
Email Leaks Show 'Journalist' Pressured Companies to BAN CONSERVATIVES, ...

How Revolutionary was the American Revolution?

How a Dutchman became the King of England

Glenn Greenwald Dismantles Vox's Maza on Tucker Carlson #VoxAdpocalypse

The upcoming STD epidemic stay safe -MGTOW

Gamers Censored On Twitch Because "Nagas" Sounds Like A Bad Word??!

Media Outlets Escalate WAR On Youtubers, Smear Philip Defranco As Far Right

Google Just Lost A Major Battle In Conservative Bias Lawsuit

Carlos Maza Of Vox Started Adpocalypse Because Its His Job To

Vox Doubles Down On #VoxAdpocalypse With A Direct Demand To Youtube

The Truth About Office Girls...

Koch Bros To Spend Money On Corporate Democrats

There’s a new way to steal your password

Google Under Fire For Hiring Practices As Temps Outnumber Full Time Empl...

Canada's Prime Minister pledged to annually help only one gender

Mueller’s ‘Russian agent’ worked for State Dept! – Stranahan

Majority of Americans Believe Fake News is BIGGER Problem than Climate C...

News: Bread and Circuses (TFM 42O)

How 5G Cell Service Could Hurt Weather Forecasts

Trump Tweets Are Making News Outlets Go Completely Insane

Media Activists Are Targeting Youtubers For Being Angry And Negative??!

Left Wing Media Activist Email Leak Shows How They Deplatform Political ...

Trump Scores Massive Win in Mexico Deal

How Nuclear Fusion is About to Change The World

China Stole US Military Secrets, Now Threat: Mike Pompeo | China Uncensored

DNC Bans Presidential Candidate From Doing Climate Change Debate

YouTube's Total Incompetence: Maza Vs. Crowder Debacle

Texas Teacher FIRED After Tweeting About Illegal Immigration

New law would let corporations patent human genes, ideas

Vox Union Stages Mass Walkout Which I Predict Will Bring Mass Layoffs Soon

Mexico Freezes Accounts of Migrant Traffickers


Military Funds Telepathic MIND CONTOL Technology

Voxadpocalypse Threatens All Youtubers & Free Speech

Christian Pastor ARRESTED For Street Preaching in Gay Area of Toronto!


Poland files lawsuit over article 13

Saudi King Calls on 'Despots' to Mecca for Emergency Meeting on Iran

Oakland Legalizes Psilocybin

YouTube Purges Conservative Channels

The Gay Wonk Cries Out in Pain

Pentagon Finally ADMITS They Are Tracking UFO's

CNN's Don Lemon Says He Might QUIT Due To Political Climate

Bernie Sanders Socialist Paradise Venezuela Now Tops for US Asylum Claims

The Legacy Media is Now Openly Calling for Online Broadcast Regulations

Well, Um, I Think, Maybe, Ahhh...

Russia Tried to Create "Pan African State" In American Through Leftist ...

Genetically Engineering Human Babies May Have Backfired

Big Tech Stocks Take Major Hit From Impending Antitrust Probes

Unhinged Woman Stabs herself Because Trump Is President

The #VoxAdpocalypse: A Theory

Far Left Media Is Making Liberals Insane, This Data Proves It

Ocasio-Cortez Accidentally Makes Argument For The Unborn And Twitter Unl...

Democrats Call For Trump To Be Arrested And Imprisoned

Vox Loses, Youtube Has Sided With Steven Crowder, But Now Vox Moves To S...

The YouTube PURGE is Worse Than Anyone Thought

Majority of Americans Expect Trump to Win in 2020

YouTube is Over, #VoxAdpocalypse and the End of Free Speech

Google Fired Conservative For Calling Out Leftist Outrage Mobs

Vox Loses, Youtube Has Sided With Steven Crowder, But Now Vox Moves To S...

Australian feds raid broadcaster’s office over Afghan war crime stories

It's Starting

THIS is How Crazy Things Have Gotten!!!

Russian Cosmonauts Encountered Something Massive In Space They Couldn't ...

Canada: Rise of National Populism, Trudeau is DONE!

I am Afraid To Open My Email (VoxAdpocalypse)

Jim's | The State Of It All - w/Chat and Timestamps

China fires space rocket, new race is on!

The #VoxAdpocalypse is coming for YOU! | Louder with Crowder

Violent Leftist Thug INSTANTLY REGRETS Attacking These LA Trump Supporte...

Vox Contributor Destroys YouTube Over Internet Grudge

Pfizer chose to ‘hide’ cure for Alzheimer

What Landed On UTAH Mountain? Best UFO Video's Of April 2019

History Teacher Banned By #VoxAdpocalypse

Norm Macdonald Out Smarts Astrophysicist Neal deGrasse Tyson

Televangelist Can’t Defend His Private Jet In Hilarious & Awkward Interview

Fake News Writers Exploiting Americans For Profit

EA Has FRIGHTENING Patent Exposed!


Deutsche Bank seizes Venezuelan gold

Steven Greer Highly Secret Operations That Are Even Above the President

Companies Going Out of Business in 2019

You have No Rights, The World Is Cruel And Unfair

Apps sending YOUR photos to FBI?

Carlos Maza the ENEMY of YouTube and Free Speech

U.N. Expert Argues Julian Assange Was Psychologically Tortured

Flashback:The War on InfoWars: A Rant

The Masochism of The Media

ALERT: Pocahontas Just DISRESPECTED Every WWII Veteran With CRAZY Leftis...

Far Leftists Attack Elderly Conservative Men At Protest

The Knives Come Out: #VoxAdpocalypse

Vox's Scorched Earth Plan WORKED, Youtube Demonetized Steven Crowder And...

YouTube DELETES & Demonetizes THOUSANDS Of Channels! - It's NOW Or NEVER...

I am Afraid To Open My Email (VoxAdpocalypse)

Al Quds in Toronto: Police stop traffic for Israel-haters’ illegal march...

The Person That Made Enemies Of All Youtubers


Mass Censorship Hits Youtube In Wake Of The Vox Steven Crowder Battle

Youtube Works to 'Tackle Hate': What Does This Mean?

WTF: Fake Journalists Bizarrely Defend Joe Biden's Plagiarism

Australian feds raid broadcaster’s office over Afghan war crime stories

Virginia Tech Offers Several SEGREGATED Graduation Ceremonies!

Virginia Tech Offers Several SEGREGATED Graduation Ceremonies!

Fmr US Defense Official : We Know UFOs Are Real, This Is No Longer An Issue

The UK Has BANNED People from Protesting COMPLETELY

Who Invented the Taser?


Texas SUES San Antonio Over Chick fil A Ban

Facial Recognition Tech Threatens Privacy Rights

Media scaremongers that civilization will end by 2050

William Barr Releases a Letter From Jerry Nadler Acknowledging Wrongdoin...

Journo Calls To Censor Twitch Chat

Televangelist Defends His Private Jet Saying You Can’t Talk To Jesus On ...

Bernie Asked If Dem Elites Will Unify w Him In The General Election

MP confronts PM with apparent evidence of ‘staged’ chemical attack in Syria

Is Trump Going to BAN Suppressors?

Contributor Aprreciation Show 6/3 Part 4: Jimmy Dore slams Chuck Todd f...

Joe Biden's Campaign Gets Caught Plagiarizing AGAIN

He’s Done! 2020 Dem Gets Booed LOUDLY After DISSING The One Things Lefti...

The media are complicit in Assange's torture and incarceration

MSNBC's New Expert ��

Homelessness SURGES in Los Angeles, Police Blame Democrats

COWARDLY Parkland School Officer FINALLY Brought Up on CHARGES!

UN to Censor Anime Manga & Games?

Chinese President Xi and Putin deliver joint statements in Moscow

Biden Lied About Marching For Civil Rights

‘They triggered this crisis’: Lawyers sue EU over deaths of Libyan migra...

I’m Sick and Tired of Globalist NETFLIX Insulting Our Values!!!

‘Lynch mob targeting Trump supporters’: Daily Beast outs man it blames f...

Assange Lesson Obviously Not Learned: Government Journalism Intimidation...

The Sanders-Warren Interplay is Important for the 2020 Dem Primaries

Trump Destroys Jeremy Corbyn's Lies About Boycotting Trump Visit ! Corb...

YouTube Responds After Vox Host Tries to Start Adpocalypse

Dutch girl, 17, euthanized

California Democrats Won't Admit The Party Is In Chaos (HBO)

Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries Of Giants!

Former AG DESTROYS First Line Of Mueller Report, Exposes The REAL Truth ...

Vox Wants Crowder BANNED!

The New York Times Ends Don Lemon's Career

Mueller Witness Arrested for Child Porno

EXPOSED: Why Australia's "GREAT GUN LAWS" are #FakeNews

Galloway was sacked for being anti-war - Not anti-Semitic

John Durham is Speaking With Christopher Steele on Why the FBI Used the ...

OBAMA Disgraces America and the CONSTITUTION in Hateful Filled Speech To...

Austrian Populists Collude with Russia? ♦ #IbizaGate #Populism #Russia

The strange way the debate has changed around abortion

Crime Stoppers posters torn down amid backlash against campaign

Why the Petrodollar is Irrelevant

Will Dr. Martin Luther King's legacy go up in the social justice flame?

NASA Scientists Are Going To Investigate These Mysterious Flashes Seen O...

Astronomers find 18 new exoplanets

Footage shows what really happened in lead-up to Tiananmen Square massac...

30 years later, the 'lasting tragedy' of Tiananmen Square

Tim Pool Uncut: Social Media's Liberal Bias | Louder with Crowder

Clinton Says President Trump is Not Above the Law Despite Comey Overlook...


How Trump's 'brash brand of politics' is playing with British audiences

Rebel DENIED press credentials to cover "hate speech" committee on Parli...

RESIST TRUMP Protest Carnival: London 2019

UN Tries to BAN Anime but U.S. and Japan Say NO

Steve Quayle What's Really Going On in Super Secret Underground Tunnels

30 Years of Amnesia for Tiananmen Square Massacre | China Uncensored

Tiananmen Square and the Rise of Chinese Censorship

BREAKING: IT BEGINS! Christopher Steele SUBMITS to US Investigators! Jud...

ALERT: Trump DESTROYS Khan, No One EXPECTED What Happened Seconds Later

Joe Biden Lied About Marching In The Civil Rights Movement

Trudeau's PMO silent on six-figure salary info once demanded from Harper...

Why Canadians cross the US border to buy gas | Keean Bexte

ALERT: Chris Matthews CONFRONTED on Russia Hoax, What He Does NEXT Says ...

Bernie Sanders Slams Buzzfeed For Not Supporting Their Union

The Harsh Truth About Blade Runner 2049

ALERT: Anti-Trump Protest Becomes GRAVEYARD, Confirming Radical Left’s W...

Trump Baby Blimp Destroyed By Pro-Trump Protester

In the AI We Trust? Discussing the Deep Fake Wars

Sleepy Ol' Joe


Vox Loses, Youtube Has Sided With Steven Crowder, But Now Vox Moves To S...


Toronto Muslim: Executing gays may sound “unfair” , but it's Sharia law ...

Only Two Democratic 2020 Candidates Are Refusing To Take Wall Street Money

Mueller’s BullS**t Press Conference Reveals His Dishonesty

5 Mysterious Close Encounters That Cannot Be Explained

Norway: A Socialist Paradise? | America Uncovered

Vox Host Tries Starting Adpocalypse Because Youtube Hasn't Banned Steven...

Youtube Channels Not Making Money No Longer Allowed To Monetize Videos N...

Something's SERIOUSLY WRONG With This Preacher!

Abduction in Plain Sight - Why EVERY Mom Should Learn Jiu-Jitsu!

Marc Morano: Climate “emergency” is “fraudulent propaganda” | Ezra Levant

Ocasio-Cortez Tells Out of Touch 2020 Candidate to Drop Out: "Sashay Awa...

Anti-Trump Celebrity Posts Fake News About Trump Media Doesn't Care, Won...

Obama Is DOOMED When Americans Find Out His Long Kept, Dirty Secret

TERRIFYING Interview, William Barr Goes Full MAGA and the Left is SCARED

George Galloway Has Been Fired By TALKRadio For "Anti-Semetic' Tweet

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Celebrates Corporate Censorship In Newspeaky Tweet

Twitter Suspends Critics of China, Then Apologizes

Democrats Just LOST Legal Battle To Defund Trump's Wall, But Its Not Over

Facebook HELPED journalists DOX a TRUMP supporter

Democrat Civil War Begins, Crazed Clinton Calls Sanders A Sore Loser

You'd Think They Would Be Happy About It ��


Deepfakes - Real Consequences


Censorship Is Out of Control! (A Rant!)



DOJ and FTC Drop HAMMER on Google, Apple and Facebook

Border Patrol Agents Discover Underground Drug Tunnel Crossing U.S.-Mexi...

Breakdown: 'Centrist' 2020 Candidates Get BOOED Off Stage

Congress Opens Anti Trust Probe of Tech Giants, 2689

Linda Moulton Howe Antarctica Has Many Ancient Underground Structures

Bilderberg Group epitomizes ‘global order’ – fmr US diplomat

Backlash Over Based Video Game, Jesus Strikes Back

When mass shootings don’t fit Democrat narratives

Activists CLASH at National March for Impeachment

Live Stream: Can't Wait Until POTUS Lays Brexit on Queenie and Her Inbreds

ALERT: Crazy Nancy HECKLED MERCILESSLY By Her OWN People After Consideri...

FACEBOOK, GOOGLE STOCK TANK: Trump's punishing social media censorship w...

How a government shutdown affects the Army

China Unleashes "Unreliable Entity List" In Retaliation Of US Tariffs | ...

Archaeologist Unravel The Truth Behind King Tutankhamen After Discoverin...

WTF: CNN Proves It's An Enemy Of The People ��

Daily Beast & Facebook Team Up To Protect The Powerful

‘Butler Amazon’ poses privacy concern – Ben Swann

Leftist Media Like CNN Are Partisan Morality Police, They Will DESTROY Y...

Impending Hitpiece On Gaming Youtubers Exposed

Iran Puts The World On Notice | Putin Implicitly Intervenes | The Trut...

Google And Facebook LOSE Over 90 BILLION Dollars Amid Regulation Fears

Trump's State Visit Causes an SJW Meltdown

Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval | Sean McFate

How America could become a dictatorship in 10 years | Jared Diamond

Conservatives Are WINNING The Internet, Democrats Self Destructing

Media Blackout on Pentagon Takeover of U.S. Elections

Liberal RAG Daily Beast DOXXES Private Citizen Over Pelosi Video!

Identity Politics Encourage Baltimore Teens to Rampage

GOLDSTEIN GRIPE: Trudeau further polluting carbon tax fiasco

Anti-Trump Lawsuit BACKFIRED Putting Ocasio-Cortez In Violation Of The F...

Mexico Hints Migration Cede to Avoid Trump Tariffs

Democratic Candidate Booed For Over A Minute After Trashing Medicare For...

Bill Maher DEFENDED Trump Immigration Plan, Calls Out Democrats In "Woke...

Cory Booker Non-Stop Lying on CNN!!

The Venezuelan Economy is Terrible, Its Central Bank Admits

Mexico May Cede On Migrant Crisis to Avoid Tariffs

Was Hitler A Capitalist or Socialist?

Who Would Have Guessed? ��

Liberal Media Attacks 'Drunk Pelosi' Video Maker

Changing the Bible - How Scripture Was Altered

1 Million Bikers Would Ride to Trump’s Defense, 2688

Should your Social Media Accounts be Treated as Property?

Jim Marrs What is The Secret Space Program Protecting From?

Facebook Caught Using User Data As Bargaining Chip With App Developers

German Social Democrats are without Leadership

Michio Kaku: Why flat-Earth theory and anti-vax conspiracies exist

News: The Ruling Class (TFM 42O)

Who Started the Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Theory?

Abby Martin Exposes Untold History of U.S. Empire

Adam Schiff Now Opposes Impeachment After 227 Cable Appearances Disparag...

Flashback: Michael Moore Explains Trump's Appeal Like Only He Can

Rand Paul Smacks Down Jake Tapper On Syria

Migrant Caravan From AFRICA Caught In Texas??!?

US Media Gets An F Grade Covering The Healthcare Crisis

Why Sweden is encouraging citizens to become preppers.

After MASSIVE Nationalist Victory, Brexit Party Leads NATIONAL Polls

Unhinged Leftist ARRESTED For Throwing Milkshake At Republican

WARNING: The Coming Food Crisis | Be Ready 2019

The Unhinged Left IS Becoming Mainstream, Even Bill Maher Has Had Enough

A very bad year for progressive media

They're Coming

Sargon of Akkad Breitbart Interview

After the Trump Delusion

The New Call of Duty Game is Full of CIA Pushed Fake News

Netflix Trying To Impose Corporate Will On Georgia

No One Believes You

Don't Bother Going To School Anymore...

Memo Leaked Regarding IRS Compliance with Congressional Request for Trum...

Google to be Investigated for Antitrust Violations

Mitt Romney's Never-Trumpism Lite

YouTube Slow Censorship? The Boiling Frog Effect

5 Things about the Bilderberg Group

Did Mueller Collude With Dems?, 2687

Leftist Media Just DOXXED A Guy Who Made a MEME About Nancy Pelosi

UFOs Are Real & We Have Debris, 2686

Cenk Uygur Absolutely Torches Nancy Pelosi & Tone Deaf Democratic Establ...

Google is going to be PROBED by the DOJ and be Sore for Days

California Cities Are Disgusting Cesspools, May ALREADY Have The Plague

Trump Approval WAY UP, Only Impeachment Can Stop Him now

Google About To get SLAMMED With Anti-Trust Probe, womp womp