
How The Ruling Class Implements It’s Agenda w/Danny Haiphong

Police Use Innocent Bystanders as Human Meat Shields, Kill 2 of Them

Clinton Impeachment Video Reveals Dems’ Hypocrisy

Ocasio Cortez LIES To Cover Up MASSIVE Jobs Failure Meanwhile Trump Boas...

The Video From 2015 Biden Doesn't Want You To See

Twitter Becomes a Safe Space For Ped0s Trading Kid Pics

Anime company president ARRESTED! Gainax (Neon Genesis Evangelion) presi...

China Creates FIRST Pig-Monkey Hybrids, Rumors of Human monkey Hybrids R...

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Torched Over Lack of Basic Math Skills

It's Too Late For Democrats, Trump has Already Won, 180 Judges Will Shap...

Left Wing Media Activist Email Leak Shows How They Deplatform Political ...

The Mainstream Media is now reporting on Donald Trump's Salt and Pepper ...

Gab's Bizarre Meltdown Exposes The Sites No Better Than Twitter

Climate Extremists Like Great Thunberg Cause MASSIVE Civil Unrest, Franc...

Jeffrey Epstein's Plastic Surgeon Dies In A Plane Crash

Censorship Is Out of Control! (A Rant!)

Greta Thunberg still can't fathom why we won't shut off the world

A New Fun Police

Worldwide, 1 in 3 men aren't the biological father to their children. Pa...

"It's The Economy, Stupid"- Even CNN Admits Trump Likely to be Reelected

Morality Police! Congressman Jim Banks Wants to Ban Porn on the Internet

US boys drugged just for being boys (Full show)

Ray McGovern, William Binney served subpoena in regarding DNC Leak #Seth...

Vice President Biden Refuses to Testify at Trump's Senate Impeachment Trial

Twitter Policy Change is INTERESTING

Scientists SHOCKED That "Gender Bending" Chemicals IN OUR FOOD 44 Times ...

Why is Prince Andrew keeping Canadian post?

Jordan Peterson: Why Postmodernism is So Dangerous

Sweden Man JAILED for Merely Criticizing the Actions of Migrants

Florida Naval Base Shooter Was Member of SAUDI MILITARY!

Florida Naval Shooter Was a FOREIGN STUDENT

Democrats Childish OUTBURSTS Prove They Are Losing To Trump, Joe Biden C...

Law Professor DESTROYS Democrat's Impeachment Case

Rudy Giuliani Frags Obama Admin Over Missing Ukraine Aid Money

Adam Schiff Not Only VIOLATED Privacy Rights, HE WAS WRONG TOO??! Disgra...

Journalists SHOCKED That Their Coworkers Are REJECTING Their Union Efforts

China Strikes Back Against America! | China Uncensored

Journalists are OUTRAGED That Impeachment Coverage Isn't Changing Minds,...

Christopher Hitchens -- Speaking Honestly About Hillary Clinton

Flesh Eating Bacteria Killing Addicts In California, What Is WRONG With ...

Joe Biden EXPLODES in Anger at Retired Marine VETERAN and Calls Him a Da...

Dems Impeachment Witnesses Are A Disaster!

Joe Biden Goes Berserk And Challenges Man To Push Up Contest

Fake Walmart page


Bad Optics For Joe Biden and Andrew Yang

New York BANS Virginity Tests and Promote Drag Story Hour

The COPYRIGHT system is BROKEN: American McGee has THEIR ALICE GAMEPLAY ...

YouTube Rewind 2019 - Another Out Of Touch Disaster


Michael Bloomberg May Cost the Dems 2020 By Blocking Buttigieg

Uber releases report revealing 6,000 sexual assaults during rides

HUGE New Disgusting Revelation Linked to Clinton & CNN Won't Cover It!

Hillary Clinton Slam Bernie Sanders For HER Loss To Trump. Here's The Tr...

Andrew Yang Calls Out MSNBC-Demands Apology!

Pelosi Asks for Impeachment Articles, As the Democrats Melt Down

The Impeachment Trap is Sprung (And So Am I) - A Rant

Even Crazy Yang Knows Impeachment Will Backfire Spectacularly

Clintons Stayed At Epstein's Ranch "Regularly!" - Why Isn't Bill Clinton...

Impeachment's HUGE BACKFIRE, Trump's Approval IS UP, CNN Ratings THREE Y...

Dem Witness Attacks Baron Trump Then Offers Backhanded Apology

Pelosi Gets MAD After Bizarre IMPEACHMENT Press Conference!

BOOM! Trump Approval SOARS to 52% as Dems Announce Impeachment!!!

Nancy Pelosi Goes Crazy While Announcing Articles of imPeachmint

The Leaked Labour Antisemitism Report is Actually Shocking

Clintons Stayed At Epstein's Ranch "Regularly!" - Why Isn't Bill Clinton...

Constitutional Law Prof. Stuns Dems on Impeachment: 'It's YOUR Abuse of ...

The Sad Reality Of Government Healthcare, States REFUSES Life Saving tre...

Hillary Clinton Redbaits Bernie On Howard Stern

Andrew Yang Says Impeachment Is INEFFECTIVE And In Fact HELPING Trump's ...

Biden Snaps At Voter Over Quid Pro Joe Question

Hillary Clinton Smears Bernie On Howard Stern's Show

New Connections Emerge Between the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein - This i...

Democrats Unhinged Russia Theories Persist, Nancy Pelosi AGAIN Cries PUT...

Adam Schiff Is CORRUPT And DEPRAVED, His Abuse Of Power Is Chilling, Dar...


Pelosi Asks for Impeachment Articles, As the Democrats Melt Down

Lefitst Censorship BACKFIRED In The Most HILARIOUS Way, China BANS The "...

Owen Benjamin Banned from Youtube: But He's on Bitchute!

Rise of Skywalker LEAKS CONFIRMED! Another BACKLASH Coming After STAR WA...

Hillary Clinton Informs Howard Stern Bernie Sanders was Backed by Russia!

Hillary Clinton Hacks Up Lung During Howard Stern Interview

The Democrats Are Falling into Civil War

Impeachment Dems Joke About Barron Trump

The Money and Power Behind Drag Story Hour

Rachel Maddow Says In Court Viewers Should Not Believe Her!

Twitter Proves That Walls Work

City Uses Marijuana to Pay for Reparations

Lawsuit details new depths of Epstein’s depravity

Alan Dershowitz May Actually Be More Stupid Than Prince Andrew

Democrats Engaged In SHOCKING Corruption, Spying On Republicans And An A...

Rachel Maddow SUED! Forced to DEFEND Russia FAKE NEWS in COURT!!!

A Secret Government Project Sparks Huge Protest in Wenlou, China

Trump calls Trudeau 'two faced' after NATO leaders caught on camera

Tech Companies Say They Can't Tell Us The Rules, Because We Will Follow ...

FREAKY! Conservative Scholar Connects Democrats to 1984 MADNESS! This is...

CNN Starts Moving The Goal Posts On Impeachment

Homeless Crisis Grips Cities, NYC Accused of Relocating Families | Subve...

Trudeau spent $140,000 of your money on pre-election plane rides for pho...

This is What Happens When You Criticize the Police in China

Liberals spend $80,000 on focus groups to promote foreign aid | Sheila G...

Arrest Him NOW! Joe Biden PROVES He Can’t Control Himself Around Kids Wi...

Banks now selling our data to retailers

CNN Yearns For The Good Old Days Of Less Democracy

Lesson Not Learned: DNC Is Rigging The Primary Again

Violent Communist Takeover?

Bye Bye Kamala! ��

Kamala Harris Campaign FAILED, She DROPPED OUT, The Memes Are Hilarious tho

China's Police don't like criticism

Michael Bloomberg Is VERY Friendly With China


Former Yazidi sex slave confronts ISIS rapist on Iraqi TV

Jeffrey Epstein's Banker Found Dead | Probably Had Info On Clintons

300+ Drumpf Ads Nuked by Social Media Overlords

Virginia Giuffre adamant she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew


Australia's Cashless Society - You Are Being WATCHED & It's About To Get...

Google Bends The Knee To 60 Minutes & Removes 300 Trump Ads

More Governments Employ Artificial Intelligence in Government and Law En...

Twitter EXPOSED By Employee's EPIC TDS Meltdown! Bias Clear & Present.

New law will end you up to 10 years in prison if you stigmatize Gypsies

Whose Idea Was This? ��

Epstein Murder Explosion: Prince Andrew’s and Giuffre’s Interviews Just ...

Socialists HATE The Electoral College Because it Doesn't Help Them Cheat...

Goodbye And Good Riddance: Kamala Harris Drops Out

Hillary Clinton Accuses President Trump's Allies of Using Russian Talkin...

NYC SUED For "Exporting" Homeless People, Why Socialism FAILS To Solve T...

China arrest and questions man for telling joke online

Impeachment BACKFIRE Giving Trump Swing State Advantage, 2020 Democrats ...

Kamala Harris Campaign FAILED, She DROPPED OUT, The Memes Are Hilarious tho

Journalist: Clinton cooled towards me over Weinstein probe plans

Absurd 60 Minutes DEMANDS More Censorship & Control For Elites


Diversity for Thee, but Not for ME!

The Weird Secret Rules The Royal Family Has To Follow

New Report Shows Consumers are NOT Paying for Chinese Tariffs AT ALL!


Biden's Extremely Creepy Babbling Goes Viral

"I've loved kids jumping on my lap!" - "Creepy Joe" gets creepier

Trump and Lawyers Won’t Participate in Haystacks Nadler’s Sham Scam Bogu...

Kamala Harris DROPS OUT of 2020 Race - ABOUT TIME!

If YouTube Can Censor THE PRESIDENT, NO ONE Is Safe! | Ep 491

Tons Of Greta Thunberg's Entourage Flying So She Can Virtue Signal

The Economically Illiterate Hulk: Mark Ruffalo

The Media Assault on Youtube

Bernie Sanders Cult Constructs a Vapid Fluff Piece on Wikipedia

Democrat House Majority Might Get Swept Away in 2020

Colin Kaepernick PASSED Over AGAIN, But This Is On Purpose, He Wants To ...

Disney is a MONOPOLY According to South Korea Filing?!

FBI INDICTS Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh!

Joe Biden Munches On Wife's Finger! Obvious PATTERN Here?

Ukraine President DEFENDS Trump Again, Says No QUID PRO QUO, Says He Doe...

Trumps Refuses to Attend Impeachment Proceedings Because They Are Pointless

Elizabeth Warren Says She Will Abolish Electoral College, Republican Thi...

Biden Misremembers Meeting with Kim Jong Un as He Continues to Go Insane

Famous Millionaire Celebrity DECRIES Capitalism, Calls For Socialism. Gr...

This May Be The GREATEST Troll EVER, How Trump TRICKED Anti Trump Activi...

Google Banned HUNDREDS Of Trump Campaign Ads And Won't Explain Why

Joe Biden is Literally Demented and is Losing His Marbles Each and Every...

SCOTUS May Deal Major Blow to Anti-2nd Amendment Fanatics

Crazy Totalitarian Merkel Rants About the Need to Ban Freedom

Biden Gives Bizarre Speech on Leg Hair Movement After Sun Screen Applica...

'Climate terrorists' are acting as if the 'end is nigh'

SICK 2013 Video Is a HORRIFYING Nightmare for House Dem Candidate That S...

Swole Trump Meme Adopted in Hong Kong - ChiComs & Leftists Triggered

Chris Mathews Slams Bernie For Fighting “Corruption”

"Trump's Economy" Brings RECORD Black Friday Sales Yet Somehow Media STI...

Elizabeth Warren Freezes When Confronted By Protesters


Democrats Are Rigging The Primaries Again And The Backlash Will Drive Vo...

Greta Thunberg Says Its NOT About The Environment, Its About Ending Patr...

Journalist FIRED Over Fake Story About Trump, Media STILL Smears Trump F...

The USA Now an Oil Exporter (Ironically Partly Due to Obama)