
Antifa Groups Banned Following Tucker Carlson Incident

BREAKING: Accused Abuser Keith Ellison Just Resigned

Dems Can’t Beat Trump Says Ex-Clinton Adviser

How U.S. Will Start Iran War Revealed

Trump Attacks “Stupid Question” From CNN

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist

Even the Far Left UN Admits 3 Million Have Fled Venezuela's Socialist Dy...

The Left is Blaming White Women For Losing Midterms

Is It Time For New Democratic Leadership?

MSNBC Puts Florida Vote-Count Total Onscreen 24 Hours Early

Cenk Uygur Rips Establishment Media Directly To Their Face

New Attorney General Whitaker: ‘Enough Evidence To Investigate Clinton’

Why Trump/Acosta Feud Is Political Theater

Trudeau hands Canadian sovereignty to the United Nations

Arkansas Democrat Party Spokesman Arrested on Pedophilia Charges

Jeff Sessions Thankfully Finally Gone as Attorney General

Tommy Robinson Banned from Paypal Just Cuz

HE'S BACK! Adam Schiff Crawls Out Of His Hole And Issues First THREATS A...

In Loving Memory of Jim Acosta's Career

The Jim Acosta Controversy by Paul Joseph Watson

Caravan UPDATE: Tensions rise as reality sets in for migrants | David Me...

Tucker Carlson's Home Vandalized, Family Threatened By Antifa

Jim Acosta Is Not Doing Journalism, Has Access Revoked

Labour Invites ISLAMIC EXTREMIST to ANTI-RACISM Event! | Jack Buckby

Jeff Sessions OUT As Attorney General - It Was Long Overdue!

Jim Acosta Loses WH Press Pass, Pretends this Violates the First Amendment

Pelosi Promises Dems Will Do Absolutely Nothing

Democrats’ Lack Of Agenda Painfully Apparent

Bye Bye Jim Acosta ��

WHOA! This is EVIL! Look What FACEBOOK Did Right Before The Election

AG Jeff Sessions RESIGNS

'I Retired Him': Trump Says He's 'Very Proud' Jeff Flake Is Out of Senate

The Dark History of Bayer Corp

Adios Jeff Sessions: Mr. AWOL Absentee Recused Nowhere-to-Be-Found AG Ge...

Colin Powell Upset When Someone Else Lies


The Blue Wave Failed, Republicans Won Out Overall

10 year landmark study by NIH concludes, cell phones DO cause cancer

London Too Dangerous for Immigrants | Jack Buckby

China Wants to Build FAKE Moon

Homeland Security reports 270 violent criminals among migrants | David M...

2018 Midterm Elections Recap - GOP Loses House, Keeps Senate + Key Victo...

Ron Paul: As Democrats take over the House, Trump now has someone to bla...

Democrats Blindsided By Midterm Investigation – Their Blue Wave Is Colla...

Our Dystopian Gattaca Future

Security Flaws In Your Computer Chip Leaves You Vulnerable

LA undergoes "Tijuanification" thanks to Democrats

MEME Theory: How Donald Trump used Memes to Become President

Millennials in the Workplace Training Video

College millennials get rude awakening in the business world


Midterm Recap and Analysis: Trump Makes History!!!

PewDiePie's Ben Shapiro Collab Triggers Leftists

Burqa ban debate: Should you put public safety first over religious free...

'Enemy of the people': 'Trump blasts CNN's Jim Acosta at post-midterm pr...

Trump defends calling migrant caravan an 'invasion' ahead of midterm ele...

Bangladeshi immigrant convicted in NYC subway bombing

Men not marrying? How deep does "the problem" go?

Who’s feeding the migrants on the caravan trek? | David Menzies

Project Veritas Exposes Beto Staffers Claiming Tons of Illegals Voting

Emmanuel Macron Goes Insane, Calls for EU Army the Europhiles Swore They...

Illegal Migrant Caravan is a foreign invasion | David Menzies

Armed Black Panthers Show Up To Intimidate Voters With Semi Automatic We...

Study Says Trump Gave Democrats PTSD in 2016

DNC Chair Ties Himself into Pretzel Defending Party’s Deputy Chair Keith...

Maker Support is a SCAM website

The Democratic Party Has Transformed into one of Bush Republicans

This is Why Elections Matter! Candidate for Governor Stacey Abrams and t...

The Lamestream Always Conflates Immigrants with Migrants and Migrants wi...

Red Wave is Coming Tomorrow, 2434

Global Corporatists May Be Deleting Your Twitter Account

'HYPERLOOP' to open in less than a month!!

Democrats Want To Replace White People

How China Uses Tourism as a Weapon

The Democrats are Terrified of the Midterms

Republicans Will Win Midterms, Polls Are Wrong

Oumuamua: Comet or Alien Solar Probe?

Democrats Prepared To Shelve Important Issues If They Win The Midterms

Nunes Announces New Clinton Evidence, Burns Entire Swamp To The Ground

Prof: ‘Block Fox News’ On Family TV Sets | Rob Shimshock

Liberals Promise Bloodbath If Dems Lose On Tuesday Midterms – Here’s The...

Crazy Jane Fonda Tells Women To ‘See The Parallels’ Between Trump And Hi...

FSU Student Arrested For Attacking GOP Volunteer Caught On Video

Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

Federal Judge Releases Benghazi Evidence – Hillary Goes Into Complete Panic

Facebook apologizes for ‘white genocide conspiracy theorists’ ad category

The Georgia Democratic Party Tried to Hack the Voter Registration System

The Democrats have Finally Thrown Bill Clinton Under the Bus

Gab Is Back, Vexing Jackboot Lickers and Thoughtslaves

Big Brother Wants to Stop Your Private Online Conversations


The Left Runs Defense For Kavanaughs ADMITTED False Accuser

The Media Doesn't Cover Violence Against Conservatives

BREAKING: Trump's Troops Have ARRIVED! Look What They're Putting on the ...

Bill Clinton Adviser Begs Hillary Not to Run in 2020

Beto O’Rourke Has Already Broken a Campaign Promise Before Election Day

Austria Enforces Blasphemy Laws

US troops set up razor wire on US-Mexico border in Texas

INCREDIBLE Video Shows Hundreds of Military Vehicles Being Shipped to So...

Drinking forces? Iceland goes dry after NATO troops guzzled all its beer

‘Offensive’ & ‘insensitive’: Public reacts to Hillary Clinton’s ‘they al...

Hilarious! Daily Wire tells conservatives to shut up when banned, gets b...

Project Veritas Exposes Andrew Gillums Racist Staffer and Intent to Brea...

Facebook in Deep Trouble as Hackers Begin Selling Stolen Private Messages

Washington Post Admits that a House Loss Benefits Trump

Democrat Campaigner Arrested In Hate Crime Hoax

"Kill All Jews" Trends on Twitter

Midterm Scandals Throw the Democrats into Confusion as they Attack Proje...