
EU ON ALERT! Protests Break Out in Germany and Ireland Against Brussels ...

EU ON ALERT! Protests Break Out in Germany and Ireland Against Brussels ...

Trump Trolls Michelle Obama While Nuking Lunch Program

He's a Star! ⭐️

The Post-20th Century Man

Huber "Loses" Evidence Against Hillary Clinton

What's Causing the Breakdown of Civil Society? (1-Minute Mysteries)

The Police Admit They Knew

END GAME - The Fall of the West?

MACRON PANIC! Armed Guards Evacuate President as Protesters Storm French...

Leftist "Journalist" Calls The Police On Target Employee Over Toothbrush...

This Is Why People Are Leaving College And University In DROVES

New Chinese Coronavirus Emerges in Thailand and Japan

Supreme Court Ruling Could Bring THE END Of The Electoral College By June

Only CNN Could Construe the US Getting Out of Iraq as a "Loss"

NASA Announced That Something Massive Is Lurking Just Outside Of Our Sol...

Democrats in FULL Panic Mode Over Trump's Rising Support From Black Voters

Ilhan Omar Finally Under Investigation By Feds

Virginia is Reaching the BOILING POINT... Sheriff Suggests Replacing Gov...

Ugandan Iman gets a SURPRISE on wedding day (Livestream Edit)

Audio Confirms Warren’s Attack On Bernie As Predicted!

Ad for Highly-Paid ROLEPLAYERS Appears Ahead of Virginia Gun Rally

Bill Clinton Caught In Photos With Epstein’s Pimp On The Lolita Express

Comey Knew Clinton Was Guilty, 2906

This Is Why The Court System Doesn't Favour Men

First Chief of Space Force Sworn in as New Planets Discovered | Subverse...

High School Student: My Principal Told Me 'Don’t Do That Again' After I ...

CNN Tries To Link Bernie To Iran's Supreme Leader


How Did Nancy Pelosi Get $100 Million w/Jimmy Dore | Joe Rogan

The Corruption of the Democratic Party w/Jimmy Dore | Joe Rogan

Climate Change Kids Have LOST Their Lawsuit Against The US, Greta Thunbe...

The Cruelty of U.S. Justice System Exposed in A Single Video

This video is for Gulag Enthusiasts

Project Veritas EXPOSES Bernie Organizer

Project Veritas released video of Sanders' field organizer ranting about...

IMPORTANT: Irish General Election Details #GE2020

Riots Not Diets

This Is Why California Is Going Downhill FAST!

Jon Miller: 5 Recent Border Security Wins For Trump

Bernie’s Poll Numbers RISE After Warren Attack

TOS is The New Work Contract: Protect Creators By Cracking Down on Censo...

MSNBC Says Kids & Grandchildren Of Trump Supporters To Be Punished

MSNBC Host Threatens Trump Supporters and Their Families

Kotaku Is Hiring ANYONE...Except White or Straight People

Mums Want "D-WORD" BANNED From Burger King Ad?

Pelosi Demands William Barr End Investigation of Democrats Contacting Uk...

Meghan McCain Twists Liz Warren Like Pretzel

Lefty Gets Dental Assistant Fired For "MAGA2020" Post

Antifa Plans To SUPPORT Conservatives In Defense Of 2A Rights At Richmon...

LA's Mayor Begs For Trump's Help With the Homeless


Stop Fucking Going to College


Elizabeth Warren on HOT MIC with Bernie Sanders

CNN SLAMMED For Claiming They "Obtained" Their OWN Audio, Pretending To ...

Even CNN SLAMS Democrats Over Insane "Pen Stunt," Pelosi Is Treating Imp...

Seems Like Federal Law Enforcement may be Investigating Ilhan Omar

Bernie Sanders is Surrounded by Extremists

A NEW Migrant Caravan Is Marching To The US And Leftists Already Push In...

Russia’s Plan to Stop Free Speech on the Internet

Sanders and his Fans- Totally Wrong About Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

This Is Why Nobody Trusts CNN! Warren vs. Sanders Explained | Viva Frei ...

The Warren-Sanders Post-Debate Exchange is So Great

Ocasio Cortez's Allies Hypocritically Run Dark money Group While She Dec...

Start Your Own Planet!

Trump Supporter FIRED After Leftist Target Her Work With Bad Reviews For...

Elizabeth Warren is Obviously Lying About Bernie

Joker Oscar Nominations Drive the Media Insane | Why Joker Attacks The M...

Elizabeth Warren CNN Hot Mic Ends Bernie Sanders Campaign Before Iowa to...

Game Industry Wants UNION as Journos Lose Jobs BECAUSE of Union.

NYTimes Blatantly Lying About Bernie/Warren Debate

Cancel Culture PURITANS CANCEL free speech zones; FORCE APOLOGY!

Tech Giants Hiding Bernie Sanders R@pe Fantasy Essay

Investigation into Grooming Gangs SHUT DOWN Over Fear of 'Racial Relations"


Historic moment? Trump signs Trade Deal with China but tariffs remain

Elizabeth Warren CNN Hot Mic Ends Bernie Sanders Campaign Before Iowa to...

CNN Publishes HOT MIC Of Bernie Fighting With Warren On Stage, Leftists ...

Meghan Markle's Predictable Departure

Occult Literature #263: The Lost Keys of Freemasonry

Corrupt Virginia Governor Declares Emergency to Cope with Gun Owners

CNN and Warren DESTROY Bernie Sanders at the Iowa Debates

Peter MacKay enters Conservative leadership race

Music world mourns death of Rush drummer Neil Peart

Rockstars talking about Rush

The World Reacts To Neil Peart's Death

Remainers Still Can't Get Over Brexit

What Phase 1 of Trump's China trade deal includes -- and what it doesn't

New: Epstein kept on raping while on probation

Serial pedophile Gordon Stuckless released in Hamilton, so we went looki...

Virgin Island AG lawsuit: Epstein trafficked children as young as 11

Race Wars: Dems’ Seething Anti-White Hatred Backfires | Ep 513

Jake Tapper Yearns For More War

#CNNisTrash Trends after Democrat Debate Upsets Soytards

Baltimore Residents Protest IN FAVOR OF MORE Police!


What MSM Hid From Viewers After Delta's Jet Fuel Dump on California Kids

Syrian orphanage gives safe space to kids born as a result of ISIS rape

Motorhead, Judas Priest and MC5 Snubbed in RNR Hall of Fame!

Politician Wants To Ban Cell Phones For People Under 21

Developer Boosts Sales By 400% After His Game Hit Pirate Bay

Warren Doubles Down on Sanders Attack and Utterly FACEPLANTS

The Monstrous Failure of Political Correctness

GEEK and NERD are HATE CRIMES, according to SJWs!

University Offers CASH For Social Justice Snitches To Rat out Bigots

West Virginia Proposes Annexing Virginia Counties To PROTECT 2A Rights

Joker's Oscar Nominations Upset's Progressive Twitter & The Media

Bernie And Warren Are IMPLODING Amid Dual Scandals, Sanders Staff PANICK...

Teen Makes MeToo Claim, Later ADMITS It Was FALSE

More Than 400 San Francisco Restaurants Close in 2019

Farewell to a KING: A Tribute to NEIL PEART

Mother Blocks Father From Daughter’s Funeral - Fair Or Foul?

CBC report acknowledges 94.7% of Canadians don't watch their news or ent...

Facebook Glitch Ends Greta Thunberg's Career

Lebanese protesters vandalize country's central bank

Video appears to show missiles hitting Flight PS752

Carbon Dioxide Is Not the Worst Greenhouse Gas, Meet SF6

Bernie Sanders Campaign Worker Exposed As Violent Communist (#Expose2020)

Tucker Investigates: How did Chris Cuomo get into Yale?


Mexico Does Trump's Bidding by Clamping Down on Migrants

The Political Themes of Star Trek: Picard

Democrats DEMAND Housing for Illegals... How Can Anyone Who is "Pro-Work...

Bernie's Team Wants To Round Up Conservatives For "Re-Education"

Culture of Guilt Vs Culture of Shame

Russian government resigns

Pelosi Finally Releases Articles of Impeachment to Senate After Demandin...

Time Traveler Discovers TikTok and Social Media - THE FUTURE IS DUMB

Time Traveler Discovers TikTok and Social Media - THE FUTURE IS DUMB

The INTERNET Might Not Want You To Know THIS! 2020-2021

Joe Biden’s Latest Campaign Event Looks More Like a Funeral - LITERALLY

Real Reason Why You Will Never Be Able to Buy a House

UK pol: Let royals die & let Scotland leave!

Chris Hansen's Visit to Onision's House With Attorney Mike Morse

Chris Hansen's Visit to Onision's House With Attorney Mike Morse

Onision Calls The Police On Chris Hansen!?

Man-made biological ‘robot’ comes to life

Man-made biological ‘robot’ comes to life

Gen Flynn Moves To Withdraw His Guilty Plea, 2904

US/China Deal Will Be The Final Nail In The Globalist Economy - Episode ...

OOPSIE! Great Thunberg EXPOSED! Look Who REALLY Is Behind “Her” Social M...

MSNBC Host Accuses CNN Of Being PRO TRUMP, Brags About Being Biased

The 'Cultural Enrichment' in Maryland is Turning Out to be Cultural DISA...

Civil War BREAKING NEWS: West Virginia INVITES Virginia 2A Sanctuary Cou...

Stefan Molyneux BANNED From Mailchimp & Morons Celebrate

NASA Discovers the Most Powerful Energy Burst So Far

New Poll Shows Americans HATE Hollywood and the Mainstream Media!!!

MAJOR WIN for Trump as Almost $8 BILLION is Now Being Transferred for Co...

Economic abuse of men is now LAW!!

Warren Campaign Tries To Paint Bernie As A Sexist

Twitter Puritans are FURIOUS over Joker nominations! Want 2020 Oscars ca...

Bernie Sanders Field Op DEFENDS GULAGS! Rogue Staffer Or Not?

MUST SEE! Democrat Legislators Filmed Conspiring Against the People of V...

Gwyneth Paltrow’s $75 Candle That Smells Like Her VJJ! And It’s Sold Out!

Vince Vaughn's Trump Handshake Exposes Left Cult of Hate

McConnell Exposes Pelosi's True Intentions with Impeachment

Project Veritas Expose Could Be THE END For Bernie Sanders, Video Shows ...

Media In Full on PANIC MODE After "Russia" Hacks Burisma And Leaks Could...

CNN's Democratic Debate Was An Unmitigated DISASTER, Even CNN Now Think...

Stefan Molyneux Censored Over An Allegation

Prince Harry & Megan Threaten To Not Live In America!

Analyzing the Seventh Democratic Debate: A Huge Optics Fail

Why is Everyone Angry at Meghan Markle?

Phone hacking back door will open a Pandora's box – Ben Swann

This Astrophysicist Claims He Has Built A Prototype Time Machine And It ...

How do you feel about brothels in YOUR neighborhood? - Lionel

Are Black men REALLY on Strike?

Leaks Show The Force Was Changed for China

Bernie Sanders Staffer Supports Gulags

Ana Kasparian SHUTS DOWN Elizabeth Warren's Gross Smear of Bernie Sander...

BOOM! Texas Governor Puts His Foot DOWN On Immigration PROVING Trump’s B...

The Homozygotic Inbreds Who Are the Windsors: Harry May Have A Valid Def...

Onision Calls 911 on Chris Hansen After Surprise Visit (Recording & Tran...

Trump Tweets Iranian Schumer & Pelosi Meme | Left Implodes!

Star Wars Music Is INSULTING Claims WOKE PhD

Leftists Pretend To Be OUTRAGED At Vince Vaughn For Greeting Trump, They...


What Life Under China's Social Credit System Could Be Like

King Arthur and the Quest for the Red Pill

Cory Booker Drops Out, Surprising His Five Fans

Elizabeth Warren is Really Just a Bad Person; Caught in Total Lie About ...

Elizabeth Warren Makes Up Bernie Sanders Quote About Women Winning the P...

Ex CIA Agent on The Deep State and Media Leaking | Bryan Dean Wright

Patriot in Audience STUNS Liz Warren! DOESN’T Let Her Get Away with Her ...

Voting Machines Can Easily be Hacked

Elizabeth Warren is Seemingly Trying to Destroy Bernie Sanders’ Campaign

Global banks spooked by inequality-riots suggest taxing the rich

Illiterate Thief Cardi B Wants To Get Into Politics

How many Americans can find Iran on a map?

Prior Pope Protected Pedo Priests?

The Media: Enemy of The People

YouTube Has Done The Unthinkable

MAJOR Plot Was Foiled, but the Media is SILENT Because of One Particular...

Iranians take to the streets to protest government after it admits downi...

Unemployment is So Low, that Companies are Offering MASSIVE Bonuses & Be...

Human Trafficking Lawsuits Aim To Take Down Corporate Smugglers

Woke Outrage Media Campaign Against Joker FAILED, Movie Nets 11 Oscar No...

Leftist Celebrity Cancels Plan To move To Nigeria, "Deadass" Wants To Ru...

Why Millennials Are The Most Unhealthy Generation Ever

Women Don't Sleep With Soyboys

Nancy Pelosi's Impeachment Stunt BACKFIRED Horribly On Democrats, It's E...

Cory Booker Drops Out 2020 Race & Media Cries RACISMS

News: Emotional Shit (Morning Constitutional)

Cory Booker, AKA Spartacus, DROPS OUT, I know no one cares but I made a ...

WWIII Came and Went

YouTube’s Algorithmic Throttling of Channels

Paedophilia & the Left

The Extraterrestrial Demon Hypothesis

Leaked Emails PROVE Boeing KNEW The 737 MAX Was Dangerous, They Admit To...

Nancy Pelosi Is Fake News Trends After She Dismisses Iran Protests While...


Ancient Alien Gods

Swedish Poll Climate Change Spending A Waste, 2900

Greta Thunberg's New Demand Will KILL MILLIONS Of Poor People, She's Dan...

"Democratic Socialist" Countries OUTRAGED Over New EU minimum Wage Law, ...

The DNC Proceeds to Alienate Yang, Gabbard, and Bloomberg Fans with 7th ...

Bill Clinton CAUGHT! These New Epstein Photos CONFIRM the WORST

Rotten Tomatoes critic admits he lies in the reviews

Extinction Rebellion Classified as an Extremist Group

Nancy Pelosi Admits Defeat: Impeachment to be Sent to Die in the Senate

USA Today Dares to Question Bernie Sanders Re: His Age and Health

The Democrat Civil War Has Finally Arrived

Ocasio Cortez Launches Ad Blitz As Democrats Wage War To REMOVE Her From...

Fat Feminists Are Causing Climate Change, This Is NOT A Joke. The Far le...