
Tulsi Defends Assange Powerfully On CNN

Tucker Carlson Defends Assange. Huh?

Bullied to DEATH for Being WHITE

Conservative Speaker Accosted with Chemical Substance

Ted Cruz Gives HARSH Warning To Tech Giants Censoring Conservative Ideas

Sargon of Akkad, Count Dankula Are Running For Political Office

Trump Checkmates the Open Borders Left

Free Speech is Supposedly Alt-Right, According to the Corporate Left

CNN Tries to Attack Trump Fed Pick Stephen Moore, but Makes Him Seem Cool

Dark Day For Journalism As Assange Arrested

Comedy Central Gets Avi Yemini Deported To Protect Jim Jefferies

WATCH Alex Jones REACT to what happened

Disney’s Bob Iger admits Star Wars has failed on the big screen?

Julian Assange has information that could 'destroy Russian hoax': Jerome...

Flashback-New Study: Clinton's Attacks On Trump Lost Her Election


Secret Messages like "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING" Embedded INSIDE Controlle...

Trump sends Migrants to Nancy Pelosi Sanctuary Cities

NDP candidate John Archer tells Albertans to vote with their skin colour...

Mainstream media celebrates Julian Assange’s arrest

Did IMF BUY Julian Assange's ARREST? - The END Of Journalism

Katie Bouman BLACK HOLE Controversy, NYT Says Her Technique Was Not Used??!

NASA Just Discovered Something Massive Hiding Underground In Antarctica

Washington Post Goes Rogue, Delivers A BRUTAL Take Down Of Lyin’ Beto O’...

US Warship and Fighter Jets Back Philippines in South China Sea | China ...

Jagmeet Singh Nails Trudeau For $12M Corporate Giveaway To Loblaws

Censorship - And Then They Came For Pewdiepie

CNN Sinks to 15th Place in Ratings

Avi Yemini DEPORTED, Came To Appear on Dave Rubin And Crowder

Amazon Spies on People Through Alexa, Somehow People are Surprised

Censorship and Shooters: A Word on New Zealand

If You Support the First Amendment You Must Support Julian Assange

'Assange's arrest is a message to journalists all over the world' - Wiki...

How Close Are We to a Self-Driving World?

Assange Arrested for Exposing U.S. War Crimes - Paul Jay

Comedy Central Has Avi Yemini Deported On Arrival To The USA

Two Thugs Thought They Could Beat Up An Elderly Man, But WAIT UNTIL He P...

Grand Jury Indicts Former Obama Counsel Greg Craig for Mueller Probe Lin...

Julian Assange Should Be Set Free, a Real Hero and True Journalist

What U.S. charges against Julian Assange mean for journalists

Watch! Assange screams at Trump during arrest

The Trouble With Trudeau

‘Alexa, who else is listening?’

Rising Rents Threaten Berlin's Diversity, Activists Demand Expropriation

Assange Arrest: The Beginning of the End For Press Fr...

MASSIVE Failures in Banking Apps EXPOSES Us To Serious Risk


Beto: Fighting Climate Change Is Just Like Fighting Nazi Germany

First ever image of SUPER-MASSIVE black hole –how big is it?

NEWS ALERT! JUSTICE SERVED: Republican Matt Gaetz Introduces ‘PENCIL Act...

Climate Change Means Accepting Mass Migration?

The Hubble Telescope Has Made This Discovery At The Center Of This Galaxy

Scandal SINKS Trudeau in the Polls!!!



Sudanese president arrested after military coup

FBI ‘spied’ on Trump presidential campaign – AG Barr

Trump-Russia Collusion: How Did the Media Get it Wrong? | Mueller Invest...

April 2019: Father Sent to Jail Due to Outrageous Family Court Demands

‘Attempted coup’: Trump slams the investigation into Russian interferenc...

Golden Dawn Girls | Trailer | Coming Soon

‘Moreno deserves the title of ‘greatest traitor of history’ – Ecuador ex...

Soros-Backed Group Gave MILLIONS to Firms Tied to Russia Investigation

Curing Deadly Disease Is A Bad Business Model For Wall Street Banks

Media finds new scandal to vilify Trump in book alleging he cheats at go...

Europe Is Not White

Real Conspiracies in US History

Bill Binney (former NSA) on the Arrest of Julian Assange

WATCH: WikiLeaks editor, Julian Assange's lawyer speak outside UK court

AG Barr Says Trump Was SPIED On During 2016 Campaign! (REACTION)

Marc Morano: Environmentalists use children to push junk science

Democrats Propose Legislation to Hire Non-Citizens in Congress

Mozilla (Which I Warned About 2 Years Ago) Bans Dissenter App as Chrome ...

Julian Assange Arrested After Asylum Revoked, Plans To Extradite To The US

Get Ready!

Bernie Sanders Is a MILLIONAIRE, Far Left Victim-hood Narrative Falling ...

Julian Assange is a Hero

Julian Assange Arrested, Setting Stage for Attacks on The Press Worldwide

Breaking: “Save The Internet Act” Passes In House

Alexa busted: thousands of Amazon employees listening 24/7

#Measles Outbreak Hysteria

Justin Trudeau's Continuing Political Death Spiral

Activists and politicians livid as DIY paternity tests soar

Assange Being Expelled From Embassy Warns Wikileaks

Epic CEO Addresses Accusations that Epic Games Store is Spyware for Chin...

Breaking: Tulsi Makes Debate Stage!

Mao Zedong: The Chairman of Communist China

Why Mao Zedong Was The Most Brutal Tyrant

The Wealthy Elite That Owns the Entire World in 2019

China – Russia hoarding gold, not dollars

Electromagnetism expert issues cellphone tower warning

Geoengineering no longer a conspiracy theory

The Shady Business of Private Prisons

News Wrap: Barr believes spying on Trump campaign 'did occur'

NEWS ALERT! Hillary and Comey CRAP THEIR PANTS When They Hear What AG Ba...

Trump: 'This Was An Illegal Investigation'; 'There Were Dirty Cops, An A...

CNN Simpleton Fawns Over Mayor Pete For Dumb Reasons

WRONG: CNN Host Wrongly Claims No Democrats Support Open Borders

FIRST Photo of a Black Hole! Plus Blowing Stuff Up in Space

Jussie Smollett Prosecutor Let a CONVICTED KILLER Off The Hook

Google Caught AGAIN Censoring Conservatives In NEW Leak

Burma | No Country For Radical Islam

Bill Barr STRIKES BACK, Targets Those Who SPIED On Trump Campaign

Attorney General Barr Assembles Team to Investigate People Behind Russia...

We FINALLY Know What a Black Hole Looks Like

Obama Condescendingly Scolds Progressives About Their "Purity"

Facebook accused of meddling in Indian elections by blocking 100s of pages

Google blacklisting independent news sites

PewDiePie Just Took a SLEDGEHAMMER To The Tech Monopolies, Far Left SMEA...

FIRST ever image of black hole revealed

Deep State Nearing Collapse, 2635

NEWS ALERT! Shockwaves RIP Through DC as 8 Criminal Referrals Land On Ba...

Twitter Pushes Political Extremes, How Digital Technology Warps Our Minds

STUDY: Surge in 'Hate-Crimes' is FAKE

Ocasio-Cortez Constituents Are NOT Happy, Democrats BLACKLIST Her Former...

Kurt Schlichter: Pay for your own damn college!

Matteo Salvini Forms Coalition to Take Over European Union

Facebook and YouTube Asked About Conspiracy

How Amazon Spies on Americans with Face-Rekognition | Information Techno...

The UK's New Online Ministry of Truth

Obama Gaslights The Left

Online Censorship BACKFIRES On Democrats, Party Being FRACTURED By Far Left

Here’s why Canada’s richest family is getting corporate welfare from the...

Candace Owens SLAMS Ted Lieu For SMEARING Her With Contextless Clip

Candace Owens: Democrat Governor's Son Called Me the N-Word... 'Threaten...

WTF: PBS Host Says Media Criticism is Corrosive to Democracy

The Politics of Clown World

The Golden age of Youtube is over

Retired Journalist EXPOSES Media Parroting Far Left Lies

Is Trudeau hiding something worse in SNC-Lavalin rift?

William Barr Given Criminal Referrals to Charge Former FBI Director Jame...

Obama Warns The Left To STOP Eating Itself, Democrats FRACTURING

2020 Democrats Are Their Own Worst Enemies

AOC is a Complete Idiot

Even DS'er Barry Obama Warms Moonbat Dems That They're Going to Lose 202...

Obama Admits Democrats Eating Themselves

Liberals Have Finally Lost It


Prince Harry Wants to Ban Save the World

Identical Twin Men F0RCED To Pay Support For KID Thats N0T Theirs

Ocasio-Cortez Hilariously OWNED By A Croissant

Portland Police Quitting En Masse, But City Leaders Can't Face Reality |...

US-China Trade Deal Looms

The Fun Continues!

Mysterious And Incurable DISEASE Sweeping The Globe

Working class Americans get jobs — Canadians get a carbon tax | Ezra Levant

Ocasio-Cortez INSULTED As "Financially Illiterate" At Event SHE Spoke At

'He Gave Me Permission to Touch Him' Biden Embraces Kids As Scandal Rages