
The Greatest Lie Ever Told To The Youth | Droppin' Gems (TD HIp Hop)

MP: The Left Never Forgives

5 Mysterious Men In Black Sightings & Encounters

Joe Rogan on Uncontacted Tribes

Uncontacted Tribe Kills American Missionary With Arrows! (Religious Bull...

Why hot people lean RIGHT...

Flashback: The Coming Generation Z

Taking a Hint from Silicon Valley, China to Judge Citizens with Social C...

Hillary Blames Immigrants For Rise Of Right Wing

No, Soyny WILL NOT recover from their censorship debacle, and here's why

BIG MISTAKE! Woman Spends Months In Jail After Cop Finds ‘Meth’ - Then T...

The True History of Fake News in America

What Caused California Wildfires?

Cory Booker Just Made A Bold 2020 Move in Iowa, He is Prepping His LOSS ...

We Wuz Kings

Dark Secrets of the Rockefeller Family

Honest Government Ad | Visit West Papua!

Real Journalism Is Over and CNN is Dancing On Its Grave

Loser Millennials Blame The World For Their Problems

Hillary's Heartless Message To Europe: Stop Helping Migrants

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon FAILS First Ever Audit!

Migrant Caravan Plans "Human Stampede," Confirms DHS Report

The Sobering REALITY Behind RABID Black Friday Crowds (2018)!!

Thought Police Target AI, Sex Robots, Creepy Ideas, Human Imagination an...

What I Learned in the Military |

If Rasmussen Is Right About Black Voters, Trump Has Already Won 2020

How China Subverted an Election

JFK Assassination Details Banned For 55 Years

MEME Theory: How Donald Trump used Memes to Become President

Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Won't Forgive Those Who Didn't Vote (For Her of...

Cops Throw INNOCENT WOMAN in Jail for THREE MONTHS....for THIS?!?

DHS Issues URGENT Warning About The “Migrant Caravan” That Confirms Our ...

Trudeau gives $595M to reporters he “trusts”

Hundreds of Tijuana Residents Chant ‘Out!’ at Migrants Camped in City!!!

University deems merit based hiring "problematic" - Martina Markota

Merkel: Those not signing UN pact on migration are pure nationalists

Flashback: Why We Need THE WALL: A Rant

Trans "woman" gets light sentence for sexually assaulting daughter

CNN wants a free media. Lets give them just that!

Jeff Bezos CONFESSES Horrific Reality About Amazon to All Employees - Th...

Flashback: Clinton Is Strangulating the Democratic Party; and it's Hilarious!

FGM Ruling Foreshadows the NEW AMERICA Emerging

Adam Schiff Tries to Fundraise Off Being Insulted by Trump

The Proud Boys Get Defamed by the FBI as a WN Group, Gavin "Quits"

Hundreds of Birds Fall From the Sky During 5G Test in The Netherlands

Mysterious Lost Relics Recently Discovered In Antarctica

Secret Service On ALERT After Reporter Jokes About Trump Assasination

Trump Will Shut Down The ENTIRE Southern Border?!


Why Do Left Wing Racists Accuse Everyone Else Of Racism?!

Ancient Roots of Left & Right

Core Beliefs of Satanism

Ohio Turns SOLID Republican, Is This The End For Democrats??

Stormy Daniels BREAKS Her Silence And Declares What Trump REALLY Did For...

The future Dangers of 5g technology

Scientists Hit Back At Harvard As They Claim Oumuamua Is An Alien Spacec...

The Art Of Political Assassination

The Left is Screwing Up Climate Change

Fake Intellectuals Call for a European Empire

Obama: A Legacy of Ashes

Hillary Clinton Calls on Europe To END Mass Immigration

Rand Paul: We Have The Votes To Block Saudi Arms Deal

The Truth About Student Debt |

GRU chief dies of cancer... conspiracy theorists rise to the occasion

Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% While Investigated By DOJ, FBI,...

Bread and Circuses: Mass Media Distraction

US Judge deems BAN of female genital mutilation unconstitutional. STOP T...

NPC's Protesting Brexit Because Referendums and General Elections Underm...

The Democrats have Finally Thrown Bill Clinton Under the Bus

Why America is Always at War | Learn Something

Under Pelosi, the Democrats Are Preparing to Make Two Monumental Mistakes

55 Years Ago JFK's Assassination and Palace Coup #Woke a Nation

Then They Came For The Children

Can Saudi Royal family do anything they want?

Hype Over Hillary Clinton Running in 2020 is Pretty Funny

Reverse effect: Number of global Jihadists quadrupled since 'War on Terr...

Laura Loomer Banned from Twitter for Criticizing Religious Zealots and C...

Meet The Man Facebook Is So Afraid Of They Hired A Firm To Smear Him (HBO)

Chipotle Fires Manager Over False Discrimination Claims

Artificial Intelligence: Mankind's Last Invention

What's Behind the YouTube Algorithm? (Part 1 of 3)

What Would Happen if Aliens Landed on Earth?

The Hidden Algorithms That Power Your Everyday Life (Part 2 of 3)

Keiser Report: Facade of Progressivism (E1309)

Democrats Should Stop Pretending to Oppose Saudi Government Tyranny (Re:...

De-FAANGed: Big Tech Loses $1 Trillion - #NewWorldNextWeek

New Docs Reveal You’re Filmed More Than You Think

Establishment GOP Runs Scared as Trump Says What it Has for a Decade abo...

Chinas social point system rewards and punishment

Why They Want To Replace White People

Christian Zealot Tries to Convert North Sentinel Natives, Gets Killed

‘Non’ to digital colonization? France urges to ditch Google & go local

Amazon Gets $3 Billion in NY Tax Breaks While Underfunded Public Transpo...

If You STILL DON'T Think Cable News is FAKE You MUST SEE THIS!!


How China uses intimidation, negotiation to bring Christians under its c...

BREAKING: FINAL SHOWDOWN! President Trump Delivers Mueller The ONE THING...

China Intensifies Crackdown on Marxist Student Activists

US Troops Authorized to Use Force Against Migrants

Planet X Suppress Information about Nibiru's Imminent Arrival

Hollywood Celebrities Claim Republicans CHEATED Without Evidence

Vatican Puts A Stop To FIGHTING AGAINST Sexual Assault

The Fate of Americans

The Truth About Modern Advertising

Leftist Says Donald Trump is the Most HONEST President EVER?!

BREAKING: Trump About To Prosecute Clinton & Comey – Here’s Who SQUASHED...

Scientists develop cancer-fighting virus

Anti-Semitic Playbook: Facebook Discredits Critics by Linking to George ...

Millionaires Running Democratic Party Meet In Secret

Ocasio-Cortez's Ignorance and Gaffes Are Weakening The Left

Here's Why You're Wrong

Trump Voter Feels Betrayed By President After Reading 800 Pages Of Queer...

UNHINGED! Purple Hair Libtard SHORT CIRCUITS in Portland Then Learns Her...

The Filthy Rich Come Out For Nancy Pelosi, Threatening Economic Carnage ...

Bad Chinese Dams Could Kill Thousands

Facebook CAUGHT Gathering And Storing Facial Data Recognition

Pink-Haired Crazy Attacks Portland #HimToo Demonstrators | For Once, Jus...

Election Supervisor In Florida Resigns Amidst Huge Controversy

Swalwell Inexplicably Wades Back Into His Own Diarrhea Pit on His Nuke T...

Jack Dorsey is Unprincipled and Spineless ft. Hindu Caste System

OOPS! Newly Elected Dem Congresswoman Didn’t Realize You’re Not Supposed...

The Challenges Facing Cryptocurrencies

Selfie saves man from 99 years in prison after false acc...

Top News Anchor Turns To Camera LIVE and EXPOSES The Media’s SICK Role i...

��The "LAW" You Better Hope NEVER Comes to Your State!!!��

BREAKING: Identity CONFIRMED! Here’s The Actress Who Just Filed A Restra...

NDP Education Minister attends fundraiser for alleged terror sponsors

Notley hires anti-fossil fuel activist to “solve” oil price crisis | She...


Twitter In a Scandal After CEO Engages in "Hateful Speech"

You Can Be Thrown Into Prison For Not Paying Your Bills

Antifa Is Basically Fascist, Well Aside From The Nationalism

Thirsty Earth: New discovery baffles ocean scientists

Trump’s Amazing & Expensive ‘Space Force’

#17 Globalism, Nationalism, and Democracy | Logan For Liberty

Stormy’s ‘Creepy Porn Lawyer’ In Deep Trouble – Trump’s Floodgates Swing...

CNN CAUGHT in BLATANT Hollywood Psychological Operations Stunt!!

The Cult The US Government Is Using To Overthrow The Iranian Government

Looters Pillage California As It Burns

Heroic Mexicans Defend US from Invading Migrant Caravan

Why Is Trump Supporting Nancy Pelosi To Be Speaker?

The CREEPIEST Families With SCARY Secrets...

FBI Categorized Proud Boys as Extremist Group - What About Women's March?

UK defence secretary blasts idea of creating EU army as ‘crazy’

The Ethical State

DHS: "Migrant Caravan Mostly Men, Plan To Storm US Border"

They Can't Take a Joke!

Corporate Judges Just Opened Up California’s Protected Lands For Corpora...

Syrian army advances against ISIS east of Sweida province

5 Countries Punished for Angering China

Russia & Turkey officially complete construction of joint gas pipeline

The UK Saying a Dog Pooping is a Hate Crime is Remarkably Like the Burni...

Why Do We Still Trust Mueller?

Let's Talk About "Globalism"

Caller Says, Is It Not Racist When Pro Blacks Say Blac...

US Government Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks' Assange

Pakistani Christians fear for their lives under Sharia law | Jack Buckby

Solving Payment Processor Censorship Right Now

McRaven Calls Trump a Great Threat to the USA, Shows Lack of Understanding

The Legacy Media Is Obsessed with the Nonexistent Threat of Trump Firing...

Lunatic Virginia Democrat Matt Warner Wants More Online Censorship

News Wrap: Democratic senators ask judge to remove acting AG Whitaker

Chipotle Is LYING About The Racial Profiling Controversy??

US & Australia Aim To Curb Chinese Power w/ Naval Base

Is Canada Shirking its NATO Commitments?

Democrats go after Pelosi and AG Whitaker

Historian Victor Davis Hanson on why he supports Trump

"True European" Army forming to defend EU from U.S.

David Icke Exposes George H W Bush

What Would Happen if CALIFORNIA SECEDED from the Union (America)?

Storms In Space Could Wreak Havoc on Earth – UK scientists

Trump Is Taking Acosta's Pass AGAIN, CNN Is Freaking out

Stormy Saudi desert as you’ve never seen it before


Why NAFTA 2.0 Will Still Hurt Workers & Keep Medicine Prices High (w/Lor...

Trudeau punishes LEGAL border crossers in Manitoba | Sheila Gunn Reid

Responding To Whoopi Goldberg's Comments On Justice Democrats

Comey RETURNS! Challenges GOP Leadership After They THREATEN Him To Go U...

One UK school has 17 children changing gender

How Pelosi battle reflects Democratic frustration over leadership 'bottl...

OMG! DISNEY asks China if they can buy FOX. They’re like (In Chinese) “A...

NEW Chicago "Mass Shooting" - Sifting Through the Nonsense

Mexican Protesters: "Trump Was Right, This Is An Invasion"

Overnight These Signs Showed Up In Portland and Immediately Liberals Wen...

‘Insane’ Media Thinks Masha and the Bear Cartoon is Kremlin Propaganda


BREAKING: US Border Goes Into Temporary Lockdown – Incoming Traffic HALTED

WikiLeaks is ‘absolutely protected under the First Amendment’ – Lionel

BREAKING: BAD NEWS Handed Down to Brenda Snipes and It's About Time!

EU President Who Wants to Lead New EU Army Can’t Even Match His Own Shoes

Chuck Schumer Scolds Ocasio Cortez For Protesting Pelosi

Free Speech Under Attack By NPC Culture: The Story Of GAB, Pittsburg, Pa...

American Press Freedom Hijacked By Globalism

DeSantis: 'No Way' Snipes Was Going to Preside Over Another Election

Pelosi BLASTED By Her Own Party As Potential Challenger EXPOSES Her For ...

Facebook hired PR firm to label its critics ‘agents of Soros’

Indoctrination Of American Youth Crushes The American Dream

THAT Didn’t Take Long! Ocasio-Cortez Just Flipped The Script ALREADY!

Battle for Tijuana - Mexicans Say Caravans Are Invasion & Trump is Right


Michael Avenattis Law Firm Evicted on Non Payment of Rent... Hahaha Basta

John Kiriakou Warns No Fair Trial for Assange is Possible (I Agree)

Petition to Give Alex Jones WH Credentials, Seat Him Next to Jim Acosta

It's Time to Ban McNukes

The UK Is CRAZY, ANOTHER Dog Accused Of Racial Crime

Ocasio-Cortez Just Declared WAR On Democrat Elites

The Week that was - Brexit Special Live Stream with Academic Agent and S...


Antifa Beat Up an Innocent Jewish Man In Philadelphia

When Royal Inbreeding Went Horribly Wrong

'I Cannot Enforce This Law': Police Chief Pushes Back on Washington's Ne...

Fascism and Communism are the Same Thing

Majority Don't Like Doug Ford Or His Attacks On Workers

Ben Shapiro Is Helping To Spread Antisemitism?

The Stupidity of France's Macron, 2446

Crazy Orange County Police Pursuit

Why Society Hates Men - MGTOW

Has Hillary Clinton's Luck Run Out? Clinton Foundation May Have A Legal ...

Liberals waste millions on new cars for G7 | David Menzies

Nancy Pelosi Will Be Speaker of the House and Trump WILL HELP HER

UN Migration Pact Starts Collapsing | Countries Pull Out | USA & Hungary...

Guy Verhofstadt flies in a rage that the EU doesn't have more power

Flashback: Spite of the Union: A Rant

Gun Control: Legislating Fear

The Reality of Anti-White H*tred

Chemtrails | The Conspiracy Files

War on Christianity? US student loses free speech case vs college over '...


Revisiting The Rotherham Gangs

Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over the Wall: I Agree With Him

Medical Marijuana Patients Sue Government Over Gun Disarmament: I Suppor...

Why the U.S. Military is Woefully Unprepared for a Major Conventional Co...

Bulgaria Nixes UN Open Borders Pact

Maxine Waters LAUNCHES First Salvo Against Her New ENEMIES - Here’s What...