
WHOA! MSNBC Is WARNING Voters NOT To Nominate This Dem at ALL Costs!

Matt Taibbi & Aaron Maté on Progressive Media Embracing RussiaGate

JJ Abrams Drops Another Rise of Skywalker Spoiler - Lucasfilm Is Desperate!

Bernie Sanders UN-ENDORSES Cenk Uygur In Congressional Race!

Crazy Feminists Want To CANCEL Clint Eastwood's New Film Richard Jewell

Propaganda: The Psychological Effects on our Society.

Jordan Peterson Failed His Own Daughter

UK Labour was 'captured by inner city middle class elites'

A working-class revolt against Labour -- the spiked podcast

Why Japan Arrests Foreigners

Chunk Yogurt is FINISHED

Every County in the USA Should Become a Gun Sanctuary

UK has ‘wreaked its revenge on the political establishment’

Impeachment Continues to Lose Favor

Initial US-China Trade Deal Achieved (China Believes Trump Will be Re-el...

Joker Running Trump2020 Campaign in Comic Is Supposed To Upset Us?

Bernie “Un-Endorses” Cenk Uygur Over Smears

AOC CAUGHT Meddling in a Foreign Government Election!!

Democrats CAVE To Trump On Defense Budget

Coward Jerry Nadler Hides from Women Trump Supporters

Is Hollywood Beginning To Reject Wokeness?

The Social Justice Takeover of Entertainment

Anthony Mackie Explains Why Hollywood Movies Suck Now

Oliver Stone on Rob Reiner & the Deep State

Xbox Series X is Basically Pointless

CNN Attacks Star Wars Fans

Youtube Purge LIES! Censorship Of Alternative Platforms & More!

Pres. Trump on Dems Impeachment: "It's Good for Me Politically!"


Will Scotland Leave the UK?


FIRST temptation of Christ?


Five Key Takeaways from UK General Election 2019

Liberals Cheering FBI Surveillance Is ‘Bizarro World’ – Lionel

Afghanistan Papers Exposed, Fake Syrian Chemical Attacks, Insane Corpora...

The Absolute Best Explanation of What the House Impeachment Process Was ...

Virginia Gun Owners THREATENED By House Rep Over 2A Sanctuaries!

YouTube's Latest Arbitrary and Unpopular Decision

Nationalist Populists are TAKING OVER Mainstream Conservative Parties!!!

How Your Pet Is Trying To Warn You That You Are Going To Die

First Ever Surface Map of a Neutron Star Reveals Something Weird

John Ratcliffe Drops BOMB During Hearing that Has Adam Schiff PANICKING

Jimmy Kimmel Breaks YouTube Rules Knighting For Greta Thunberg

This is Why the Structural Discrimination Narrative is Wrong | Heather M...

Joe Rogan | JFK Warned Us About Secret Societies

McConnell Vows Total Coordination with Trump's White House to Acquit Dur...

UK Election 2019 - Nationalists Win in Landslide - Labour Party CRUSHED

Johnson's win is a win for freedom

Polish MP: 'For me, multiculturalism is not a value' | UpFront (Headliner)

Rep. Collins STORMS OUT of Impeachment Hearing Over Egregious Dem Lies

Rep. Zeldin Calls Out CNN for ‘Blatantly False’ Impeachment Coverage I W...

George Soros ADMITS that the Globalist World Order is COLLAPSING!!!


Disney Dumps The Last Jedi - "This Doesn't Matter"

Trump Challenges World Bank on China | China Uncensored

Corbyn Refuses to Resign

FBI Working With Large Tech Giants To Collect Your Data

You Have NO Choice - George Carlin

Your Rights Are An ILLUSION - George Carlin


BREXIT VIC-TORY Bojo's Tories win in a landslide; what now?

UK Labour Disastrous Election should Terrify US Democrats

Ratcliffe: Obama Admin Asked Foreign Governments to Investigate Candidat...

Dem Portrays Fictional Scenario of Trump Holding Zelensky's Daughter 'In...

The Truth about Bloomberg's Oppressive Gun Control agenda for Presidenti...

House Democrats (Nadler) PUSH Impeachment Forward!

Why Is Diversity Our Strength?

Why Remain Lost So Badly

Survivors Of Socialism Explain The Reality Of Living Through It

The Liberals are in trouble now

This Is Why People Don't Like Her

Police STOP UPS truck and PLAY with the departed

HYPOCRISY: Corrupt Eric Holder Criticizes William Barr | The News & Why...

Abaddon: The Angel of The Abyss (Biblical Stories Explained)

Piers Morgan Can't Handle Stupidity!

NABBED!! Greta Has Some SERIOUS Splainin' To Do!


Lefties Don't Get Jokes | AOC Accuses Trump of Anti-Semitism

Top 5 Most BADASS Women From History

Breakdown: Corbyn's Labour Suffer Huge Election Loss Over Brexit

Fontana Police Officer JOSHUA MACMILLAN talks man down

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story - The Best Movie You Never Saw


Is Your Job At Risk For Wrongthink? & Political Teams (Pt. 3) | Adam Car...

UK PM Boris Johnson Speaking outside Downing Street after his win - BBC ...

Trudeau set to face a televised Committee on Canada's cozy relationship ...

Lilith: The First Woman? (Biblical Stories Explained)

Why The Broke/Economically Attractive Men Argument Doesn't Fly

Canadians say Canada isn't racist, but the racism industry disagrees | E...

Boris Johnson Landslide Destroys Fake UK Polls, 2859

Never Bet Against Britain

This is how Jews in Israel are feeling today

Rian Johnson DESTROYED Star Wars ON PURPOSE?

How Exxon Deceived The World (But Not Their Investors)

Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order!

Andrew Scheer finally does the right thing... and resigns | Keean Bexte

Where are GOP talking heads on big networks - Steve Malzberg

Taxis, taxis, taxis! Searching for UN climate change delegates on public...

Rashida Tlaib Blames Whites Again, Quickly Deletes Tweet

Jody Wilson-Raybould is refusing to move out of her entire ministerial o...

Michael Bloomberg Thinks He’s The Only Candidate Who Can Beat Trump

Adam Schiff’s Lies Finally Caught Up with Him Time to End the Charade! ...

We Found 19 More Galaxies That Lack Dark Matter and We Can't Explain Why

Should Criticizing Greta Thunberg Be OFF LIMITS Due To Age?

Disney BUSTED! Twitter Influencers Told NOT to Disclose Disney Paid Them!

YouTube Screws Up and I'm Not Surprised

Ghostbusters Afterlife Targeted for REFUSING AGENDA or BENDING THE KNEE!...

This Confirms Millennials Are Doomed...

Armed guards, police and walls protect United Nations | Sheila Gunn Reid

NAS Pensacola Tragedy Raises Questions Over Cozy US/Saudi Relationship

An Ecological Disaster that Could Starve the World | America Uncovered

Liberals cheering FBI surveillance is ‘Bizarro World’ – Lionel

A US Politician running for President, decides to ignore/break the law a...

Trump Supporters Threaten Second Civil War If Trump Is Impeached

If Your Wrists Are Ever Zip-Tied Together, There’s One Simple Way To Esc...

Why More Men Are Ghosting Women In 2020

Italy's Integration Boot Camps for Migrants

when feminists make a movie...

Pelosi ADMITS Impeachment Has Been Happening For Over TWO YEARS!

Bloomberg Dumps A Stunning $100M+ On TV Ads

He’s Hungry Again! Joe Biden LOSES It During Speech - Starts Muttering A...

UK Election Fallout: Conservatives Absolutely Destroy Labour In Exit Polls

Jody Wilson-Raybould is refusing to move out of her entire ministerial o...


Court Orders Facebook To Unban "Neo Fascist" Group | Subverse News

The 2020 Online Business Collapse Is Already Happening

identity disorder will no longer be considered a disorder

Cannabis market opens up in Ontario

Dems Unveil 2 Articles Of Impeachment For Trump

Steve Harvey Eyeroll Goes VIRAL After He’s Forced to Ask Miss Universe a...


27,000 UN climate change warriors need massive conference centres, too |...

CNN Concedes Victory to Trump Over Democrats During Impeachment Hearings

Freedom Dies While the Media Lies

UK exit polls are in. Labour demolished. Here are some quotes

DEEP DIVE: Here is what’s Inside the FISA Report That Is WORSE Than The ...

OMG! Detective EXPOSES What REALLY Happened On Epstein Flights with Bill...

LOOK At The Signs on Display At Impeachment Hearing That Republicans Put Up

Terrifying Weapon That Targets Your DNA

Dems Pretend Hunter Never Had Conflicts of Interests Regarding Millions ...

Media bias: Why Putin-Ukraine deal gets no coverage

Greatest election upset since 1935 in Great Britain + Vacation update |

Dems Lack Votes to Impeach Trump According to Current New York Times Survey

Race to 2020: Democrats think 'crooked' Hillary Clinton can defeat Donal...

FAA knew that crashed airliner wasn't safe

Priests raped deaf boys: Hear what insider says

Biden Signals He'd Only Serve One Term As President

Rashida Tlaib Blames White Supremacy When Black People Shoot Jews

Jeremy Corbyn's Final Clown Show: Look at his Party Mate's Epic Reaction

Election Night! Boris Johnson Most Powerful PM Since Thatcher. "Projecte...

Keiser Report: All That Was Hidden is Being Revealed (E1474)

Goodbye Jeremy

YouTubes Changes Rules To Protecc Feels

They Lied to Us All Along, We Knew It, and the Afghanistan Papers Prove It

Fitness Standards Are Not Sexist | Live From The Lair

'Woke' Parents CANCEL School Musical

Brokaw to Colbert: social media killed trust in journalism

SCHEER RESIGNS: Tory leader steps down to spend time with family

Trump Breaks Twitter By Telling Greta Thunberg to Chill

Afghanistan Papers Reveal the U.S. “War on Terror” was Doomed from the S...


Greta Thunberg still crying about climate change with nonsense ideas

They Actually Did It

BUSTED: Major News Networks Lie About Russia IG Report

Russia Officially Banned

Mass Delusion

Boris Johnson Wins Biggest Conservative Party Election Victory Since 1987

Greta Thunberg: Person of the year… but what has she actually inspired?

Dems Remove Mueller Probe from Trump's Impeachment After 17 Inaccuracies...

Ravens Lamar Jackson Breaks Rushing Record, Is Proving All His Doubters ...

WTF?!? VA National Guard To FORCE Sheriffs SUBMIT to DEMOCRAT Gun Laws?!?

How Boris Johnson (And U.K. Media) Defeated Jeremy Corbyn & Labour (w/ T...

I'm not supporting you, I'm opposing the other guy

What the UK Election Foreshadows for the US 2020 Election

When Is Netflix Making a Gay Muhammad Series?

The Inside Story of an Elite Law Enforcement Unit Which Ran a Criminal G...

Trump Is Pulling Ahead in Battleground Polls

The Great Youtube Purge

Epstein-linked dating app accused of 'eugenics'

The Space Marines Have Become Real

Virginia Police Officers Refuse to Obey Gun Laws

Impeaching A President Because You Don't Like Him

AOC Compares Dogs to Children During Paid Family Leave Debate

Youtube Has Really Alienated its Users This Time: CEO Susan Should Resign

MSNBC Incredulously Defends FBI & Discredited Dossier

Inspector General Report Unveils Systemic Problems at FBI

Finally the GOP Sees Why the FISA System is a Bad Idea

The Eve of the General Election

Bloody December: The YouTube Purge

J.J. Abrams Throws 'The Last Jedi' Under the Freaking Bus!

Joe Rogan on Seth Rich and How Dems and Liberal Fake News Media Use Russ...

Top 10 oil-rich countries & why they’re loved or loathed

Women describe being raped by guards in Florida prison


YouTube's Latest Arbitrary and Unpopular Decision

Why does America Turn Blind Eye to Saudi Misdeeds?

Watch Ex-CIA Agent Blow Agency's Pedo-Pushing Involvement Wide Open!!

Oh No! Lib ‘Experts’ Issue WARNING to STOP Buying This Holiday Tradition...

Senators call on government to sanction China | Power & Politics

Buttigieg Dishonestly Defends Mass Layoffs In Michigan He Likely Had A H...

Trump Thanos tweet DESTROYS ALL


Trump Announces HUGE NATO Deal -The Media Reaction Will Make You PUKE

Rachel Maddow might lose OAN case because of word 'literally'

NJ Shootout Story Dropped Like a Hot Potato When Shooter ID Revealed | E...

Jersey City JEWISH Deli Shot Up By Black Hebrew Israelites

What do you think of Greta Thunberg's plastic garbage filled Tesla? | Ke...

Youtube Drops NEW RULES, Already Major Creators Are Getting STRIKES

Youtube is over Party 2: Electric Boogalo

Joe Biden Promises to Serve Only One Term Effectively Ending Presidentia...

Marvel wants to be the creepy aunt who teaches your children weird stuff

Turkey threatens to hold US nukes hostage

Leftists PANIC After Trump Set To Enforce Ban On Antisemitism, What An O...

Don Lemon LOSES His MIND Over Trump Thanos Meme, Trump Trolls Media So P...

Obama/Bush/Trump Lied Repeatedly About Afghan War-- Documents Reveal

Impeachment FINALLY Flips In Trump's Favor, New Poll Shows Even DEMOCRAT...

YouTube's New "Policy" Basically Destroyed iDubbbzTV's Channel

Paid DNC Operative Attacks Bernie Sanders On MSNBC, "The Left Leaning Ne...

CNN Ratings Hit Record Low

Biden Concerned About Republicans Getting “Clobbered” by Dems in 2020 (N...

Youtube is Deleting Iconic Videos - Idiotic New Policies

Equality is About Pushing Some People Back

Do Nothing Greta Thunberg Is Time's Person of The Year

Conservative DECLARES WAR On Leftist Media, Files $15 MILLION DOLLAR Law...

5 Most Recent And Incredible Archaeological Discoveries To Blow Your Mind

Greta Thunberg as Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ is the Epitome of FAKE NEW...

Don Lemon FALLS APART Live On CNN Over Trump Meme!

Creepy Journalist Flips Out When Man Turns Her Down

The Most Triggered University Professor Ever

10 Tips to Make Windows Faster (For Free)

WestJet's globalist CEO Ed Sims “won't tolerate” talk of Wexit | Ezra Le...

Bernie Sanders Surges Off Of Elizabeth Warren's Dramatic Fall

Not loving’ it: More foodbanks than McDonald’s branches in UK - report

This is NO JOKE! CNN Actually Went There!

Trump on Joe Biden's Location Gaffes: 'What Is Wrong with This Guy?'

Trump: 'Our Poll Numbers Have Gone Through the Roof Because of Pelosi's ...

AG Bill Barr Exposed FISA Abuse by Obama Deep State and Inspector Genera...

“Civil rights are for Christians, too”: Pastor David Lynn banned from re...

How to secure your online accounts

Trump Makes Fun of Democrats' 'Impeachment Lite' at Pennsylvania Rally

Jeremy Corbyn faces Russiagate smear campaign before UK vote

Time Magazine STEALS Greta Thunberg's Childhood By Naming Her PERSON OF ...

Red Flag Law CONVICTS vet in Florida (Livestream Edit)

Afghan war: 20 years of deliberate disinformation by US officials - report

Lefties Want To Ban Assault Nerf Toy Guns

Insiders say Disney is furious with The Rise of Skywalker! Heads will ro...

Hillary & France - The Rulers Are Scared (Web Exclusive)

Lucasfilm Just Accidentally Confirmed The Rise of Skywalker LEAKS

The Coalition Holds as the SPD Betrays their Base Once Again.


Puritan Media TARGETS Clint Eastwood for "not respecting WAHMEN journali...


Tulsi Gabbard Sulks, Refuses to Attend Debate She Won't Likely Qualify F...

Trump Wins Everything as the Dems Announce a USMCA Deal

Virginians Begin to Fight Unconstitutional Gun Control

Trump Impeachment: A Misguided Move?

Why Washington doesn't want peace to break out in Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine peace deal ignored: Doesn't fit Russophobia narrative

It`s YouTube Purge Day! - MGTOW

UNHINGED Teacher ATTACKS a Teenage Girl Over Women For Trump Button

Jeff Bezos Loses $10 Billion Deal to Microsoft For Going Against Trump

Stop the Damn Witch Hunts | Live From The Lair

Bill Nye ‘The Fake Science Guy’ Heading To Court Against Disney

7,800 Media Jobs SLASHED This Year!!!

Population control at the UN: Third world selected for contraception cru...

Congressional Candidate Comes Out As Recreational Weed Smoker

The Bloody Origins of the Texas Rangers

Homeschooling RISING as Parents Reject Indoctrination of Their Children

Trump May Get His Abominable 'Space Force'

SWAT Responds To Shoot Out In Jersey City, Strict Gun Laws In Jersey Failed

Democrats Drop Bribery From Impeachment Articles

Bernie Voters Support JAIL TIME for Hate Speech

What in THE Hell?!? Is This NOT America Any More???

Navy BANS Saudi Students After Naval Base Incident

Tucker Carlson SLAMS "Vulture Capitalism" And Leftists Write POSITIVE St...

Pelosi's Confronted Over Stunning Impeachment Hypocrisy

There Are Findings In The IG Report (Regardless of what you have been told)

Trump Wins Supreme Court Victory as Ginsburg Blocks Congressional Reques...

William Barr Officially Disputes IG Report Findings Because John Durham ...

NASA Probe Makes Unexpected Discoveries Near the Sun

Nearly Half Of Working Americans Are Employed At Low Wage Jobs

Biden Hopes Dems Don't Win TOO Big In 2020

COUP Storms Ahead! Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler Lead With HUGE Impeachment Ann...

The Real Life Order 66 That Happened in History - Star Wars IRL Comparisons

BOOM! Seconds After IG Report Drops Trump Makes His First Move On Obama’...

WHOA! Biden Just TURNED On Obama! What He Said Will BREAK His Little Heart!

He Was Banned For Saying The 'Wrong Thing!'

How Higher Education Subsidies are Now Backfiring | Prof. Terrell

Jimmy Dore on Media Propaganda

Democrats Earn STUPIDEST DAY IN HISTORY Announcing Trump Impeachment AND...

Lavrov: Allegations of Russian interference in US are ‘baseless’

Four accused of vandalizing Montreal massacre tribute with English, Arab...

House Republican Leaders React to Articles of Impeachment

I'd Impeach Trump Even If I Knew It Helped Him Politically - Pelosi

LGBT lobby blames video games after study finds Millennials are no longe...

Media Horrified Conservative Protested Sham Impeachment Hearing

Protests continue in Chile despite president’s promise to fight corrupti...

IMPEACHMENT BACKFIRE! Trump BEATING 2020 Dems in Key Swing States!!!

Pelosi's Stunning Admission | Articles Of Impeachment Unveiled

Aftermath: YorkU's response to violent, antisemitic protest punishes Jew...

President Trump Reacts to DOJ Inspector General Report on Origins of FBI...

Is the Media Choosing Our Candidates for Us?

Horowitz Report - Coverup!

Tulsi Gabbard Decides NOT To Attend Dec Democratic Debate, Even If She Q...

John Boyega DISSES 'The Last Jedi' Before 'The Rise of Skywalker' Premiere!

MSNBC Attacks Black Voters For Not Voting Democrat!

Israel plans to block Iran by building new oil routes

Bombshell Release: U.S. Gov't Has Been Lying About Startling Failures In...

WOW! FOX News Finds Barack and Michelle Obama Worth $135 MILLION

Democrats Announce Articles of Impeachment After KANGAROO COURT!

Chinas Stranglehold on Gaming

Dems’ Impeachment Lawyer Fails & Pushes Russiagate

Families Brought CHILDREN To Active Volcano??! Volcano Erupts Vaporizing...

Is Politico Trying to Dissuade Bernie Sanders' Small Donors from Contrib...

Bernie Sanders Responds to Hillary Clinton’s Attacks with Class

Biden SNAPS! Calls Questioner "Fat" & Challenges Him To "Push-Up" Contest

China's Threat to Weaponize Rare Earth Metal Exports Backfires

Should Porn Be Regulated?

FBI Lied To FISA Court In Russiagate Investigation

Facebook moderators finally speak out

Hillary Clinton Is The New 2020 Democratic Frontrunner THIS IS NOT A JOKE

YouTube’s 2019 Cliffhanger

It's Almost Over!

Why are boys drugged more than girls? Sanchez & doctor clash

Epstein Didn't Kill Himself Art Replaces Tape Banana Masterpiece

Why Canadians don’t want Google’s ‘smart city’

ABUSE OF POWER! Lawless Nadler Just REFUSED GOP Lawmakers an ESSENTIAL R...

Nations Attempt to Combat Rise in Cybercriminal Activity | Subverse News

Only 9% of 15-year-olds can spot difference between fact and opinion

Pete Buttigieg's Big Money Backers Explain His Lack Of Transparency

Hillary Clinton & Howard Stern Mock Free College & Bernie

Conservatives And Libertarians AT WAR Over "Adult Online Content" Legality

⭐️⭐️NOT CLICKBAIT! Concentration Camps & Kidnapped Children for Parents ...

Bayer Shares Plummet As Lawsuits Over Monsanto’s Cancer Causing Roundup ...

Man Writes Epstein Meme Over Banana Art, Guards LITERALLY COVER IT UP In...

Wealthy Sociopaths Exploit Us More Than Ever

Online WEIRDOS Attack Peloton For Harmless Bike Commercial!

Another Story BURIED by the Media

Pelosi: Bush Lying Us Into Illegal Wár Wasn't Grounds For Impeachment

One Hundred Mayors Demand Trump Admit UNLIMITED Refugees into America

Trump Makes MASSIVE GAINS in Battleground States as Voters See Right Thr...

Record Number Of African Migrants Reach US Border, But Trump's Rules Cau...


What Drug are these Hot Girls Selling in Asia?


The Meltdown of Gab - Hypocrisy Overload

Some Ally! Saudi Gunman Shoots Up a Navy Base, but Let’s Not Talk About ...

Oceania | 1984

Democrats UPSET That Upcoming Debate Is All White! THEIR FAULT!

MSNBC Attacks Black Voters For Not Voting Democrat!

Trump Now Beats ALL DEMOCRATS In Latest Poll Showing Impeachment Has Cos...

Jake Tapper Admits CNN Often Ignores Progressives

"Free Speech" Goes TWITTER PURITAN, as GAB website ATTACKS Quartering, F...

Should We Ban Porn?

Bill Barr Indicts 8 in Dems Campaign Money Scheme, 2855,

Climate Change Anxiety Disorder

Fox News Host SUSPENDED On Twitter For Reporting News, Theyre Banning Jo...

Are You Sitting Down? Your 2020 Democratic Nominee Is . . . Michelle Obama

Student Who Can't Do Simple Math Gets into Top University Due to Affirma...

Bernie Sanders Get BIG Endorsement

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes For DNA Test Scandal

The "Totally Organic" Ban Porn Proposal: My Thoughts

Publication bans in Canada protect alleged terrorist, feces thrower, chi...

Chinas Economy Slumps as the US Picks Up the Pace

They Aren't Even TRYING To Hide it Anymore, Media OPENLY Hires DEMOCRATI...

Biden REFUSES To Apologize For 3 Million Deportations But Cowardly Blame...

George Carlin - Saving the Planet

Media SMEARS Ted Cruz Trying To GASLIGHT Us On Ukraine Interference DO N...

The Moral Justice Warrior

Clinton Donors Charged In Massive Campaign Finance Scheme

Al Green is PISSED! Look How He SCOLDS Fellow Dems For Their Impeachment...

Al Green is PISSED! Look How He SCOLDS Fellow Dems For Their Impeachment...

Joe Biden Is The Hillary Clinton Of The 2020 Election

Democrat Schiff's Corruption WORSE Than We Thought, Republican Vows Lega...

More MGTOW Censorship

Publication bans in Canada protect alleged terrorist, feces thrower, chi...

Social Media GIANTS Are COLLUDING Against You! - Free Information Is AT ...

Hillary Clinton Claims Bernie 'Hurt' Her. Facts Prove Otherwise.

KingFace On the Trump Effect In Black Communities

Tucker: Impeachment witnesses had no evidence, only opinions

Mainstream Poll Shows Trump Up By 6 Points

Police Officer Accidentally Shoots Suspects Mother

You'll Be Speechless When You Realize....THIS IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA!

Sex offenders in dating apps: More private data access for companies?

MSM Ignores 6 Saudis Detained After Pensacola Terrorism

Journalist QUITS After Outlet REFUSES Story On Massive Syria Scandal, Wa...

Twitter Now Explicitly and Self-Admittedly Shadowbans Users

Robin Hood Was not a socialist!!!

The DOJ to CRACK DOWN on Pornography?

Bernie Sanders Forced To FIRE New Staffer After ANOTHER Scandal Emerges

NYT Runs Hit Piece on Alex Jones; They Apparently Still Fear Infowars