
Saturday stream. Drill sgt screams at female recruit and gets court mar...

They Are Using Kids Now...

San Jose police chief DEFENDS gang member with badge JARED YUEN

Social distancing will resume after a commercial break

Leftists DEMAND End To Police Movies And Shows As Its "Pro Police" Propa...

Debunking All Major Claims of Trump Being a Racist

Women Are Getting Trolled By 4Chan Into Shaving Their Heads...

Pro Black Lives Matter Activists CAUGHT Bringing Weapons To NYC, Waving ...

Independent Journalist ARRESTED After Lefitst Mobs Attacks Him, Cops Arr...

Biden & Pelosi’s Ridiculous Response To Protests

The “Left” Is Cheering On Censorship & The Left Always Pays.w/Chris Hedges

Media And Democrats "Political Hit Job" Against Trump And COVID Medicine...

Countries are 'reverting back to economic nationalism'

Agitators WANT Division And Destruction, They Are Willing To Sacrifice E...

Rex Murphy said Canada isn't racist and the grievance industry lost thei...

Vox Journalist IMMEDIATELY Apologizes To Woke Twitter Mob For REASONABLE...

Boris' Latest Brexit Move Sends EU Into CHAOS

Cops CONFRONTED In Mexico For Kicking People Off The Beach! - Says There...

#BlackLivesMatter Has No Case in Britain

Who cares about official EU stance? All mighty EU nations have already j...


Police group breaks with Biden amid George Floyd protests

Former NY governor slams local leadership as 'utterly inept', defends NYPD

DC Mayor Removes National Guard & Brings In Violent Rioters to Kill Trump


Jobs BOOM and Payrolls SOAR as Riot Supporting Dems Inadvertently End Lo...

Bernie Sanders is a Clueless Bigot and Economic Scientologist #SnakeOilS...

Twitter Now Openly Election Meddling By "Fact Checking" Trump Tweets

Lifelong Democrat Goes FULL MAGA, Tells me Trump MUST Win And Republican...

The WHO Knowingly Lied About China

"We Have Capitalism for the Poor and Socialism for the Rich" - Mark Blyth

Krystal and Saagar REACT: Horrific video shows police SHOVE elderly man ...

Hannity Directly Attacks Biden’s Mental Health Hard

When You're A Snowflake But Didn't Plan On Getting Arrested

And Then Healthcare Workers Started Cheering Protesters | The Surest Sig...

Sen. Cruz Grills Google on Allegations of Politically Biased Censorship

Major victory for India, Xi kneels. Forced to remove the commander who c...

Krystal and Saagar: NYT staffers REVOLT over Tom Cotton op-ed calling fo...

Tucker Carlson SLAMS Celebrities For Bailing Out Rioters, I Say Let The ...

Buffalo Police Riot Response Team RESIGN Over Treatment Of Officers Show...

Slate Glorifies Violence, Mysteriously Isn't Censored by Twitter

The New Jobs Report was so Good Nancy Pelosi Tried to Take Credit for It

Election Polls are Almost Meaningless Before the Debates

Chicago RAZES Whole Projects, Life In Big Cities Is NOT Worth It

“A criminal for serving bacon & eggs”: Diner faces $500K FINE for reopening

Transit Union Refusing To Transport Cops Or Prisoners! w/Chris Hedges

Politicians Across The Nation Want To DEFUND The POLICE!

Black VS Brown? Latino Gangs Reach Boiling Point With Rioters

SJWs Just Formally Declared A Coup At NYT, This Would Give Them MASSIVE ...

This Is What's Hiding Between Galaxies - Intergalactic Medium

Homicidal Cops Caught On Police Radio

Cops, Karens, and the Coming Dystopia

The COLOSSAL COLLAPSE of Rachel Maddow as Her Ratings PLUNGE!!!

"PARTISAN LIES" Ted Cruz Says Obama Is WORSE Than Nixon Corruption

"Karen" Is Now In The Dictionary

Chinese Navy Base in Pakistan? | Hong Kong Under New Threat

Cops Arrest Store Owners Who Flagged Them Down For Help!?!?

The Road to Civil War | Live From The Lair

Family Of Treasury Official Administering Bailout Profiting In Billions!

4Chan Tricks White Women into Shaving Their Head For Black Lives Matter

4Chan Tricks White Women into Shaving Their Head For Black Lives Matter

Project Veritas PROVES Antifa Is Organized And Training For Combat


CNN SLAMS Trump For Not Social Distancing While Also Supporting Protests...

What is China’s Wolf Warrior Strategy? And why is the world suddenly dis...

Chuck Schumer Blames Republicans For Police Violence In Democrat Run Cit...

Most Multinational Corporations Grandstand About Police Brutality

Glenn Greenwald: Coronavirus, protests reveal society's authoritarian pr...

Lego PATHETICALLY Smears ALL Cops & Firemen STOPS Marketing All Products

Lego PATHETICALLY Smears ALL Cops & Firemen STOPS Marketing All Products

“Cops Are The Primary Source Of Social Control”. w/Chris Hedges

Social media Staff REVOLT And Go Full "All Lives Matter" Enraging SJW CE...

Cops Using “Contact Tracing” For Covid To Track Protestors! w/Dylan Ratigan

White People Cleaning Up After Democrat Rioters Is Now Racist

Hey Leftists: Did David Dorns Life Matter?

The Story of How China Ruined Everything

Black Lives Matter's Marxist Agenda EXPOSED

Left-wing Identity Politics Ideology Is Already Here, Is There A Slipper...

Joe Biden: "10 to 15 Percent Of Americans Are BAD People!"

NBC, CBS, CNN Fall For Viral HOAX and Knowingly Spread FAKE NEWS, ANTIFA...

TikTok Nurses ARE NOW Under Heavy Scrutiny.

BLM is Not Fundamentally Interested in Racial Justice: Here's Why

NYPD Resigning At Alarming Rate, Cops Suspended For Shoving 75 Year Old ...

Senator Calls For Military Intervention Over Riots Sparking OUTRAGE As B...

Black Lives Matter Is A Leftist Lie


Social Media AFFIRMS Spoiled Protesters In Cincinnati, 'I'm Going Back A...

Maniac NYPD Chief “Couldn’t Be Prouder” Of Brutal Cops

EXPLOSIVE LEAKED TRANSCRIPT! Obama is IN TROUBLE after this call was rel...

Rioter is Killed, Prosecutor declares SELF DEFENSE for Bar Owner under s...

Rioter is Killed, Prosecutor declares SELF DEFENSE for Bar Owner under s...

NEW LANDSLIDE Poll Could Mean TRUMP Victory in November! The People Are ...

LEGO Ask Outlets to STOP SELLING Police & Fire Related Lego (CLOWN WORLD)!!

Charges Filed Against Three Cops In Minneapolis Are TOUGH, Could They Be...

Man FIRED For Being Anti-Looting & Lashing Out Over The Loss Of David Do...

Protestor Humiliates LAPD Chief Live On Zoom!

AMC admits movie theaters are FINISHED!? Close to complete BANKRUPTCY!

CNN Tells White Parents To Guilt & Shame Their Kids To Fight Racism

Jake Paul CHARGED Over Rioting In Arizona, Why Are Rich People Looting??

Minneapolis Contemplates COMPLETELY DISBANDING Police Force, lol waht???

Elon Musk SLAMS Amazon For Digital Book Burning, Journalists ADMIT SJWS ...

“The Ruling Elite Has Lost All Legitimacy”. w/Chris Hedges

Chris Cuomo IS DONE! ENDS His Own Career With HORRIBLE Take On National TV!

The Virginia Insurrection (A Gun Control Rant)

America Ablaze - A Rant


Black Lives Matter Leader Calls To ARM Black Communities To Reduce Incid...

WOKE Is The New RELIGION, Insane Video PROVES That The Overlap Is Unmist...

Car Dealerships are Going Bankrupt and You Can Get a Free Car

Gotcha! SpaceX Cut's Feed To Hide UFO During Starlink Mission?

Wendy’s is Over Party Starts After Donations to Trump are Discovered��️

It Will Be Weeks Before we Know What Effect the Far Left Riots Will Have...

Press Sec. STUNS Media, Exposes “Biggest Political Scandal” And Their Co...

Project Veritas INFILTRATES ANTIFA: “Practice things like an eye gouge.....

Suspected Looter Drops To His Knees And Gets Shot By Cops, NYPD Cops AMB...

Susan Rice Blames Russia For George Floyd Protests

Protestors Are Getting Infected With COVID-19 on a MASSIVE Scale, HUGE S...



How the DC Establishment Tripped Up the Trump Presidency

Gravitas: Facebook is facing a mutiny

These Residents Claim That A Portal Just Opened Up In The Sky Above Israel

Naive Leftist FREAKS OUT After Getting Arrested, Leftists SHOCKED By The...

White People Hold Mass Prayer Begging Black People For Forgiveness

Flashback: Clinton Speaking Tour Huge Fail - Nobody Shows Up

USA is ready to kiss Saudi Arabia goodbye

Donald Trump is a genius. It's game, set, match in his battle with the m...

McEnany to Jim Acosta’s Accusations that White House ‘Gassed’ Protesters...

Lefty Has a Meltdown After Seeing Pro-Life Ad

LA Police Union Lawyer Tweets "SHOOT PROTESTORS!"

Cop Quits Force Over Protests & Soldiers Refuse Orders

LA Police Chief Blames Protestors For Killing George Floyd!

Things Aren't As Bad As You Think: Stop Guzzling Left Wing Propaganda


One Snap Poll Shows Major US Support for Quelling Riots with the Nationa...

Biden & Pelosi’s Ridiculous Response To Protests


UK has lost the plot. Protests of 10,000 is ok, but one on one fun time ...

WHO changes its tune after US exit

China has zero military experience

Trump Deploys Military to RESTORE ORDER as Media Suffers HYSTERICAL MELT...


The US is Getting SERIOUS About China

The New Cult of America

China Building the World's Übermensch from the DNA Up

Biden Confronted Over a Crime Bill So He Lies

Joe Biden BLAMES Charlemagne for his "YOU AINT BLACK" statement...

PRC's army is full of wimps, sissies and little emperors

Trump to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization: My Thoughts

The Mayor of Minneapolis is Completely Insane

Star Wars & Blizzard BLASTED For Hypocrisy In Virtue Signaling Tweets

The Entire Game Industry Bends the Knee!


Cops Take Knee Then Attack Protestors

The Time Mao Offered The USA 10 Million Women

Ricky Gervais SLAMS woke media hypocrisy! Says enough is enough!

Instant Regret! Streamer Tries & FAILS To Get Protesters To Flip Truck (...

‘Black Lives Matter Is a Joke’ — Black D.C. Resident Tells Far-Left Grou...

Twitter Admits Its Bias, REFUSES To Fact Check Democrats Who Lied

The Anti HCQ Study Is Now Being Called Fake News, So Trump Was Right??!

AG Says EVERY Rioter And Looter Was Released By Democrat From Prison Ove...

What Army MOS deploys the most

Democrats Have BETRAYED The People Ignoring Lockdown In Support Of Prote...

YouTube Deletes Comments That Insult China

China Must “Prepare for War:” Xi Jinping | India and China Military Buil...

Social Media Censorship? Trump’s Executive Order

New Video Evidence EXPOSES Planned Riots! Proof of ANTIFA Staged Riots!!

Sanders Openly Calls for Socialism

Joe Biden Caught Lying in a Church | Top Biden Gaffes of the Week

Driver Runs Over Cop & DeBlasio’s Double Standard

Hollywood Pedocrats Tweet Black Boxes To Fight Racism & Hitler Trump

YouTube Yanks My Video Warning Looters That Suburbs Shoot Back

Saagar Enjeti: Panicked Dems try to blame RUSSIA for looting, violence

Cornel West Smacks Down Chris Wallace’s Loaded B.S. Question On Looting

Hollywood BOOTLICKING Peaks As They Worship Carnage & Dishonor Veterans

You got a license for that Netflix and Chill?! It's now a crime to hook ...

Nickelodeon Runs SHOCKING Ad Frightening Children For Virtue

Instant Regret! Company DESTROYED Over Moronic Tweet With A Twist!

Celebrities FUND Unrest In HOLLYWOOD Clout Grab! Steve Carrell, Seth Ro...

Instant Karma! Reporter BUSTED Faking Activism & Spectacular Backlash En...

Apple takes a stand against protesters!? Won't support looters?!

Domestic Terrorists Released Without Charge in St. Louis by Democrats

Media Keeps DEFENDING The Riots In Desperate Attempt At Ratings Amid Col...

Cop To Woman: We’re Gonna Beat The F**k Out Of You”. w/Dylan Ratigan

Minneapolis Police Union Defies Mayor’s Order To Be Less Violent & Conti...

Flashback: Coronavirus Fearmongering Continues as Globalists Lash Out on All Fronts

Trump Is Right, Poll Shows Most Americans Want Military To Crush The Rio...

Trump's Comments TRIGGER The Media, LIES About Trump Actions And Militar...

Parents TURN IN Antifa Son To Police For Lighting A Cop Car On Fire Duri...

Yes, Antifa Has HIJACKED The Floyd Protests, But These Protesters Are RE...

The 'Roof Koreans' Are Back, Armed Civilians Take Action Against Riots

"Protesters" Get Shot and Blown Up Peacefully Stealing

Celebrities Fuel Riot Meltdown | Obama calling Looters "Thugs"

Police Chief Tells Citizens They are On Their Own While KKK Burns City?!

Antifa is the world’s most ‘fascist Orwellian organisation’

CNN's Cuomo Defends Rioting, Says Protest DONT Need To Be Peaceful Even,...

It Will Be Weeks Before we Know What Effect the Far Left Riots Will Have...

The Establishment Has Lost ALL Credibility, COVID Is Gone??! HOW?! WHERE?!

New York City Is a Warzone, Over 2000 Arrests So Far, Businesses DESTROY...

Bar Owner Kills Rioter, Prosecutor REFUSES To Charge Him, Cites Self Def...

Medical Examiner Already Making Excuses For George Floyd's Killer

This Is The Early Stages of Civil War, Cops AMBUSHED, Democrats Denounce...

NY Mayor Defends Cops Brutality & Cuomo Condemns It

Democrats are So Scared of Trump They're Going to Astroturf Influencers ...

The Coronavirus Lockdowns No Longer Seem to Exist Thanks to Riot Virtue ...

Tucker: Ballot harvesting makes a mockery of the secret vote

NYPD Says Evidence PROVES Rioting Is Planned, "Activists" Caught Giving ...

Rioter Arrested ADMITS Its All About MONEY, Other Lunatics Attack Firefi...

Ebola Returns to the Congo

The Legacy Media is Partly to Blame for the Riots

Joe Biden Suggests Cops Shoot People In The Legs Because He's An Idiot

China issues threat to Canada as Huawei CFO gets closer to extradition

STAGED Antifa Riots? Trump is SHUTTING DOWN Antifa.

Biden Campaign SUPPORTING Rioters With Bail Out Money!

LAPD Runs Over Protestors As News Anchor Ignores It

Minneapolis Burning: Livestream With Live Q&A

Anti-Lockdown Protester: Chinese Communists Destroyed Capitalism 'Withou...

Watch Police Instigate & Escalate All Across The U.S.

Author: Is working class condemned to serfdom in America after coronavirus?

Lock Step-Scripted Police State - Your NEW America!!

13 Things Not To Do During SHTF

US military Enters Cities as Violence Escalates

Proof Millionaire Jake Paul Looted This Weekend...

Leftist Journalist SHOCKED That the Rioters Destroyed Her Office, Journa...

Lab Monkeys Become Aware & Escape With Coronavirus Samples

Van Jones Calls Out ‘White Hillary Liberals’

What is the Mysterious Bilderberg Group?

Presenting The Angry, White, Feminist Female Faces... of Black Lives Matter

Women PRETENDS TO BE A MAN on Tinder, realizes life is hard.

SPECIAL REPORT: Inside China’s COVID Cold War with the West

Coronavirus may have been created in a Wuhan lab ‘genetic engineering’ e...

Autopsy Says George Floyd Died Of Natural Causes. w/Chris Hedges

Former intelligence chief believes COVID-19 could have leaked from a Chi...

The mystery of the pallet of bricks in middle of the protests

Look What Else MSM is Hiding About Mr. Floyd


Woke Liberals Who Supported the Riots Are CRYING as Their Starbucks Get ...

US protests 'hijacked' by violent 'anarchists'

Armed Leftists Shoot At Conservative Journalists House, Nat Guard And Po...

Tucker: Susan Rice and the origins of the Russia investigation

The Media Claims Racist Trump Supporters are the ones Rioting. America i...

Super Woke Celebrities Push for Abolishing Police While Cities Burn

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr on Social Media Censorship

Insanity 'is gripping the American left'

Our Society Incentivizes and Rewards Political Violence and this Has Led...

RETRACTION #315: The Young Turks DELETE their own YouTube show!

Compilation Of Maniac Cops Assaulting Women & Peaceful Protestors On Cam...

White House Gets Briefly Locked Down Due to Riots; Liberals Consider thi...

White House Gets Briefly Locked Down Due to Riots; Liberals Consider thi...

Trump to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization: My Thoughts

George Floyd Has Been All but Forgotten Already

CNN Tells Idiots The Riots are Peaceful While They are Being Attacked

Trump Declares The US Will Designate Antifa As A Terrorist Organization,...

Trump Declares The US Will Designate Antifa As A Terrorist Organization,...

San Jose Cop Brutally Attacks Protestor & Rest Of Cops Join In

Rich Leftist Dude CHEERS For Rioting, Then It Comes To his House And He ...

There is something occurring behind the scenes, but who is pulling the s...

Biden Campaign Posting Bail For "White Supremacists" Burning Cities Down

Wow, New Mysterious Fifth Force May Have Been Just Confirmed

America's Spectrum of Political Violence EXPLAINED

Trump on escalating protests: Violence is being led by Antifa, radical g...

Trump Is Taking On Big Tech

What does Trump Executive order means?

Rioter Tries To Burn Down A Museum But Sets HIMSELF On Fire, Rioting Is ...

MAYHEM IN AMERICA: Riots and chaos engulf New York, Minneapolis, Los Ang...

NYPD Intentionally Runs Over Protestors In Broad Daylight

Trump BLASTS China over ABUSE of Hong Kong's independence

New Study Finds Possible Causes For Earth Ice Ages

Kathy Griffin MELTDOWN on twitter once again attacking Trump...

How The BBC Faked Racism | Ex-Employee Speaks Out | IconoChats #11

TV Shtick BACKFIRES, CNN Host Cuomo Sees His Ratings Plummet Nearly FIFT...

New Video Emerges Showing This Is ORGANIZED Insurrection, We Are Enterin...

Journalists Develop Mass AMNESIA, COVID Magically Disappears When Leftis...

Republican Files Federal Election Complaint Against Twitter Over Trump C...

Zuckerberg REFUSES To Censor Donald Trump, SLAMS Twitter For Their Censo...

Sunrise Movement Being Co-Opted By Biden Task Force

Obama Gaslights Non-Stop In Endorsement Video For Biden

Documents Reveal: FBI Set Up General Flynn

Chris Hedges Running For Congress As Green!

One Question RussiaGate Pushers Never Ask w/Jesse Ventura pt. 2

Powerful Commercial Encourages Jesse Ventura To Run For President

Digital Immunity Passports are Coming

Journalists SHOCKED That Basically Everyone Hates Them As They Get Attac...

The Mayor of Minneapolis is Completely Insane

Tim Discusses His Prediction For Civil War And Escalating Racial Tensions

If the Democrats Had Any Dignity They'd Rebuke the Rioters

Not One Mention of "Riots" by Any Lamestream Network

Biden Felt Entitled To Bernie's Small Dollar Fundraising Army

Did Protesters Identify Police Infiltrator Breaking Windows?

The Rioting Is Being Staged And Even Minnesota's Governor Agrees, Says I...

Krystal Ball: The populist uprising arrives

Krystal Ball: CNN, MSNBC CAUGHT covering for catastrophic Cuomo mistake

Unemployment Insurance Scammed For $100 million By Nigerians!