
NASA's Hubble Has Discovered Something Mysterious On Neptune & Uranus

Proud Boy Has His BANK Account CLOSED, The Escalation Is Insane


Ocasio-Cortez Green New Deal Is SOCIALIST Trojan Horse

5 Archaeological Discoveries That Changed the World

Moderate Democrats Rethinking 2020 Run After Public Demands Progressive ...

Unhinged Leftists HUNT DOWN Liam Neeson For Thoughts, He Shows Up On TV ...

Saudi Arabia Is Sending US-Made Weapons To Our Enemies

“It’s all going down.” Why journalism is up in flames. | Tina Brown

Zookeeper Threatens to Push Conservative Woman Into Alligator Pit

Feminism is Under Siege

Misleading Poll Claims Democrats Want Electable 2020 Candidate, Not A GO...

Tim Pool JRE Podcast Follow Up, Twitter Accused AGAIN Of Bias

Somebody Changed the WaPo’s Smug Super Bowl Ad Into a Pro-MAGA Ad & It’s...

Fake News Media Attack Candace Owens Over Hitler and Nationalism Comments

Hollywood Left Can't Handle The Fact That This Model Is Pro-Trump And Is...

Leftist Racism is the Real Threat | Joe Rogan and Tim Pool

Virginia Democrat Scandal Gets WORSE?! They're Falling Apart

Nobody Likes Me ☹️

Trump-Kim Summit Set for Hanoi at the End of February

US propaganda unit telling Americans what to think

Ocasio-Cortez Is Going INSANE, Is The Green New Deal A JOKE?!

The Shifting Definiton of "Alt-Right" | Joe Rogan & Tim Pool

RT’s Rick Sanchez slammed by viewers for criticizing Russia

Kellyanne Conway Physically Assaulted??!

Democrats Fear SOCIALISM Is Destroying Their Party

Ocasio Cortez Mocked Over INSANE Green New Deal

The Left-Wing is Collapsing, Feminists Joining Conservatives Against SJW...

Then they came for the memes.

Starbucks Billionaire Launches Out-Of-Touch Presidential Campaign.

Metals in fruit juices worse than we thought

The Absolute STATE of Virginia (A Rant)

NBC’s Bernie Bashing Segment Sponsored By Defense Contractor


5G tech is ‘crime under international law’

Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal Under Investigation - 2 Tiered Justice

Rise of Western separatism proves Canada's political elites failed

Morning Joe Attacks Tulsi For Opposing War

Not Everyone Liked It ��

Democrats Cheer for Themselves At SOTU, Not For Ending Trafficking?

Cortez is Angry #SOTU

Jimmy Dore Rages Out At Heckler, Daughter Of NYT Journalist

Why they hate PewDiePie by Paul Joseph Watson

Why Tesla batteries SUCK!!

Something Very BIG Just Happened In LA! (2019-2020)

Magnetic north pole moving faster, scientists don't know why

Democrat Scandal EXPLODES, This Is Just Insane

Democrats Cheer for Themselves At SOTU, Not For Ending Trafficking?

Dem Senator: Democrats Need To Run On Offensive Foreign Policy

Pelosi To Block Med4All Aide Tells Insurance Companies

Dumpster Fire - Race & Sex Scandals Rock Virginia Democrats

Press Reports On Joe Rogan / Jack Dorsey Bitcoin Insider Trading Scandal

Poll Shows Americans KNOW Media Is Lying About Trump

Virginia Lt. Governor Scandal Deepens, State AG Says He Wore Blackface

Elizabeth Warren Put "Native American" on her BAR Certificate

Americans APPROVE Of Trump's State Of The Union Address

Warships Size Comparison (Launch year - Length - Displacement)

Corporate Centrists Having Second Thoughts About Running In 2020

US Army To Give Soldiers New 1-Ounce Hidden Weapons That Will Change the...

Getting "WOKE" Costs EA The WORST Stock Collapse in 20 years

CEOs Start To Panic As Cheap Immigrant Labor Disappears

Elizabeth Warren Is OVER, Media Buries New Evidence Against her

Trump Wins Over the Feminists #SOTU

Former ISIS sex slaves in Canada threatened by terrorist captors

#SOTU Postmortem: DNC Impeachment Talk Is Over, Independents/Undecideds ...

Feminist Show Trials

SJWs Are Turning Trials Into A Joke

Joe Rogan is an Idiot

Salt of the Union 2019 - A Rant

Trumps' State of the Union Analysis (Born Free, Stay Free!)

The Great Reckoning: Half the Legacy Media to be Sued by Covington's San...

Democrats In Virginia Are SABOTAGING Each Other Over Northam!?!

Antifa IS NOT Libertarian, They Are AUTHORITARIAN

5G Wireless: What's the REAL Agenda?

Will The Media Still #BelieveWomen In The Case of Justin Fairfax, Virgin...

Patreon Is Falling Apart, Is Unsustainable Says CEO

Tulsi Gabbard joins NBC's club of 'true Russian puppets', no proof required

Lesbian booted from LGBTQ commission for “misgendering” trans rapist | D...

CREEPY Fake Videos Hit Youtube, Are We Under ATTACK??


Machinima Closes It's Doors. Lays Off 81 Employees

Bernie Sanders Is Racist Because He's Responding To Trump's State Of The...

Trudeau Silent as Trump Bans Canada from US infrastructure projects

NBC’s Jawdropping McCarthyite Smear of Tulsi Gabbard

Democrat SHOCKED, LOSES $2 Billion as Wealthy FLEE High Taxes

Opus Dei: The Influential Ultra-Conservative Christian Sect (2002)

Viktor Orban’s Hungary Establishes a New Nationalist School System!!!

Look What the Russian Bots Are Being Blamed for Now ��

Chris Hedges: Russia Hysteria is ‘Journalistic Demagoguery’

Liberals double-down on Trudeau's slander against blue-collar men | Shei...

How Vice Media Faked Their Web Traffic Numbers | Martina Markota

Dumb Governor Can't Stop Making His Scandal Worse

Why is NBC Lying About RT America?

Journalists are PISSED Over WaPo Superbowl Ad

CONFIRMED! Islamic Invasion Of Europe Has Triggered Unstoppable Revolution

DNA testing company sharing data with FBI

Trudeau’s “refugees” fill Toronto’s shelters, forcing homeless into tent...

Infanticide ... Her right. Her choice.

NYTimes Journo Melts Down On Joe Rogan's Show

Told You So: DNA Site Shared Info with the FBI

Gavin McInnes Sues the SPLC for Defamation

Masculinity Report Shows Why Gillette Ad FAILED

Rachel Maddow Russian Fear Mongering Goes Off Rails!

South Carolina police seize $17 million from car stops

Why Women Will Suffer The Most Under Socialism

The CRASH Of Toronto's Housing Market! - The Bubble Has BURST!

Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes LAWSUIT Against SPLC FILED

Deep State Media Money Runs Out!

Cold War Officially Back as US Withdraws from the INF Treaty

Indiegogo Apparently Deplatforms Bitchute

NASA Astronomer Reveals The True Nature Of Oumuamua

ARMED Far Leftists Wave Communist Flags, Patrol Streets

Leftist Celebrities And Media Face MASSIVE Covington Lawsuit

New Bill Could Hold Clergy Accountable For Keeping Abuse & Misconduct A ...

New Bill Could Hold Clergy Accountable For Keeping Abuse & Misconduct A ...

Leftist Celebrities And Media Face MASSIVE Covington Lawsuit

Billionaires Pushing Centrist People & Policies Ahead Of 2020 Election

NY Times Heckler Gets Owned By Jimmy Dore — The Political Vigilante

The GOOD Economy IS BAD And Its Trumps Fault!!

Democrats CANT Win 2020 Because They EAT Each Other

Captain America Hates America : Modern Marvel Comics - Bad Comic Beat Down

DIGITAL NEWS MEDIA ARMAGEDDON! Machinima Closes! Gawker Returns?!

Chuck Schumer Takes Complete Credit For Ending Gov. Shut Down

French medical mystery: At least 1,200 babies born with missing limbs, p...

Northam Backtracks, New Pictures, Pelosi and Perez Call for Resignation,...

Jobs, Wages Shatter Expectations as Stocks Rise and Labor Force Particip...