
Tucker Carlson Dismantles Pro-War Stooge

Trump EXPOSED The Lack Of Principles In The Democratic Party

Google Has List Of Every Thing You "Spank it" to

Angela Merkel – Nation States Must “Give Up Sovereignty” to New World Or...

Why does anyone still trust the mainstream media?

How the left is dominating the internet by harassing payment processors

Liberals buy 250K Maple Leaf pins for 2019 flood of fake refugees | Shei...

Facebook's Authoritarian Speech Police

The TERRIFYING Technocratic Algorithm Apocalypse Is Here

Gamers Are Culture War Test Subjects, Speech Policing Escalates

Trump Will NEVER Back Down On The Wall, Democrats Are Nuts

Bulls**t Poll: “Progressives” Prefer Biden Over Bernie

UFOs Invade NYC | EBEs Light Up Night Sky | Media Deny Bright Blue ET Li...

Who's Pulling the Strings Behind Patreon: The Sargon Ban

The Latest Round of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Patreon's Ministry of Trust and Safety

Trump Visits Troops in Iraq: Legacy Media Outraged

Senate Security Expert Suspended From Facebook - RussiaGate Crumbling

MKUltra secrets: CIA mind-control experiments exposed

How Robots Have Taken Over the Stock Market | America Uncovered

Dow Jones Surges Over 1,000 Points in a Single Day

It's Not Just EA, Stocks for Gaming & Tech Companies are Free Falling Ac...

The Best of Little Brian Stelter

It's Time to Fire the FBI: A Rant

The Democrats' 2020 New Blood Conundrum

The Global Power Elite: A Transnational Class

Large Vegas Pedophile Ring Exposed on Camera - FBI Does Nothing?

Dow sets Record: Christmas miracle on the Stock Market

Senate Intel Cmte reports authored by disinfo specialists

Why Do Leftists Think You Can End Racism With Racism??

Leftist Democrats Plan Will Likely Bring Bloat and Corruption

2018: Year of Space Exploration

Hilary Pushes For More War In Syria

Far Left Media Is Dying Because Gen-Z Is Too Conservative

CNN Journalist of the Year Caught Faking News Stories

The Conservatives are no Friends of Liberty

Harvard Study shows gender wage gap explained by work choices

The Best of CNN 2018 ��

Facebook Gave Our PRIVATE Messages To Tech Companies?!

Huge List Shows Mainstream Media Producing FAKE NEWS

Two Scandanavian Women Murdered By ISIS- ExMuslim Emotionally Reacts

World’s Most Popular YouTuber Tears Apart Establishment Media

Fake News of 2018: Fact checkers retracting their fact checks & so much ...

Patreon News Gets Worse, User's Payout FROZEN Without Notice

McDonald's Mayhem

Patreon Insults Its Former Creators in NYT Piece

Libs Are Lying: Green New Deal Won’t Save Planet. Would Require 12x the ...

Inclusivity Initiative BACKFIRES, Anti-Natzee Sign Removed...

Antifa Exposed: Hillary's Involvement & Feminism''s Dirty Secret (Part 4/5)

Just How Evil Was Google in 2018?

The Tragedy of Cultural Relativism

MSNBC'S On-Air Lie the World Needs to SEE!!

How is This a Thing? 24th of December 2018

Historian Says We Are Witnessing a Soft Coup of the Trump Administration...

Trump Points The Finger At The Central Bank, Rothschild Responds

Will the UK wank licence do what it intends?

Russian Bot Narrative Completely EXPOSED As Fake News??

Fake News Reporter is Now Facing CRIMINAL Charges over Lies

Drag Kids Prove Cultural Marxism Alive And Kicking

Trump Now Responsible for the Stock Market for the Third Time in Two Yea...

At the End of 2018, Britain is Still Problematic

Sorry Men! You're Obsolete!

New law may jail innocent people

In Brighton, UK, Boys to be Told They Can Have Periods Too

VICE Article Claims Historical Accuracy is Racist and Sexist

Russia Used SexToys To "Foment Discord" Says News Article

Feminist Tries To Get Progressive Podcaster Fired For Defending White Men

Battlefield 5 Controversy Just Cost EA Over 350 MILLION Dollars

Belgium PM Resigns Over UN Migration Pact, 2494

Lebron James Says Old White NFL Owners Have Slave Mentality. Does He Ha...

Banking While Black Is Apparently Illegal Now

Make Witches Great Again!

Fake Intellectuals Call for a European Empire

Trump Targets the Fed

Matt Christiansen's Call to Patreon (#PatreonPurge 6)

The Trust and Safety Junta (#PatreonPurge 5)

Commerce - Law of the Sea

Jimmy Kimmel Calls Trump Supporters METH Addicts

VICE Says "Historical Accuracy" In Video Games is For BIGOTS

Corporate Controlled Corruption Has Taken Over MSNBC With Advertisers

China Threatens All Neighboring Countries | China Uncensored

How The Vatican Is Covering Up Sex Abuse Scandals