
Mark Zuckerberg Tries Stand-Up Comedy

TYT's Emma Slanders Tulsi As A Right Winger | Ana Kasparian Is Incompete...

Ultimate Pervert Harvey Weinstein, Surrogate For Hillary Clinton, Calls ...

The Battle for Freedom of Speech

What If There Was A Nuclear War Between the US and Russia?

Why Japan's Geography Sucks

Zuckerberg ‘sees the writing on the wall’

Labor defends support for free trade deals after union backlash

How El Chapo Became World's Biggest Drug Lord

Mexican authorities release El Chapo's son

Christian governor suspended for questioning LGBT books in school


Influential lists only include 'raging left-wing, feminists or climate a...

China's Generation ZEN - The Blackest Pill of All

CNN And Van Jones SLAM Hillary Clinton For Russia SMEAR Of Tulsi, Seriou...

It Turns Out I (Tim Pool) Am A Communist, Who Would Have Thought


Rand Paul Steps Off ‘The View’ Set & INSTANTLY Gives The Women a Taste o...

Obama ENDORSES Justin Trudeau DESPITE Blackface, NOT Biden!

Understanding Why Normies are TERRIFIED of The Joker (And Slurp Up Fake ...

Keiser Report: Crybabies on Wall Street (E1451)

Follow Up To Last Year's Smear Focusing On Me, Dave Rubin, And Blaire Wh...

Greta Thunberg Needs Police When Asked About Who's Paying Her

Is the Canadian Political System Corrupt? Viva Frei Vlawg

News: Wages, Robots, and Inflation (Morning Constitutional)

Congress BLASTS Blizzard In New Letter! It's Getting REAL!

Mark Zuckerberg Just DEFENDED Donald Trump?! Says Facebook Will Uphold F...

Trump Threatens Lawsuit Against CNN Citing Project Veritas Videos

Boris Gets a Deal and Everyone Loses Their Minds

The Contrast Between Trumps Dallas Rally and Every Dem Rally and Debate

Hillary Clinton Pushes DEBUNKED Conspiracy About Trump And Russia, Smear...

“Trump Rages At Pelosi’s Face!” Says HuffingtonPost

Hillary Clinton Pushes DEBUNKED Conspiracy About Trump And Russia, Smear...

Clinton Consultant Attacks Jimmy Dore For Exposing Warren Lying

Hillary Clinton Got NUKED From Orbit TWICE In One Day, Tulsi Emerges Aft...

Youtube Begins Paying Vapid, Meaningless "Celebs" to Make Videos

Rebel Media & Does Canada Have Freedom of the Press? Viva Frei Vlawg

Trudeau dodges student/teacher misconduct question: Rebel News at the Fr...

Trudeau's orders: No funds for Christian summer camps due to abortion be...

We Should Pressure More Corporations to Abandon Zuckerbergs Libra Project

Propagandist Legacy Media Rag Politico Tries to Defend China from Criticism

NIMBY "Extinction Rebellion" Sellouts Get Slammed in London

ABC Apologizes "Mistakes" Syria For Kentucky

The California Cancer - A Rant

We are at Risk of "Stumbling Zombie-like into a Digital Welfare Dystopia...

Harry Reid: Elizabeth Warren More Corruptible Than Bernie

Pelosi Decides to Postpone Impeachment Vote for President Trump Indefini...

Leftists Spreading Fake News Meme About Trump And Ancient Rome Comments,...

Cyber Attack?? MASSIVE Telecom Outage Hits US And UK At Nearly The Same ...

Jordan Peterson: The Ultimate Trick of Postmodernism

Climate Change Terrorists Getting Beat Up By Normies

BETO Says Mass Shooters Will VOLUNTARILY Hand Over Their Guns!

CNN's Horrible, Terrible, No Good Debate Questions

Tulsi Calls Out CNN To Their Face!

Biden Has Weak, Contradictory Response On Ukraine/ Hunter Scandal

Warren Flip Flops AGAIN On Big $ Donors!

Democrats Trying To Walk Back Claims They plan To ARREST Trump Officials

Big Winners & Losers Of The CNN #DemDebate

What Bernie Should Say To Biden But Won't

CNN Ratings Hit NEW LOW Amid Leaks Proving They Push Fake News About Trump

ALERT: ABC News ROCKED By Major Scandal - Now they're FOREVER "Fake News...

Sammy Gravano Talks Epstein and Clinton

Canada's Going CASHLESS! - As Economy CRUMBLES, Banks Want CONTROL!

Joe Biden Loses It, Says Bernie And Warren Trying To Con America

Do We Want America to Guarantee Peace in the Middle East or Not?

Civil War 2 Goes Mainstream: "We're In A Permanent Coup"

Fights Break Out After Hypocrite Climate Change Activists Disrupt ELECTR...

Beto admits Cops Will Go Door-to-Door to CONFISCATE AR-15s

Live Stream: Trump’s Landslide Brought to You By DNC Geniuses

Trump Says Bolton Was the LEAKER - Now Trump Must Fire the Other Rats

US Leaves Syria - Turkey On Thin Ice?

Twitter Openly Silencing Trump By "Restricting" Mean Tweets

Trump Triggers an Absolute Meltdown

Democrats and Neocons Try, Fail to Stop Border Wall as Trump Vetoes Thei...

How The Media Made a Frontrunner

CNN Protects Elizabeth Warren by Cutting Tulsi Gabbard Off

Democrat Debates 2019 were PATHETIC

MORE Jordan Peterson Events Are Getting Canceled Due To Antifa Threats

Twitter Will Censor World Leader's 'Offensive' Tweets

Beto During Debate: Americans WILL Comply With Gun Confiscation

President Trump is Withdrawing ALL Americans from Afghanistan and Syria ...

Secret Treason Determines America's Future

Survivors react after police break up sex-trafficking ring

Why CNN, Mainstream & Social Media is Hemorrhaging Credibility

British Couple SHOCKED That Illegally Entering The US Is ILLEGAL, Get De...

China's Influence in Hollywood

Climate Change: Everywhere is Warming Twice as Fast As Everywhere Else!


EU is a collection of fading, failing economies – George Galloway

Beto ADMITS He Will Send Cops To Your DOOR To Confiscate Your Property

50% of Ultra-Liberal Colleges Will COLLAPSE in 10 YEARS!!!

Millionaires Attacking Billionaires - Democratic Debate Analysis

Youtube Is Trying To FORCE Me To Social Engineer YOU, This Affects Almos...

Ilhan Omar Laundering Campaign Money Through Boyfriend?

China Reveals 9 New Weapons Systems in Beijing

Democrats Announce They WILL NOT Vote On Impeachment Authorization Again...


The Collapse of Media Credibility

Flashback: The Untruth About Donald Trump

Flashback: More Untruth About Donald Trump

Flashback: Even More Untruth About Donald Trump

The Dem Field is So Bad Some Actually Want Hillary Clinton 2020

The Democratic Debate Was AWFUL, Trump Is Going To Landslide 2020, Admit it

Flashback: ELECTION Rant: Razör Explains The God Emperor's Ascent

Flashback: How Obama Obliterated Hillary: A Rant

No, Bernie Sanders, Warren is Not a "Capitalist"

LeBron James, China, Censorship, and the Dangers of Globalism

CNN Spreads Misinformation to Smear Trump Supporters

Democrats are LEAVING the Party in Droves!!!

CNN Exposed by Project Veritas

Extinction Rebellion is an ‘anti-democratic’ and ‘anti-Western’ movement

Australia's ‘war with China has already begun’

Dutch family found locked in cellar were waiting 'for the end of the world'

DNA Spit Kit Genealogy Databases: Boy, Will You Regret This!

Elizabeth Warren Virtue Signals About "Indigenous" People, Gets Owned

Left Openly Admits It's Trying To Turn Men Into Women

New Analytics Show Trump Might SWEEP With Nearly 400 Electoral Votes In ...

Hunter Biden ADMITS He Likely Got Ukraine Job Because Of His Dad, Looks ...

[YOUTUBE SUPPRESSED THIS VIDEO] How CNN And Media Are Pushing Democrats ...

How Does Impeachment Work? | America Uncovered US News

Terminator Dark Fate & The China Connection


‘The View’ Co-Host PROVES She’s Insane After REFUSING To Call Nicolas Ma...

‘The View’ Co-Host PROVES She’s Insane After REFUSING To Call Nicolas Ma...

The New York Times DEMONIZES YouTubers and Gamers... AGAIN.

Blizzard cancels Overwatch Switch party for daddy China

Help! Police! Trump Posted a Meme of Me!

John Bolton Worked With Democrats on Complaint Against Trump Ukraine Con...

Climate change 'scare tactics' are 'all coming from the one side' of pol...

BOOM! Mexican CAUGHT On Camera Destroying Border Wall!

California Lawmakers Passed a Bill Banning Private Prisons

The Truth About Joe Biden

The Big Meh: Project Veritas Exposes Zucker the Obvious, Enlists Rats an...

Kowtowing to China: Corporate Cowardice

RumorBlower #1 Has Vanished!?

Keiser Report: Will China announce it's got 20,000 tons of gold? (E1449)

The Evolution of FAKE NEWS Media

CNN Whistleblower EXPOSES Hard Proof Of Networks Anti-Trump Bias, Projec...

NPCNN: The 'C' is for 'Coup'

Jeff Zucker and CNN Exposed by Project Veritas

Hillary Clinton Finds it Difficult to Embrace Feminine Penises- but Not ...

ABC Caught Using Fake Footage

ABC News Legacy Media Recycles 2010 Gun Range Video For Propaganda, Then...

Kentucky is in Syria (and other anomalies of MSM geography) - #Propagand...

Greg Lukianoff: The Insane Speech Codes at Universities

Employees SHOCKED That Target CUT HOURS After Raising Wages Due To Activ...

Its Official: Dems Can Openly Fantasize About Assasination

Hillary's Newest/Dumbest Excuse For Losing Election


COMMIE Hillary Clinton Blasts Facebook for Not Censoring Enough Voices

ABC News passes off United States gun range footage as Syrian war footage

EU Court Rules In Favor of Global Censorship

CNN Whistleblower EXPOSES Hard Proof Of Networks Anti-Trump Bias, Projec...

Top 10 places people disappear in the United States.

ABC News BUSTED Pushing Fake Story About Syria Using Old Footage From A ...

Hollywood Says "Orange Man Bad, China Good!" China EXPOSES The Activist ...

News: Bribing People With Their Own Money (Morning Constitutional)

5 Mysterious Things That Happened To Our Earth In 2018

Antifa Vandalizes Democratic Party HQ In Portland In Activist Memorial

How YOUR Country is Selling Its Soul to China

Conservative Nationalist Populism TRIUMPHS in Poland!!!

Hong Kong Police Have Become Unhinged

Queen delivers speech outlining post-Brexit plans

Prince Charles: A Mad King In Waiting? | Absolute History

UK mom sues child gender reassignment clinic over ‘experimental’ treatments

History & Immorality of the Welfare State

Tlaib, Dems Consider Soft Coup, Jailing Those who Resist Perpetual Subpo...

CNN Claims Bernie Sanders Had A Stroke. This is Outlandishly Shameful, E...

Chads Are Causing CLIMATE CHANGE

Barack Obama's brother Malik condemns Trudeau's “unacceptable” blackface...

Trump May Have Just ENDED Chain Migration

Ilhan Omar Dumps Her Husband After Having an Affair: But It Doesn't Matt...

Journalist Fake Outrage Over Trump Video Meme Is HYPOCRISY At Its Finest

Harry Reid Warns the Dems Not to Underestimate Trump: Will They Listen?

Democrats Consider Sacrificing US Troops Because Orange Man Bad

Zimbabwe’s Currency Crisis: the worthless $100 trillion bill

CNN Host Sh*ts Pants Over Trumps Debate Power

Democrat Pandering Has Gone Too Far, Propose PUNISHING Churches Now

Biden's Crackhead Kid Was Also Selling Influence To China

Trump Is WINNING Over The "Never Trumpers," Democrats And Media Continue...

California: Abortions Should Be Safe, Legal, As Many As Possible AND Con...

The Dem Field is So Bad Some Actually Want Hillary Clinton 2020