
Bernie Swears At Reporter Asking If He’ll Drop Out

DOJ Requests Power To INDEFINITELY DETAIN People Citing Emergency Concerns

Netflix Accounts HACKED and CUSTOMERS are Blamed!

Netflix Accounts HACKED and CUSTOMERS are Blamed!

Video Shows Man GASP Then Collapse In NYC, Coronavirus Stories Emerge An...

Rachel Maddow Beclowns Herself, The "Orange Man Bad" Narrative Has FAILE...

Hannity: Democrats will ignore Biden's atrocious record

Controversial Government Spying Program May Be Coming To An End

Roxham Road: Illegal border crossing FINALLY shut down — but for how long?

WTF?! Elites Display Their PLAN and an Open Call for 1940s Internment Ca...

Please stay in your homes. You will thank me later!

SICK!! CBS Aids China’s Propaganda by PRAISING Their CV Moves

Biden Goes Missing While Bernie Takes Lead

Democrats Are Freaking out Because Joe Biden Went Missing, Many Dems Are...

Hillary Clinton Drinks a "Shotski" With Host That Now Has Wuhan Flu

Montana Freeing Prison Inmates Due To Coronavirus

A Star That's 200,000,000 Years Older than the Universe

In Every Instance Of Crisis, Disasters Lead To POWER For The Government,...

In Every Instance Of Crisis, Disasters Lead To POWER For The Government,...

French Border Guards Are Impounding Medical Supplies Meant For The UK

Government Building Field Hospitals To Handle Pandemic

It's Time For The LOCKDOWN, States Start Taking The Spread Of The Virus ...

Government Using Cell Phones To Track “Social Distancing”!

Tom Fitton: Hillary Clinton Claims She Has an "Indisputable Right" Not t...

California Didn’t Need the Guns, Until They Did | Silver Lining Coronavi...

Coronavirus: China May See a 2nd Wave of Infections

Trump Has His Foes Literally Defending the Criminal Deep State

'The Five' reacts to Hillary Clinton's attacks on both Sanders, Biden

Disney LOSES BILLIONS of DOLLARS! Marvel and Woke Hollywood, o MY!

CNN's Chris Cuomo Makes Coronavirus Joke

Scientists Claims They FOUND A CURE that will Resolve 100% of Cases and ...


A Rising Problem in the Alt Right: Abandonment of Free Speech

Europe's 'Open Borders' System COLLAPSES Due to Outbreak, Nationalism is...

Trump Declares NY A DISASTER, Will Deploy Army, This Is Starting To Look...

The Occult #260: The Coming Internet Cult Moral Panic

Joe Biden is Now the Presumptive Democratic Nominee

Coronavirus Update: 275000 Cases, Italy Tops 47000, Iran 20000, Madagasc...

Doctor With 4 MIT Degrees EXPOSES the Deep States Plan to Make Everybody...

Manufacturer Jacks Up Price Of COVID-19 Drug

Media BLAMES Trump instead of China

Dept. Of Defense Hoarding 18,000 Ventilators

Mark My Words: Coronavirus will Destroy YouTube

China Lied and People Died: China Refuses to Take Responsibility For Unl...

Senators PROFIT off of pandemic

Fear Of Possible ERUPTION Of Yellowstone Stirred Again By PULSING Area T...

Scientists May Have Found The Dark Matter Particles!

Idiots React to Coronavirus

Rep. Hank Johnson Files HR 5717 The Most Anti-Second Amendment Bill In R...

Gun Control proponents are now trying to buy Guns & ammo anticipating "T...

Spring Break Morons Refuse to Stop Partying and Don't Care if They Sprea...

Unemployment Claims Predicted To Hit TWO MILLION, The Worst In US History

DNC Pushing People To Vote During Pandemic Is Sociopathic

Twitter Announces New CENSORSHIP For Coronavirus Tweets

Trump Proposes Gov. Own Corporations It Bails Out!

Tucker: Why does CNN continue to push China's agenda?

Merkel Reprimands and Warns Germans

MUST WATCH: President Trump Unveils MAJOR Breakthrough

Ilhan Omar AGREES With Tucker Carlson Slamming Republican Who Dumped Sto...

Baltimore Mayor Begs Residents To Stop Killing Each Other During KungFlu

Out of Touch Hollywood Pricks Cure #ChinaVirus With Cringe

Did Bernie Refuse Tulsi’s Endorsement?

Pelosi Is Blocking Direct Cash Payments To Citizens.WTF?

Military Vehicles Spotted In MASSIVE Numbers Being Shipped Into Cities

Trump Is WINNING Over Democrats Who Now Praise And Support His Response ...

Coronavirus is a Biological Weapon | Small Victories for Hong Kong

Trump Goes Savage Mode: "You're a Terrible Reporter, You Should Be Asham...

Tucker: America is being sold to China

Far Left Democrat Finally ADMITS To Unethical Acts, Provides Evidence Of...

Of Course They Are!

People Have Started Rushing Banks On Panic, Some Branches Run Low On Cash

New Forecast Says Trump Will LOSE IN November Amid Failing Economy, THIS...

Now Even CNN is PRAISING Trump’s "REMARKABLE" Leadership Over Coronaviru...

Trump Accuses US Media Of Siding With China To Their Faces

They've Started Arresting People For Breaking Quarantine, Magazine Predi...

Tucker: Left hates when Trump tells the truth

Delusional Tulsi Gabbard Finally Drops Out, Endorses Presumptive Nominee...

The ENTIRE State Of California Is Under LOCKDOWN, Pundit Calls For Marti...

Bernie Is Being Cheated Again. Will He Fight? w/Tim Canova

Coronavirus outbreak: Ontario Premier Doug Ford provides update on COVID...

COVID19 Shows Us Tech Firms Should Be Prevented from Banning Users For L...

Coronavirus Update: 250000 Cases, USA Tops 14000, 10000 Dead Globally

This Is THE END of Immigration And Globalization As We Know It, Trump An...

Globalism Is a Cancer But Was Dreamed Up by Well Meaning Morons

Joe Biden Has Conquered Bernie Sanders

The Constitution and Quarantine | Our Rights in a Pandemic

CNN Exposes Themselves | Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real

Trump Proposes Socialism! UBI & Foreclosure/Eviction Freeze!

Ilhan Omar Praises Trump's "Incredible" Job Dealing With Pandemic, Progr...

How Can the Left Regain its Patriotism?

Who are the invisible infectors spreading the coronavirus?

OUTRAGEOUS: Healthy NBA players get tested before sick average Americans

Despite Outbreak, ICE Ramps Up Raids in Sanctuary Cities Across the Country

The Occult #259: Doomsday Predictions are a Dime-a-dozen

Trump BLOCKS ALL Asylum Seekers as the UN Stops Refugee Resettlement!!!

Trump Using Emergency Powers To Block Illegals Breaking In!

Bernie Sanders Stubbornly Refuses to Drop Out despite His Campaign Being...

Coronavirus Update: 220000 Cases, Iran Approaches 20000, Every European ...

Progressives SHOCKED That Trump Supports Their Aid Package Idea And Demo...

Are You Ready?

Spain Nationalizes All Hospitals Over Coronavirus

Disney stock hits historic LOW! Hollywood may never recover from this!

Bye, Bye, Bernie - A Rant

Video Game Journo Behind Bars! Nobody Is Reporting On This!

Bernie Sanders' Campaign Is Over Since Whiny Losers Don't Vote!

Divorces Set To Skyrocket During The Lockdown & Quarantine

Germany Limits Liberties of Citizens Further

Coronavirus: How China Spun Criticism Into “Racism”

Italy Sees Nearly 500 Dead In ONE DAY, NY Prepares For Total Lockdown

The Pandemic Has Proven Conservatives Right About 2A And Border Protection

MSNBC Analyst In Insane Rant Calls For ARRESTING Trump Over Pandemic Res...

Justice Department Drops Russiagate Prosecution Admitting Defeat w/ Aaro...

Florida Beaches PACKED During COVID-19 Pandemic

A.I. Takes Over YouTube To Deal With Covid-19 Results In COPYRIGHT STRIK...

Trump Has Invoked Wartime Powers To Protect America, Shockingly MSNBC An...

Krystal Ball: Bailouts show "how will you pay for it" is a con

Coronavirus outbreak: Miami spring breakers vow to keep partying amid pa...

Canada's 2001 climate predictions. How did they do?

Retired Marine's message about travel ban goes viral

DNC Forces Vote Against CDC Guidelines On COVID-19

Canada-U.S. border to be closed to all non-essential travel over COVID-1...

CRAZY New Order In Philadelphia Delays Arrests For Non-Violent CRIME, Is...

The US-Canada Border Has Been CLOSED, Immigration Suspended And Asylum C...

5 Most Incredible And Unexpected Recent Discoveries Made

Will Women Need Men During A Crisis | Single Men In The Biohazard - Repl...

Federal Judge Orders Hillary Clinton to testify about Benghazi and Pri...

School Promotes Children Secretly Transitioning


Amid pandemic noise, Russian ‘meddling’ charges dropped

Tucker: Why would America's media take China's side amid coronavirus pan...

Here's what can happen when you switch to the cloud

They're losing it folks...

Joe Biden makes ‘shocking and unusual statements’ about potential presid...

Debra Messing Says Trump Is Going To Kill MAGA Supporters

Biden CRUSHED Bernie In Last Night's Election, Bernie Might QUIT, Lawsui...

Update on how COVID-19 is affecting the US Army

Joe Biden Wins All March 17th Primary States, HUMILIATES Snake Oil Sanders

Coronavirus Update: 200000 Cases, China Expels Media to Cover Up Cases, ...

California Will House The Homeless During Coronavirus. WTF?!?

Coronavirus - Ticking All The Boxes For The Global Elite - David Icke

New “Emergency Measures” Will Come From The QUARANTINE ACT!! This Is NOT...

IT BEGINS: Italians Are Getting ARRESTED And Face 3 MONTHS IN JAIL For V...

The Coronavirus is DESTROYING the Globalist NEW WORLD ORDER as We Know I...

Greece Erects Massive Concrete Border Wall to STOP Migrant Invasion!!!

Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency

UPDATE: Illegal migrants STILL crossing into Canada — SIGN THE PETITION

Saagar Enjeti: The largest populist uprising in HISTORY is coming

Americans Must Quarantine Over Coronavirus But Dems Promise "Free" Healt...

US hits back after Chinese regime blames them for bringing coronavirus t...

Flying from China to Canada: Still no extra coronavirus screening at Tor...

'Boomer Remover' Is Targeting The WRONG Demographic As People Mock The I...

Ancient Human Settlement Was Destroyed by a Cosmic Impact

We Just Discovered 139 More Pluto Like Objects In The Solar System

$2.2 Trillion Pumped Into Banks Explained w/Dylan Ratigan

1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly pl...

Coronavirus: Europe shuts down its borders - BBC News

Coronavirus outbreak: Ontario declares state of emergency | FULL

Journalist goes undercover at "wet markets", where the Coronavirus start...

Coronavirus outbreak: Canada, provinces impose strongest actions yet to ...

Lockdowns across Canada to stop COVID-19

Infectious disease specialist on rising COVID-19 cases in Canada

Federal government to announce economic aid for COVID-19 crisis

The Blind Spot of the Left

Anti-Trump Rapper Says Only Icky White People Can Get #ChinaFlu

Trudeau's coronavirus measures don't mention closing Roxham Road's illeg...

Biden Can't Stop Lying About His Social Security Record

IT'S HERE: Stock Market Implodes As The Fed Dumps TRILLIONS To No Avail

Illinois TV Station Airs Election Results BEFORE Election! WTF?!?

Several States Have RELEASED Prisoners Amid Coronavirus Outbreak And Ref...

Apple to Buy Disney, Star Wars, Marvel and All?

China Is EXPLOITING The Pandemic And Is Actively Making It Worse, Trump ...

It begins.

Democratic Primaries Are In TOTAL CHAOS, Workers Dont Show Up, Voter Tur...


Tim EXPLODES About China Posing SERIOUS Threat To The WORLD, "Trump Was ...

My Truth - The Rape of 2 Coreys documentary (Best Quality)

The Infantalization Of The Working Class

Arizona Election Official Bizarrely Announces Poll Closings

We MUST Stop This From Happening Internet! EARN It Act Will End Privacy

Coronavirus Lockdown Will Get Worse, Cuomo Says Peak Will be In 45 Days,...

Donald Trump Ridicules Fake News Media Right to Their Face!

Youtube last minute changes makes Styxhexenhammer666 burst into laughter

The Most DISGUSTING Girl You'll Ever See!

CURFEW Drops On Several US States, The Pandemic Panic Is HERE

Disney is DONE! Open for HOSTILE takeover as stocks plummet!

California Locks Down Bay Area as Millions Told To "Shelter In Place"

NY Metro City Enforcing CURFEW, ALL Bars Shuttered, Entire Town Ordered ...

Always Side With the Counterculture: The Establishment Always Loses

The Occult #258: Plague Bearers: Grim Reapers, UFOs, etc

Final Predictions and Analysis: March 17th Democratic Primaries

Journalists SHOCKED Trump Called COVID19 "Chinese Virus," But Even Spani...

Coronavirus Update: 183000 Cases, More Dumb Panic, Chinese Propaganda, Y...

Coronavirus Victory: How China Is Spinning a Propaganda Win

Coronavirus: UK government announces drastic measures to tackle outbreak...

Democrats Vow NO DEPORTATION Amid Global Border Closures And Coronavirus...

Canada putting border restrictions in place amid COVID-19 pandemic

The Entire Democratic Primary May Get Pushed Back As Leftists Write Para...

CNN SLAMMED For Fake News About Coronavirus Sparking Panic

Joe Biden To Choose Woman or VP Because He Hasn't Learned You CANT Win O...

UK Claims Making Fun of Someone's Appearance Can Lead to ARREST

This Is The CRAZIEST Feminist Professor EVER!

Youtube Fumbles Big Time on its Coronavirus Response and Moderation Staf...

Man is CELEBRATED Online for Targeting and Slaying Caucasian Americans

Globalist ‘Woke’ Scandinavian Airlines COLLAPSES over Spread of Virus!!!

No, Joe! No!

People Are Panic Buying GUNS And Ammo, NJ Institutes "Strongly Suggested...

Bernie Bros Are Having A MELTDOWN!!

Corona News Network

Krystal Ball debunks Biden's parade of lies

Coronavirus Update: 170,000 Cases, Uzbekistan, Central African Republic ...

Tucker: Bernie Sanders may be the lamest revolutionary ever

Lefties Trend #BoomerRemover on Twitter While They Lick Toilets

Democratic VP announcement ‘demeaning and irksome’

The Top 24 Most Absurdly Politically Correct Moments of the 2010s

Leftist Digital Media Is COLLAPSING And Their Top Staff Are Jumping Ship

Biden-Sanders Debate Analysis: Biden Did Well Enough to Win March 17th

US Supreme Court Opens The Doors For States To Deport Immigrants

Viral Rumor Says Government Will HARD Quarantine Every American, THIS IS...

Universities Rolling Out Social Credit Systems To Socially Engineer Stud...

Guy Who Price Gouged Hand Sanitizer Has Government "Assist" "Donating" A...

Media Pushes Misleading Stats To Claim Republicans Aren't Taking The Cor...

Media PANICS That Trump Will Cancel The Election Over Coronavirus In Unh...

New Jersey Considering Statewide Curfew, Governments Are Preparing More ...

Hollywood Could Lose Up To $20 Billion

Can we have a Trillion People on Earth?

This Ancient Supermassive Black Hole Has A Giant Particle Beam Aimed At ...

Germany Closes Borders to France, Switzerland and Austria

Trudeau Liberals won't admit open borders brought coronavirus to Canada

Germany Is Closing Its Borders, Closing Non Essential Businesses, Italy ...

Puritans Use Coronavirus to GET RICH, ROBBING BABY FORMULA and MORE

German authorities can now secretly enter peoples house to install Troja...

Schools Are Being Accused of Grooming Autistic Children to Become Trans

President Trump Tests Negative While Democrats Refuse to Believe Results

Movie Box Office CRASHES at Record 22 Year LOW! The Hunt, Onward, Bloods...

Joe Biden Continues Looking Senile as Digital Townhall Implodes

NY Metro City Enforcing CURFEW, ALL Bars Shuttered, Entire Town Ordered ...

Banks Get $1.5 Trillion Bailout Over Coronavirus

Why the rush on toilet paper? One economist believes he knows

Coronavirus Update: 157000 Cases, 950+ in Netherlands, Toilet Paper Manu...

The Chinese Government Is Solely and Uniquely Responsible for the Corona...