
The Democrats Are Preemptively Attacking Bernie Sanders

Facebook Continues to Spiral Down the Toilet

2018 Fake News Review

He Wore THIS With Millions Watching?!? - & SILENCE from the RIGHT!?

Open Border Imperialists

~226~ The MOST Censored Stories of 2018

Trump Threatens Gov Shutdown To Last For "Months Or Even Years" Over A C...

The Fortnite Phenomenon: How It Became The Most Popular Video Game In Th...

Elizabeth Warren Supports Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

The Decline and Death of Mainstream Media News

Trump Drops Truth Bomb On Romney After He Picks Fight With The President

FBI to use Amazon’s Face Recognition

Apple sides with China against Trump

‘Change the Terms’ | A Look at the SPLC’s Activist Gang Trying to Censor...

Job report SHATTERS Expectations, Is Trump To Blame For The Booming Econ...

Democrats are Trying To ABOLISH The Electoral College

Rand Paul Smacks Down Jake Tapper On Syria

Reporter Quits Over NBC’s Devotion To War

Trudeau's Approval Rating PLUMMETS! - Could This Be The END Of Justin Tr...

Hackers release 9/11 files

China threatens to use military force in Taiwan

The Democrats Should Fund Trump's Wall

BREAKING: THEY Knew!!! Tom Fitton REVEALS The Truth About Hillary And Ob...

Sucked into matrix of Trump TV: What 2018 was like for US mainstream med...

Scary Things Alexa & Siri Say Are Cause For Concern

China releases FIRST image of far side of moon (STILL)

Breaking: Trump Vows Indefinite Shutdown After Meeting With Dems

British Spy Found Inside Bernie Sanders Campaign

Mainstream Media Executive Admits To Anti-Trump Bias

How is This a Thing? 2nd of January 2019

North Korea Was Bad. China Was Worse. | China Uncensored

Zuckerberg Promises to Gatekeep More Political Discourse in 2019

Populism Has Won, Democrats Embrace Populist Rhetoric and Style

Chuck Schumer Says He’s “Wining” Gov. Shutdown Fight

Patriots Are At DEFCON 1: [DS] Cabal Must Be Completely Destroyed And He...

Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Says 2018 was a "Dark Time" for Our Country... ...

Star Wars: Why Kathleen Kennedy couldn’t be fired in 2018

Eureka Womens March Canceled Due to Being "Too White"

Trump the Comedian

US, Israel officially leave UNESCO ‘over bias’

Brexit: Economic Facts and Fallacies

Something strange happening with the Southern Poverty Law Centre

SHOCK REPORT: European Military Ready To Overthrow EU

Dear LGBT people why are you allowing pedos

Yellow vests protest MSM headquarters

Then They Came For Louis CK

Top 10 Stories of 2018 | China Uncensored

BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren Will Run For President In 2020

Top 10 Craziest SJWs of 2018

New Years' Eve Celebrations Hilariously Dedicated to Freedom of the Press

The Great Boomer Deception

Kevin Spacey Threatens To Rat Out Elite Pedophiles

Why Trump Decided to Leave Syria, 2503

The Left is Tearing itself Apart And The Data Proves it

Debunking The Narrative Of Right Wing Radicalization On Youtube

Fed Up Yellow Vests Surround Fake News Station!!

Is Google An Agent Of The Chinese Government?

Pelosi and Schumer Met with Democratic Megadonor to Discuss "Policy"

The Patreon Debacle: There’s More Going on Here

Canadian Imam: Saying 'Merry Christmas' Worse Than Murder

No, CNN, Trumps Use of "Witch Hunt" Doesn't Offend Any Real Witches

Trump Freezes Non-Military Federal Worker Pay Raises