek Reelection

New Brazilian President Says He’s "In Favor Of A Dictatorship"

Hillary Clinton Is Considering A 2020 Presidential Run. Again. AMERICA S...

China Unveils World’s Longest Sea Bridge

Amnesty Int. Shady Ties to Intelligence Agencies Exposed

1 MILLION Chinese Sent to Spy on Xinjiang

Why Wall Street Loves Brazil’s Far-Right President-Elect

117 White Helmets Resettled in Canada

Texas Officials Say Voting Machines Switching Votes From Beto To Cruz, B...

My Experience at Turning Point USA's Young Black Leadership Summit! #YBL...

Joe Biden Pushes Stunningly Stupid 'Anti-Populist' Strategy For 2020

Democrats Caught Trying To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

The Soros Narrative Psyop

Don't Underestimate the Wicked Witch of the West

Catholic Foundation for a One-World Religion

Then They Came For Gab…

Pope Defends Pedo Priests Again

Corporate hypocrisy: #MeToo-backing companies shield workers accused of ...

Gab Gets Infowars'd by the Corporate Authoritarians, to Great Applause b...

The Corporate Media Can't Bring itself to Admit the Synagogue Shooter wa...

Democrats Are Getting Scared

Gab vs the Moral Cartel of Silicon Valley

New Zealand Ratifies TPP Against Will Of People

The Left Cant Understand This Meme, WHY?!

Damore 2.0?! Apple Engineer Calls Out Regressive Ideology

The Far Left Was The BIGGEST Mistake The Democrats Ever Made

Censorship Has Won, The Banning Of Gab Proves It

RIP Apu - NPC's Ruin The Simpsons

Nestle sued for perpetuating child slavery overseas from headquarters in US

Gab Gets Censored

Migrant Caravan Refuses Mexican Offer of Refugee Status

The Media Spin Cycle Wants you to Be Afraid, But We Must Reject Fear