
Venezuela is COLLAPSING, Civil WAR About To Kick Off??

Hit Pieces on Bernie Sanders Are Somehow DUMBER This Time Around

74yo German must move out from flat to make room for migrants

How Media Uses "Far Right" As a SMEAR Against People Like Tommy Robinson...

The Jussie Smollet Hoax & his band of Cheerleaders

Final China Trade Deal Is Near Completion as Xi Scheduled to Meet with T...

They Did It AGAIN!

Venezuela Explained with Jimmy Dore

China’s Secret Military Base Near Afghanistan | China Uncensored

CloudBootJar Offers Platitudes

WaPo Smearing Bernie AGAIN! Here’s Why

Jussie Smollett REMOVED From "Empire" Over FELONY Arrest

The Truth About the 'ISIS Bride'

Youtube Ad CRISIS Gets WORSE, Comments Get You Demonetized Now?!

What Happened Above Australia? - "We Can't Explain It"

CNN Hires Trump Loyalist to Oversee 2020 Coverage

17 Million Untrustworthy Chinese Citizens Banned From Travel

STUDIES Show Conservatives are Far HAPPIER than Liberals!!!

Senate Confirms New Attorney General With Shady Corporate History

Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax Implodes

Idiot Trump Has Started A New Cold War With Russia

FBI’s McCabe Accidentally Tells Truth About Venezuela

Jussie Smollett ARRESTED After Fake Attack Story Crumbles

Google's Nest Hack Allows Anyone Into Your Home

Ezra Levant: Trudeau Liberals plan to "regulate the behavior" of media

China's "Social Credit" System is Reprehensible: Too Bad We Have the Sam...

"Foreign State Actors" Now Blamed for All Criticism of Democrats


So Sad

CNN Claims Mueller Probe Has Basically Ended and DOJ Will Soon Get the R...

CNN Claims Mueller Probe Has Basically Ended and DOJ Will Soon Get the R...

FBI Wanted Clinton Charged Under Espionage Act During Email Probe Accord...

Jussie Smollett CHARGED With Felony Disorderly Conduct!

US admiral threatens Venezuelan military

BREAKING: Seconds After Jussie Smollett Charged With FELONY Media Rushes...

Unanimous Supreme Court decision limits states' ability to seize persona...

BREAKING: ICE Just Arrested Two Big Time Obama Donors Dems Were DESPERAT...

Media "Pre-Apologizes" To Democrats Over 2020 RUSSIAN BOTS

Scientists Say That Our Solar System Once Had Two Suns

Ocasio-Cortez FRANTICALLY Defends Being Called Out Over Amazon

David Icke visa cancelled hours before plane to Australia

Far Leftist THREATENS To LEAK Cernovich's "Private" Photos

Underground Facility Insider Tells Us What They Are Hiding Deep Below Ou...

DNC Wont' Quit Corporate PAC Money

CNN Preparing its Audience For Mueller Probe Flop

How Harry Anslinger Started The War on Drugs | Joe Rogan & Johann Hari

More than half of Californians want to leave

‘Ultimate goal of ‘Russiagating’ in US – to expand security state’s cont...

A Coup Against Trump Happened and No One is Talking About It

Jussie Smollett Faces FEDERAL Prison Time, FBI Involved from DAY ONE

DISGUSTING Store Employee Curses At 14 Year-Old Trump Supporter, INSTANT...

No Memes Allowed

What I Mean By "The Left Is Going INSANE"

Scientists Can't Explain This Mysterious Object Spotted Beyond Neptune

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Howard Schultz: "Is He Blackmailing the Democra...

BREAKING: Crooked Cop Rosenstein Is LEAVING, This Is His Replacement


NASA removes article from its website about the sun

Media Protecting Joe Biden Against Sex Assault Allegations

BREAKING: Dems FREAKING OUT after Ilhan Omar Gets The Endorsement that W...

Celebrities REFUSE To Believe Jussie Smollett Is a HOAX

Trump Announces MAJOR Fight For Gay Rights??

Venezuela Might "Lose Everything" Trump Warns, as Crisis Continues

2574, Rosenstein – Swamp Draining Begins, 2574

The EU Copyright Directive is Actually Getting Worse

NASA’s Alien Hunter Has Mysteriously Fallen Into Darkness – And Scientis...

Jussie Smollet's "Hate Crime" Hoax is the Latest "Journ...

Democrats Call For Open Treason To Hide Their Massive Crimes

Morning Joe Fellates Amazon & Corporate Welfare, Attacks AOC

Wealthy Democrats Meet In DC To Discuss Which Candidates They Want To Buy

New York Times Claims to be Independent Journalism, Begs for Money

Washington Post Responds to $250M Covington Lawsuit

Supposedly Homophobic Trump Launches Initiative to Encourage World Accep...

How the Democratic Party Destroyed Itself and Handed #Election2020 to Pr...

UBI Is Inevitable

Bernie Sanders Will LOSE 2020 Because Hes a WHITE MAN

Jussie Smollett Faces FEDERAL Prison Time, FBI Involved from DAY ONE

SHOCK STUDY: Anti-EU Forces Will TOPPLE Brussels Elite in May Elections!!!

Cop Arrests 11-Year-Old Over Pledge Of Allegiance

Ezra Levant: CBC lies about "Twitter trolls" to justify censorship

Nick Sandmann Unleashes a 250 Million Dollar Legal Nuke on the Washingto...

Jussie Smollett is a Complete Idiot

Jussie Smollett Being WRITTEN OFF Empire?! His Career Is OVER

Russia at fault again? Merkel blames ‘third party’ for worldwide climate...

"Autopsy of a Dead Coup" Slams the Fake News MSM/ McCabe

Bernie Sanders Goes Insane, Declares 2020 Candidacy

Whoops! That Didn't Work!

Trudeau's top adviser resigns as SNC-Lavalin scandal heats up

McCabe’s bureaucratic coup

BREAKING: Trump FIRES On Deep State Seconds After Coup Attempt CONFIRMED!

U.K. Labour Party sees dramatic exodus of MPs

No More Freedom of Religion in America?

Journalist BREAKS RANKS Calls Out Liberal Media Bias

E.U. 2019 - ITALY IGNITING the European Spring

The Jussie Smollett MAGA Massacre (And Other Fairy Tales)

Europe’s measles outbreak: Russian bots are blamed... again

People Keep Vandalising Karl Marx's Grave

CNN & Facebook Coordinate To Silence Dissenting Voices

FIFTEEN THOUSAND Media Layoffs Last Year?!! The End Is Near

Jussie Smollet and The Rise of HOAX Hate Crimes

Jussie Smollett LIED!

Trudeau slush fund not enough for “fish wrap” media outlets | David Menzies

Astronomers Have Discovered An Unusual Artificial Satellite Orbiting Earth

AOC & Others FORCE Amazon Out Of NYC, But Why?

Jussie Smollett DENIES HOAX Is SHOCKED His Friends Were the Perpetrators

SOFTIE Cory Booker Has INTERESTING, Feminine Approach To 2020 Presidency

Bill Maher Supports Trump & Venezuela Coup

Karl Marx' Grave Desecrated: My Thoughts

Jussie Smollett, the SPLC, Cortez, and the Problem of Tabloid "News"