
Hillary IS NEXT! Durham Investigation Is CLOSING IN On Hillary Clinton's...

Jesse Lee Peterson | Your Welcome with Michael Malice

Virginia Governor Race a Bad Omen For Democrats In 2022

Superman writers lie about calling the cops because of threats

Aaron Rodgers BLASTS The Woke Mob And Cancel Culture After Backlash In P...

Biden Plays Dumb Over $450K To Immigrants As Bernice King Calls Him Out ...

Forensic anthropologists should stop identifying the race of skeletons

This is why they never want it to go away

Xi Jinping prepares to mobilize Chinese citizens instead of PLA troops

Soy Lefties Claim Covid Causes Erectile Dysfunction In Bizarre Jab Ad

“This Takes The P*** Now!” Biden’s New JFK Files Excuse

The Woke Marketing Paradox


Matt Taibbi: Frustrated Parents DROVE Virginia’s Red-SWING, Voters Likel...

Forced to pay Child Support to a woman he never met. #dating #dating2021

Ghoul Laughs MANIACALLY When Asked If There Are ANY Plans to Lower Gas P...

The Mass Surveillance of Cell Phone Data: Geofence Warrants

Biden Plans to Pay Illegal Immigrants... Just Not 450,000 Dollars

Leftoids Self-Own Regarding Tim Pool Getting COVID

Danchenko Indictment Confirms Clinton Behind Russia-Gate? Viva Frei Vlawg

Social Engineering in TV Commercials


Slimy NYC Mayor De Blaa, Blaa, blaasio is trying to seduce the little on...

MSNBC Anchors Have LOST THEIR MINDS After Total Democrat COLLAPSE In 202...

Wokeness: Divided and Conquered Fanbases

The Guardian makes bizarre article about Gaia responsible for Covid

Mandate Set To CRUSH Trucking Industry As Supply Chain Continues To Crum...

Maine Cop Charged & Arrested with HEINOUS CRIMES - Threatened To Kill Te...

Another RussiaGate Source Arrested For Lying!

WATCH: "Biden Turned Me Into A Republican"!! Millions Of Voters ABANDON ...

CNN Says Democrats WAKE UP, Americans Hate Them, Cenk Uygur EXPLODES In ...

New Jersey "Finds" 12k Ballots In Attempt To Screw Based Truck Driver

Feds Arrest Steele's Russian Disinfo Counterpart Igor Danchenko

What Does the Youngkin Win REALLY Mean for the Midterms? Analysis

Imaginary Racism - The Growing Epidemic in America

Ryan Grim: Resistance Dems Fell For Lincoln Project’s Tiki Torch Stunt, ...

'The Evidence Is Mounting There's Been A Cover-Up': Rand Paul Blasts Fau...

Joe Biden the 'most profoundly confused world leader we've ever seen'

Nearly HALF Of Dems Want Biden REPLACED In 2024 | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Canada's Men Are Fighting Back Against The Biased Family Courts

Florida Now Has Lowest Covid Rates In Nation!

Electric Vehicle Bait-And-Switch Begins!

Why Democrats Lost In Virginia Is Painfully Obvious

Kim Iversen: Why Americans Are MAD AS HELL At Democrats

Pathetic: Progressives 100% Cave To Establishment On Spending Bills

Woke Left IMPLODING, Most Now OPPOSE Black Lives Matter As CRT Pushes Pe...

'They See Climate Change As A Religion': Kennedy Slams Green New Deal Su...

Democrats And MSM Want To CRIMINALIZE “Let’s Go Brandon” Ch...

Fauci Faces FIRING As MASSIVE Scandal About To Erupt After Fauci Admits ...

67% in France see Muslim immigration as potential threat – poll

‘Plenty of leftist tears’ after Democrats lose Virginia election


Half Million U.S. Workers Walked Out During “Striketober”

Biden Budges: Effectively Admits Vaccine Mandate is Unimportant, Delayin...

Democrats INSANE Vaccine Mandate Is Here And WORSE Than We Thought, Ben ...

Democrats Got CRUSHED In VA Race, Dirty Tricks BACKFIRED In Virginia Res...

Crazy Mom Promises To Kill Purebloods Once Her Kids Can be Vaxxed

Let's Go Brandon! ...Basically An Ultimatum for the Democratic Party

Autonomous Weapons Are Unstoppable

Dr. Fauci Experimented on Beagle Puppies | Wait, Is That True?

Pharma makes coercive advert aimed at our kids

Transparent (and Ironic) Antiwhite Racism on Display from MSNBC

Most Dems Double Down, Defending Critical Race Theory and other Nonsense

“Antichrist” Prince Charles Declares WAR on the World! His Consolidation...

The Mask Efficacy Study That News Doesn't Want You to See (Pt.2)| Dr. Dr...

Corporate America Controls The Human Trafficking Industry

BOOM: CNN gets CRUSHED By Reality 😆

Libs LOSE IT When DeSantis Calls Biden Admin the "Brandon Administration"

Over 2,300 NY Firefighters Call In Sick Protesting Vaccine Mandate Over ...

Swedish Pro Migration Socialist Leader Robbed and Beaten

The Media Propaganda is Real

BLM Support CRUMBLES As Minnesota Community Members Say They Have Been S...

Judge BANS Free Speech Of Striking Mine Workers In Alabama | The Kyle Ku...

Joe Biden FALLS ASLEEP During Meeting With World Leaders! He Is A Global...

VA is FUBAR for the DNC - The VA Election Rant

Media Left In Shock After Major Republican Victory!

Webster Dictionary Changing "Vaccine" Definition

Brutal Defeat For Democrats In Virginia! Joe Biden CRUSHED By Youngkin V...

Election Night MELTDOWN As MSM & Twitter Blast Americans Over Virginia E...

Democrats Got CRUSHED In VA Race, Dirty Tricks BACKFIRED In Virginia Res...

Democrats Just Got WRECKED: Youngkin Wins, New Jersey a Dead Heat

Socialism got CRUSHED and OBLITERATED in Buffalo and Seattle

Biden Puts Blame On Russia And OPEC Nations For High Gas Prices

Fully Vaxxed White House Press Secretary Gets COVID!

LOL: MSNBC Guest PANICS Over “Let’s Go Brandon” Merch

The CDC and its junk science

Jon Stewart: Trump isn't some incredible supervillain

Man Fired For Being White Awarded $10 Million

Workers Rebelling Against Vaxx Mandates w/Professor Richard Wolff

Joe Biden Falls Asleep Live On Camera & Media Scrambles To Cover

Netflix Drops Show WORSE Than Cuties & Gets DEMOLISHED In Reviews

New Poll Spells DISASTER For Biden | The Kyle Kulinski Show

WHERE IN THE WORLD IS TRUDEAU? Is PM working or vacationing while Canada...

Gravitas: More Indians died of suicide than of Covid-19 in 2020

Gravitas: Why Xi Jinping is missing from the world stage

Dems Will Give Us ANOTHER Trump Warns David Sirota | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Virginia Race PROVES Democrats Have A HUGE Problem

Terry McAuliffe Calls For Fewer White Teachers As GOP Leads Governor Rac...

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Watch as a man sprays an unknown substance in a dog bowl

Why your rights are just words on a paper

What Representing Fathers in Divorce Taught Me About Outcomes (Breakdown...

Women Are Bad For Your Mental Health

THIS is what happened to KYLE RITTENHOUSE #shorts

Let's Go Brandon!

Media Panics as Dems Need To Print 100K Ballots Tonight to Win Virginia

The Head Of NASA Accidentally Just Let Slip The Truth About What's Going...

World’s decoupling with China nearing completion

Ted Cruz Exposes the TRUTH Democrats Don’t Want You To See

Blackpills: The True Purpose of Propaganda

Why Modern Movies Suck - They're Written By Children

‘Teacher of the Year’ Arrested for Child Abuse Days After Receiving Award

The Fight Over Vaccinating Children

MSNBC Freaks Out Over ‘Let’s Go Brandon' & Calls Secret Service

CNN Has Total Meltdown Over "Let's Go Brandon!"

Elon Musk gives U.N. idiots the finger!

Modern Women Raise Men To Be Weak

"VERY Bad News For Democrats" NBC Signals The ALARM As Democrats TANK To...

Biden Confuses DUNE With Reality

Makes sense - Third dose is Mainly Given to Prevent Transmission between...

BLM Organization CRUMBLES As Minneapolis Community Start To TURN On Them...

Nope. I Don't Feel Bad About the Tomahawk Chop. Cope.

The Utter Farce of the Legacy Medias' Rittenhouse Trial Narrative

Amusing When Leftoids Try to Cast Criticism of Critical Race Theory as a...

2 Years In PRISON If You ROAST Someone On Twitter! Seriously What The..

CNN's Don Lemon Caught on Video MASKLESS in Florida After Trashing Ron D...

'Is All Of This Intentional?': GOP Senator Targets John Kerry, Biden On ...

Lab Leak PLAUSIBLE Per New Declassified US Intel Report Into Origins Of ...

How Facebook Turns Your Parents into INSANE Conspiracy Theorists

Sturgeon CANCELS Christmas While THOUSANDS Gather For COP26

An actual, real-world use for robot dogs

I Trusted Fauci for Decades, After This I No Longer Can (Pt. 1) | Dr. Dr...

Lincoln Project Grifters Pose As TIKI TORCH Nazis To SMEAR ...

Meet the new-age Super Power

Andrew Cuomo CHARGED With “Forcible Touching," Manchin Threatens To KILL...

U.S. Accidentally Announced Date Of Next Coup Attempt

Satanists win dress code discrimination battle with Pennsylvania schools

10-31-2021: The White Supremacy Shadow Government

It’s True: U.S. Funded ‘Gain-Of-Function’ Research For Virus

Biden struggles to remember China during key G20 speech

Loudest "F**K JOE BIDEN" Chant ERUPTS in New Jersey

Hollywood ATTEMPTS to Save Buttigieg with Ridiculous Documentary

Incredible Discovery of a Planet in Another Galaxy, But How?!

Biden’s Failed ATF Nominee Just Lashed Out At Republicans, Said This is ...

NPR Gets Red Pilled on College!

Alec Baldwin Talks For The First Time After Killing Woman - Goes Badly

Let's Go Brandon! Establishment Morons Are Terrified of Memes: Keep it Up!

The Mcauliffe Apology Tour Has Already Begun

Eu fines Poland 1.5 million per day so Poland ghost them lol

MUST SEE: Let's Go Brandon is WORKING! 😮

The Old Sacrifice the Young: A Culture of Death

Government Secrets From Wuhan to JFK

Elon Musk Sent Out This Chilling Message Warning Us Before It Was Quickl...

Biden's Screeching Handlers Go Ballistic in Rome...EMBARRASSING

Metaverse: Ready Player One Becomes Reality

Vaxxed Just As Likely To Spread Covid As Unvaxxed - New Study

Dems Looking REAL DUMB After Falling For CLEARLY FAKE News Story! It Hap...

Ibram X Kendi MELTS DOWN After Deleting His Own Tweet DEBUNKING White Pr...

Cucked Progressives Already Caved On Spending Bills

Just admit that you were bamboozled

New York City Covered in Trash Over DeBlasio’s Mandate

White House BLAMES Parents For Ruining Their Own Christmas

AT&T Calls Its White Employees THE PROBLEM?!

Criminal Charges Filed Against Cuomo BY ACCIDENT? Viva Frei Vlawg

Burger Chain "Refuses To Become Vaxx Police"

GOP Halloween Ad SPOOKS Viewers With Dem's Plan To Make IRS SPY On Trans...

The Rise of Police Officers Sexually Assaulting MEN #acabdevil

Libs DEMAND Southwest Pilot Be FIRED For Saying 'Let's Go Brandon' As Tr...

Cotton Confronts Garland Over 'Outrageous Directive Siccing The Feds' On...

Vindication For Parents In Loudoun County! Guilty Verdict For Creep Scho...

META: Make Everything Trump Again!

Poopy Pants Biden: Joey Allegedly Soils Himself Meeting With the Catholi...

Rumors Float Biden's Wife Planned To REMOVE Kamala Harris As VP?! They H...

Kentucky School Staff Get Lap Dances From Male Students in Lingerie

The Age Old Question...Can Men & Women Be Just Friends? (Time For A Real...

Rumor Is That Joe Biden Pooped Himself At Vatican Meeting

WATCH: Teacher Goes On UNHINGED Racist Rant... She Takes It REALLY FAR.

‘Let’s Go Brandon’ chant a ‘complete indictment’ of the US media

Democrat Aides GET CAUGHT Staging Obviously FAKE STUNT To Help Failed Te...

Trump Explodes Lefty Heads By Doing Tomahawk Chop At World Series

Obama Blames Voters for Dems Failing Them AGAIN

4 reasons college degrees are losing their value

THIS IS INSANE. Joe Biden Planning The Most Insane Policy Proposal EVER....

Critics Of Covid Policy Are Not Anti-Vaxx

Patriots for America militia patrol southern border to control immigration

China’s Real-Life Squid Game: ORGAN HARVESTING