
Sun's Twin Kepler-160 Seems to Have Its Own Earth!

Major Fast Radio Burst Update - 157 Day Pattern Found!

Joe Biden: The Sweet Sniff of Victory

David Sirota: The real reason Biden is HIDING his economic advisors

Antifa's CHAZ Love Utopia Has Warlord That Hates Gay People!

Dumbass Baltimore School Equates BB Gun Ownership with "Bringing a Gun t...

Who Watches The Suicide Watch? (The Epstein Affair)

Hype Over Hillary Clinton Running in 2020 is Pretty Funny

Far Leftists Enact Racial Segregation At "The CHAZ" In Seattle, Right Wi...

Biden: Hunter Got $80k/mo Cuz "He's Very Bright!"

Antifa INDICTED And Now Faces LIFE In Prison, Far Leftists Are Building ...

Democrats Blame Russia For Racism & Riots

Trump orders to withdraw 9500 US troops from Germany | NATO | US-Germany

Xi Jinping’s secret intelligence unit

Scary Pavlovian Conditioning of the Masses

Leftist Policy Is DESTROYING Cities, Truckers REFUSE Deliveries, Jobs Ar...

Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege

Anonymous Black Professor Drops MASSIVE Red Pill on UC Berkeley in EPIC ...

Obama Legacy OVER. Senate GOP Unleashing SUBPOENA POWER On Obama Officia...

Private Security Hires SKYROCKET In Wake Of Riots, Businesses Take No Ch...

African Council BOOED By Far left After Accusing Them Of Hijacking Black...

The Mayor Of Seattle Is Expecting A Summer Of LOVE As Parts Of Her City ...

Starbucks Briefly Bans Employees from Wearing BLM Crap

The Garden At The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone Is A DELIGHT, Things Are ...

Candace Owens: Democrat Laws Negatively Impact Minorities

Trump GOES IN on Joe Biden after Joe said this...

Trump GOES IN on Joe Biden after Joe said this...

Tucker: The Cultural Revolution has come to America

Corporate Pigs Try to Destroy the Ultimate Digital Book Repository

CNN Warns Of "Bloodshed" If Trump Follow Through With Retaking Antifasta...

Trump Says To DOMINATE The Streets With COMPASSION

Trump Says To DOMINATE The Streets With COMPASSION

Culture of political correctness 'is now out of control'

The Karen Mindset: The Psychology of Entitlement

Youtube - A brutally unSAFE SPACE

Chicago Lets Walmart Burn, Then Begs Them to Stay!

Antifa "Autonomous" Zone Is Out Of Supplies But Have Plenty of Rape

Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) - official music video

CNN Pundit Can't Stop With Dumb Dissections Of The Trump Era

Pentagon Chief Forced To Apologize For Appearing In Photo With Trump

Everyone Should Own Guns

Fake Intellectuals Call for a European Empire

Pennsylvania Legislature Votes to End Governors' Lockdown

Antifa & BLM Smash a Black Man's Skull With 600lb Statue to Fight Racism

Cops Applaud Cops Who Assaulted 75 Year Old On Camera

Trump DEMANDS Democrats Reclaim The "CHAZ" Or As Some Call it "Antifasta...

Virginia Should NOT Remove Confederate Monuments!

Tim Pool Gets His First Gun! | Louder with Crowder

Ex-Intelligence Dir: Exposing What The Deep State Is | Richard Grenell |...

Krystal Ball: Biden's INSANE call for more police funding

Glenn Greenwald ridicules Dems thirsting for George W. Bush endorsement


Joe Biden TERRIFIED That Trump Will "Steal The Election" Because Its 201...

Joe Biden TERRIFIED That Trump Will "Steal The Election" Because Its 201...

Dems are FREAKING OUT on how FAR LEFT the party is going...

The US Is Becoming more Conservative Because Democrats DONT Have Kids

Journalists SHOCKED COVID Is Spiking, Its LIES They Supported The Protests

Woke Outrage Comes For Starbucks, Why Are All These Leftist Companies Be...

"How Can I Cure My White Guilt?" Asks the New York Times... Well, Don't ...

The Occult #264: The Truth About Religiosity and Spirituality

The "Vote Blue No Matter Who" Crowd Shows the Ideological Weakness of th...

Ex-Cop Explains Why 'Good Apples' Are Rare

Instant Regret! Starbucks BLASTED For BANNING BLM Pins! Boycott Starbuck...

Tucker: Black Lives Matter is now a political party

Tucker: The rise of left-wing rage mobs in America


CHINA Sows Racial Division As We Focus On Social Justice And Get FAT, Th...

Buffalo Cops Resigning Was FAKE NEWS, Cops QUIT Because Union Refuses To...

Macron FURIOUS As UK Rejects Brexit Transition Extension

Pennsylvania Legislature Votes to End Governors' Lockdown

AOC Can't Answer Simple Question About Crime & Defunding Police

Trump Camo Hat Promotion Sends Mentally Ill Lefties Off The Edge!

Seattle Antifa Zone Leader Threatens Suicide & Warlord Beats up Comrades!

Antifa Have Taken Six Blocks of Seattle & Turned It Into Commie Utopia

TDS: The Incurable Outbreak

Jesse Ventura Talks Third Party Presidential Run

ANTIFAtopia - A Rant

Welcome to the Commie LARP "Autonomous" Zone of Seattle

The Sad Antifa Garden of Seattle, Analyzed

Gravitas: What happens when you quit the P.L.A?

Asymptomatic COVID Patients only "Rarely" Spread Infection, WHO Claims

The Socialism of National Socialism - A Rant

Americas Deceptive Relationship With Revolution

CNN Media Critic Admits Failure At Job

Tyranny, 'Mandatory Buybacks', and Why Militias Matter - A Rant

Biden In Trouble As Trump Is KILLING Him In Fundraising

Cops TV Show CANCELLED! Hollywood Turns On Police TV! Welcome To 1984

Social Justice Hits Science As Leftist Decry Inherent Racism Of STEM

Democrats Virtue Signal BACKFIRES, They Accidentally Wear Slave Trader G...

Far Leftists Of Seattle "Free Zone" Issue Demands INcluding Abolishing T...

Gone With The Wind Removed From HBO Max | Welcome to 1984 in 2020

Unhinged NYPD Union Boss Angrily Defends Cops

Far Leftists Have "Liberated" Part Of Seattle They Call The CHAZ, Looks ...

Leftist Fanatics Pull Down Confederate Statue Onto Supporters Head Criti...


Karl Marx Didn't Understand Human Nature And Communism is a Lie

Scott Adams Reveals What Trump is Actually Like In Real Life

MAGA RALLIES RETURNING as Trump’s Poll Numbers HIGHER than Obama’s!!!

The Truth About Face Masks

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone Is MADNESS, They Are Demanding Police A...

Businesses Owners REVOLT by LEAVING Riot Infested Cities as SEATTLE SURR...

Black VS Brown? Latino Gangs Reach Boiling Point With Rioters

Big Tech Censorship Has Gotten Out Of Control, Is It Time To NATIONALIZE...

Tucker Carlson Loses Advertisers As Culture Revolution Escalates, Even P...

The Global Times is a 'propaganda mouthpiece' used to 'intimidate' Austr...

The US Needs To Re-prioritize For The Future, Current Focus On Material ...

Corporations Continue to Sanitize History and Gaslight the World

No, the United States Won't Balkanize lol

Krystal Ball explains what #DefundthePolice REALLY means

Krystal and Saagar: Pelosi's CRINGEWORTHY kneeling display as Biden rule...

The Communist Roots of 'Cancel Culture'

Left-Wing Professor Gives His Answer To The Question, Will There Be A Ci...

Left-Wing Professor Gives His Answer To The Question, Will There Be A Ci...

Police OUTRAGED, Say They Have Been Abandoned, Demoralization Is Here, L...


Woman FIRED For Criticizing Black Lives Matter Online, Welcome To The In...

BBC CRISIS! 30,000 Sign Up to Twitter Campaign to 'DEFUND THE BBC'!!!

HBO Bans Gone With The Wind, Streets Renamed, Books Banned, The Inquisit...

Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down

Active-Duty Soldier Suspected In Ambush Of Police Officers, Rapid Radica...

San Francisco Residents PANIC, Realtors SHOCKED At Massive Exodus As SF ...

China Is Sending Counterfeit Money To The US, WHY And What ELSE Are They...

Hollywood BLASTS White People...Again...Because It's Hollywood

San Francisco Residents PANIC, Realtors SHOCKED At Massive Exodus As SF ...

Leaked Phone Call Exposes CHAOS In Chicago As Riots Causes 2nd Deadliest...

Asymptomatic COVID Patients only "Rarely" Spread Infection, WHO Claims

Seattle Police SURRENDER East Precinct To Armed Far Leftists, 7 Block Ra...

Anita Sarkeesian BUSTED Taking Money From Cards Against Humanity CREEP!

Rising Crisis Update: WHO BUNGLES critical coronavirus asymptomatic spre...

EU Commission’s grovelling apology over Barnier’s ‘Brexit punishment cla...


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Calls Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Racist

Saagar Enjeti: FBI ZEROES IN on Prince Andrew in Epstein investigation

Sadiq Khan Launches Anti-British Campaign Against National Landmarks

Krystal and Saagar: Pelosi's CRINGEWORTHY kneeling display as Biden rule...

Krystal Ball explains what #DefundthePolice REALLY means

Police Are SURRENDERING, Fort Worth Drops ALL CHARGES Against Rioters, M...

'The Five' calls out NY Times for 'caving to the left-wing mob'

The Stupidity of the "Cancel Rent" Left And Their Hatred of Landlords

Flashback: The New Fascism is Led by Those Who Claim to Oppose It

Flashback: Rachel Maddow Blames RUSSIA For Ukraine-Gate

Far Left Has-been Tom Arnold Glorifies Violence, is Not Censored by Twitter

No, Leftists, Camden Didn't "Disband" Their Police

Woke Mob Comes For Tucker Carlson For Criticizing BLM, News Orgs PURGE S...

Liberals Soil Themselves in Misplaced Glee Over One CNN Outlier Matchup ...

Biden in PANIC MODE! Police Union Is TURNING AGAINST Him!

Racetrack Pretends Declares Event A "Protest" To Defy Lockdown Orders

Democrats Have Just Bent The Knee To A Fringe Leftist Ideology As Progre...

Ocasio Cortez Reelection In Trouble As Trump Mega Donors Donate To Her M...

China flashes a giant poverty card


"Calling Police For A Home Invasion Is White Privilege"

ATTACKED By A Mob & Then ARRESTED! - Journalist Dan Dicks ASSAULTED For ...

'Politically correct mob' now look like 'the woke Taliban'

Shootings And Murder DOUBLE In NYC During Protests, The Left Is Advocati...

Shootings And Murder DOUBLE In NYC During Protests, The Left Is Advocati...

Looney Tunes Removes All Guns, Promotes Gun Control

Andrews govt has 'one rule for the mob' and 'one rule for everyone else'

Elon Musk Calls Out Jeff Bezos, Amazon for This SICK Move Censoring Cons...

‘Get out of jail free card’ given to those ‘wrapped in a political cloak’

The END of America? Peter Schiff Gives His Forecast

1981 Sex Traffiking AKA PIZZAGATE DOC

HA! So THIS is what they mean by #DefundThePolice

Why are Kung Fu masters getting BEATEN UP in China?

Celebrities Want To Defund The Police

Why Police Are Rarely Prosecuted: Qualified Immunity & Police Unions - T...

Krystal and Saagar: NYT bows to WOKE MOB, fired top editor over Tom Cott...

BLM Fights Racism by Defacing Monument to Black Civil War Soldiers Who F...

Norway Scientist Claims Report Proves That The Virus Was Lab Made

China’s worst fears come true; its exports have hit a severe low

The #BlackLivesMatter UK Protests Were Violent

Tucker: Ballot harvesting makes a mockery of the secret vote

Protester Gets Shot After Punching Man Driving, Minneapolis Announces Th...

NEW Surveillance Footage of 7 Potential Suspects In David Dorn Case. Dem...

Krystal and Saagar: MSNBC Russiagate MADNESS continues with Lisa Page hire

Flashback: Politico Insinuates that Trumps fans are Low Info and Praises the Corpor...

Hahaha YES Leftists, Please Keep Trying to Defund the Police!

Hahaha YES Leftists, Please Keep Trying to Defund the Police!

White People Wash Black People's Feet To Crush Racism


Minneapolis disbands police department, author explains what it really m...

Bernies Fans Have Kept the Promise Project Veritas Exposed Months Ago

Hillary's Newest/Dumbest Excuse For Losing Election

Armed Citizen Patrols Are Forming In Minneapolis As Police Collapse

NEW EVIDENCE Antifa Is Behind Riots! Dems CANT AVOID The Truth Anymore..

It Will Be Weeks Before we Know What Effect the Far Left Riots Will Have...

Elementary School Guard Slashes Staff and Students, Injures 40 | CCP Vir...

Democrats Call To "Abolish The Police" Is Massively Unpopular And Freaki...

TDS Sufferer Tom Arnold Seemingly Calls For ARMED Insurrection Using "Da...

Investigation launched after First Nations chief says RCMP assaulted him

Wait! What inanity is Justin Trudeau up to?

Brexit SHOWDOWN: Boris vows to fix May's 'defective' WA sparking huge ou...


Why Japanese Don't Like Foreigners

Yes, George Soros Aided the Nazis: Hear It For Yourself

Hollywood is Dying. What Happened?

Yuri Bezmenov - Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western S...

“Social distancing” circles in Trinity-Bellwoods Park have Torontonians ...

Georgia Democrat praises Trump's work and policies on behalf of African ...

�� Irish teen in Cork gets carved up by racist bleeps


How Collectivists Killed America and Blamed Individualists

The Bernie Sanders Revolution Has Ended as Biden Clinches

Buffalo Cops In Viral Video Violently Shoving Elderly Man Are Man Charged!

"The Police Just Went Nuts" Charges Dropped On Protester After Prosecuti...

Saagar Enjeti: This Is A FAKE, Corporate Sponsored 'Populist Uprising'

Jim Snow: Uber Eats Engages in Digital Segregation Against Non-Black Bus...

George W Bush Refuses to Endorse Trump: Nice!

US sues Chinese firm for selling 'fake' N95 face masks | Coronavirus Out...

Black Woman DEMANDS White Libs Stop Bowing Down to BLM IMMEDIATELY!

Wannabe Activist FIRED Over Fake Screwdriver Photo Stunt��

Never Kneel to Cultural Revolutionaries, EVER!

Ex-Intelligence Director Richard Grenell: The Deep State – What we Know!

WTF: CNN Guest Says White Kids Don’t Deserve To Feel Safe



Zbellion: Pentagon Prepares for Gen Z Rebellion Where Zoomers Take Over ...

Twitter, Instagram and Facebook Declare WAR on Trump by REMOVING Campaig...

Medical Journal Apologizes for Fake HCQ Study, 3086

Medical Journal Apologizes for Fake HCQ Study, 3086