
Disney bans grieving father from having Spider-Man on son’s grave (boyco...

Even CNN Praised Trumps' 4th of July Speech

Joe BIden's Campaign Staff Is "Freaking Out!"

Candace Owens Exposes AOC and her Dem Comrades as the Real Nazis and Ant...

Netflix Is Today’s Propaganda Uber

What Dimwit Dems Can’t Grasp About the Catastrophic Failure of Forced Bu...

At least 200 corpses unearthed at Raqqa mass grave

Cory Booker Is A COYOTE!

Media up in arms as Trump shows off tanks & fighter jets in 4th of July ...

Man Gets Beaten Up And Thrown Onto Train Tracks Because He Was Wight

Do Leftist Economies Grow Faster Than Conservative Ones?

They’re JUMPING SHIP! Staff Fleeing to ANOTHER 2020 Dem’s Staff - IT’S B...

Antifa Charged With Felony After Throwing Burning Flag on USSS Agent

Toronto Resists Google Smart City Dystopia

FaceBorg Births ZuckerBucks - #NewWorldNextWeek

The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know

PROOF: Liberals KNEW carbon tax would strip BILLIONS from economy | Shei...

8yo receives death threats over her parody videos of Ocasio-Cortez

DerpTrolling DDoS "Tough Guy" Gets OVER Two Years In Prison And I'm ELATED!

Ozzy Osbourne Bans Trump from Using His Music!!!


It's Everywhere

Psychedelic drugs could prove revolutionary for treating mental illness ...

Three arrows and many other left leaning channels taken down

Abduction and rape of 7 year-old sparks mass rioting in Jaipur, India

Facebook’s Libra Currency Monetizes Identity and Threatens Privacy

Smart (Stupid) Motorways - Disasters Waiting To Happen - David Icke

Cory Booker Ignores Why those Migrants He Escorted into the USA Were Mis...


Democrat Politicians Now Posing with Antifa Leaders

You Can Now Download a Gun

Communists Burn American Flag Near Trump Independence Day Rally


Indigenous voters are abandoning Trudeau and the Liberals

NASA Scientists Are Worried After Making This Discovery In Antarctica

UK rape gang victim SPEAKS OUT to support Tommy Robinson | Ezra Levant

Leftists Attack Declaration of Independence On 4th Of July Because They ...

Conservatives Form Coalition Demanding Action Against Antifa on Social M...

5G Delivers Faster Speeds but Raises Concerns of Health Risks

Trump Takes ONE LOOK, Then UNLOADS On SLUMLORD Dems For What They’ve Don...

The Truth About the Declaration of Independence

Unleash the Boomers

Delusional CNN Journalist Makes A FOOL Out Of Herself After Claiming she Has To “Fi...

Democrats Now Actively Assisting Illegal Immigration, Campaign In Mexico

“They're monsters” UK rape gang victim explains how grooming works | Je...

The Far Left Trashes Biden... and Sets the Stage for the Democrats to Lo...

Trumps 4th of July Speech Was Excellent In Every Way

Pentagon Pedophiles Targeted in New Proposed Bill

Hundreds of ‘North-Africans’ harass family in German public pool

HORROR. Illegal Alien Now Tied to Possibly 750 MURDERS

Youtube Just BANNED A Major Antifa Channel, Leftist Censorship Backfires...

Did El Chapo Bribe Mexico President Nieto with $100 Million?

LILLEY UNLEASHED: PM appointing pals, donors & family as judges?!

Leftists Dox And Harass Little Girl For Mocking Ocasio-Cortez

CNN Loses Another 18% of Viewers

Bercow's Plot to Derail Brexit? - Brexit Explained

Koch and Soros Team Up For World Peace! WTF?

BREAKTHROUGH treatment in search for curing AIDS?

Ransomware Attacks in US Cities, China Suspected in Massive Cyberattack

Antifa Is Arming Itself And Encouraging More Leftists To Get Armed

CNN Calls For Unmasking Antifa Following Andy Ngo Incident


Dan Crenshaw SLAMS Ocasio-Cortez For Lying About Border Patrol

10 year old SUSPENDED for Religious Beliefs

Lester Holt Begs Tulsi For Iran War

How the Fed was created to own our gov’t

Elizabeth Warren Calls for a Crackdown on Independent Online Content

Jordan Hunt EXPOSED: Torontonians shocked at probation for assault | Dav...

Democrats Lying And Pandering To the Far Left Guarantees Their Loss To T...

When HRC Ran for POTUS Border Security, Migrant Health Care and Obama Ca...

Something is Wrong with MSNBC ��


WTF: Democrat Says Prosecute People Who Make Fun of Congress

Colin Kaepernick Forces Nike to Cancel American Flag Based Shoe

Trump Humiliates CNN’s Acosta In Japan, Audience Erupts In Laughter

The Mainstream Takes Over YouTube!

Ocasio-Cortez Accused Of Lying About Border Patrol, Screaming At Agents

How Twitter Will Become Irrelevant

Barbara Kay: School defends teaching transgender to tots | Ezra Levant

Google auto complete is designing a false reality, Orwellian inversion

The European Space Agency Has Released This Photograph Showing A 345 Mil...

Facebook & Twitter to crack down on ‘hate speech’ ahead of 2020 US election

Nike Cancels American Flag Shoe Because Colin Kaepernick Was Offended

Tulsi Gabbard Shuts Down War Mongering Tim Ryan

American Javelin missiles found in the hands of Libyan militants

NY Times ADMITS They Only Publish Gov’t Approved Stories

Leftists Like Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler are DESTROYING American Cities!!!

The Styxhexenhammer Show Ep. 2 (REEEEddit Shills, AOC Claims, Trump 2020...

Japan resumes whale-hunting after 30-year ban

The Game Journalists Who Celebrated Cowards

JUSTIN TRUDEAU CRINGE G20 Handshake......Oh Dear

Portland Mayor Who Told Police to Stand Down Responds to Backlash

2020 Dem STUNS MANY, SLAMS Bernie & All Other Socialists During Dem Debate

Actual police robot unveiled in California

Should we cancel the Dalai Lama? The Young Turks discuss

Vox Tells Leftists To Arm Themselves To "Defend Marginalized Communities"

Farage and the Brexit Party Extend Their Reach, Will Contest Everything

Facebook Announces It Will interfere In The 2020 Elections... wat

Democrat Calls On Tech Giants To Censor Conservatives Over Kamala Harris...

CNN Gives Andy Ngo Attack 45 Seconds Of Coverage!

Democrats SLAM Trump For Wanting PEACE With North Korea!

Democrats Would Rather Have War With Iran And Korea Than Let Trump Win

The Andy Ngo Incident Is The Most Alarming Escalation Yet, Civil Conflic...

Antifa Plans Acid Attacks!

ANTIFA Plans Acid Attack on Free Speech Rally

NBC Accused Of Planting FAKE PIMPLE To Smear Tulsi Gabbard... Wat??

Republicans Donate To "Crazy Hippie Lady" Democrat Marianne Williamson T...

Bitcoin is Popping, Also, Screw Zuckerbergs' Knockoff Crypto

Antifa Brutally Beat Andy Ngo, He's Hospitalized With Brain Hemorrhage, ...

Phillip Defranco EXPOSED! Spreads FAKE News To Protect Google

Former Scientology Member Files Lawsuit Against Church For Human Traffic...

An Armistice in the US-China Trade War

Twitters Insane (and Unconstitutional) New Policy to Hide Tweets by Publ...

Trump's Latest Accuser Keeps Making Bizarre Statements

BUSTED! Trump’s CRAZY Rape Accuser Got Her Story STRAIGHT From A Law And...

Democrat Far Left Push Makes 'Never Trumper' Declare Support For Trump

More Evidence Emerges Showing Media Cheating To Help Establishment Democ...