
2020 Dem Poll Analysis: Still No Single Anti-Biden

USMCA Passed by House, Delayed by Senate Due to Impeachment

Conservative Memes Are Being CENSORED Because "Fact Checkers" Think Left...

Rise of Skywalker Review | Goodbye Star Wars (Spoilers)

JK Rowling is Cancelled

Feminist ADMITS They Pretend To Like GARBAGE Movies For Political Reasons

Soon "Merry Christmas" Will Be HATE SPEECH, Comedian Got In trouble At W...

The Internationalists Have Been Utterly Crushed in Britain

Entire Afghanistan War A Fraud, Rich People Scrubbing History

Whistleblower Proves Tulsi RIGHT On Syria & Afghanistan Wars

"#OwenJonesIsAWankerDay" Trends on Twitter

I Oppose Raising the Smoking Age to 21: Unconstitutional and Meaningless

Democrats HAVE NOT IMPEACHED Trump, Democrats OWN Witness Undermines Pel...

The Virginia Insurrection (A Gun Control Rant)

United Nations refugee camps put Christians last for food, shelter, baby...

MGTOW Monk - Adolpho Martinez gets 15 YEARS!!!

Iowa Man Gets 15 Years In PRISON For Burning LGBTQ Flag!

What the Donald Trump Impeachment Mean For Black Men?

President Trump Announces Democratic Representative Van Drew is Joining ...

Impeachment Approval Now Lower than Opposition

UK Conservatives HAVE WON, Brexit Deal PASSES With MASSIVE Majority, But...

The Occult #245: The Occult Jesus

Pete Buttigieg Destroys Elizabeth Warren

Pelosi Unable to Impeach Trump Without Sending Articles to Mitch McConne...

Jeff Sessions: Trump has 'zero chance' of being removed

Putin doubts Trump impeachment will lead to removal

Mitch McConnel To Acquit Trump Without Articles of Impeachment by Changi...

Supreme Court Could Overrule Impeachment, 2868

Another bogus study dumbs down 'racism'

What the new trade deal really means

Trudeau loses, again, on SNC-Lavalin

Grooming Gang Representation

ARREST HIM NOW! Joe Biden Wants Teachers to do the UNFORGIVABLE to Stude...

Tulsi Bucks Party & Votes Present On Partisan Impeachment w/Tulsi Gabbard

When A "Credible" News Source Thinks A Refrigerator Is The PlayStation 5

The Underlying reason Donald Trump is being Impeached

CNN FREAKS Over Support Drop For Impeachment

Facebook "Fact Checks" Then Bans Greta Meme

Johnson's 'Radical' Queen's Speech Explained - TLDR Explains

Trudeau says national unity not at risk despite ‘real frustrations’

WATCH: Sanders disagrees with Obama that 'old men' are the problem | Six...

Feminists Moving To Zimbabwe; Study Reveals It's A Better Place To Live ...

Magnetic field moving | 1.4 trillion spending bill passed

Disney has completely destroyed Star Wars

After addicting US to opioids, they’re selling cure

John Durham Seeks Brennan Communication Records with Comey According to ...

Oh No! This Health Exam May Just Be The END Of Joe Biden for GOOD!

The Rise of Skywalker - First Reactions Come In

JK Rowling says NO MA'AM

StarWars Rise of the Skywalker highlights the importance of the 2nd amen...

The Truth About Assault Weapon Bans

Is Nancy Pelosi Drunk? A Body Language Analysis

WTH? Pelosi REFUSES To Take Questions About Impeachment the DAY After

Pelosi Refuses to Allow Hunter Testimony During Senate Impeachment Trial...

The Tragedy of Disney Star Wars

China STRIKES Again! Pro Player Mesut Ozil ABANDONED By Cowards

Democrat Jeff Van Drew Tells Trump What Made Him Leave His Own Party

New York Post SAVAGES Pelosi After House Vote on Impeachment

BREXIT STORM! Anti-EU REVOLT is Spreading Across Europe!!!

Virginia Was Almost Ground Zero | Live From The Lair

MGTOW Monk - Shit is getting real in Virginia.

JK Rowling is Officially a TERF

House Democrat Demands Obstruction of Senate & Trump Hanged

Why Can’t Democrats See That Joe Biden Is A Disaster Of A Candidate?

Media Watch: WaPo's 'Merry impeachment!'

Pelosi Has LOST CONTROL As Democrats Laugh And Cheer RUINING her Impeach...

Obama's Doctor SHOCKED By Biden's Health Report, Says "This Is NOT A Hea...

Story of the Pygmy Who Was Kept in the Bronx Zoo w/Forrest Galante | Jo...

FBI Finally Solve Jimmy Hoffa Cold Case File

China's war on their own: Facial and emotional recognition tracks and sh...

Journalists CAUGHT Celebrating Impeachment Then LIE About It, Media ENDO...

"Journalist" Tries To Hide Washington Post Celebrating imPeachment


Epstein tapes go missing: ‘Where’s the outrage?’ – Lionel

Will The SEGREGATIONISTS At Marvel Install "Separate, But Equal" Drinkin...

Putin criticizes 'dreamed up' Trump impeachment charges

Trump Brutally Mocks Bill and "Crooked" Hillary Clinton at Rally

Trump's Impeachment is About Revenge

Bringing Down The House (The Cost of Impeachment)

Trump Was IMPEACHED And Democrats Revealed Their REAL And INSANE Strategy

The Left Never Learn

Communist horrors. Artificially created crisis

Democrats Say Trump Is Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Mark Levin: CNN Can't Believe It's Own Poll on Impeachment

YouTube BRAGGING about crushing independent media

Obamacare Mandate Ruled Unconstitutional

Impeachment Stalled Out as Pelosi Refuses to Send it to the Senate befor...

Tulsi Gabbards Primary Gambit as She Votes "Present" on Impeachment


Something In The Universe Is Killing Off Entire Galaxies

Proof Greta Thunberg Is a Fake Climate Phenom

MAGA Mall Santa Fired

Scientists Shocked By Worms Breeding Inside People's Eyes

Justin Trudeau’s Orwellian letter to the Minister of Canadian Heritage

The Prince Andrew Defence (part 1)

"#BritainFirst" Trends on Twitter


Presidential Candidate Wants 6 Day School Week

Leftists DEMAND Santa Clause be Female Or Gender Neutral Because Everyon...

Mainstream News Took MILLIONS From China To Run Fake Articles That Were ...

Democrats Impeachment Is A Kamikaze Against Trump, It PROVES He Already ...

Turkish Drones With Machine Guns, 2866

Rebel Attacks Undermining Ebola Efforts in DRC, New Cases Tick Upward

BACKFIRE! 90% of Virginia Counties Become 2nd Amendment Gun Sanctuaries!!!

10 DANGEROUS Chinese FAKE Foods

10 DANGEROUS Chinese FAKE Foods

Top 5 Creepy Chinese Science Experiments

China’s All-Seeing Eye in Africa | China Uncensored

This Device Just Killed Someone (Don't Install on Your Car)

This Is Why People Don’t Want To Go To College Anymore...

Network Engineer Suicide from Relentless Child Support

Facebook Moderators Are Being Black Pilled By Facebook

Trump Impeachment: The Democrats Just Doomed Themselves for 2020

4chan Declares War on Vegans

New Cuck Toilet is Designed to Be Unbearable After 5 Minutes

Hysteria strikes in a Scotish Town over heretical iconography

14 Year Old Trump Supporter Viciously Attacked In DISTURBING Video!

Epstein & Andrew - Mossad Connection - David Icke

The Rise of Skywalker Getting BAD Reviews. Star Wars Over.

Violent Trump Protester Attacks After She Realizes She's Wrong

What is the Future of (Bankster) Finance? - Questions For Corbett

‘Hard-left radical mob’ drags Pelosi to ‘undo democratic process’

Hillary Clinton Urges Impeachment of Trump Ahead of 2020 Campaign for Pr...

Teen STAGES Kidnapping in NYC To Avoid Going Back To Honduras!

STUDY: Magic Müshrooms Are Safe To Use As Medicine

Everything They Don't Want You To Know About The Last Year


BREAKING: FISA court slams FBI

Taibbi & Maté on UkraineGate's Origins in RussiaGate

I Got a Traffic Ticket and I’m Not Going to Pay It

Homelessness conference hires Transgender Stripper

Crowd Erupts at Schiff Town Hall Shouting 'Liar,' 'Treason'!!!

NINETY FIVE Second Amendment Sanctuaries Emerge In Virginia If Theres A ...

Protests ERUPT At Adam Schiff Event, People Shout LIAR And TREASON At Sc...

G. Edward Griffin: China's GLOBAL TAKEOVER & The FALL Of The US Empire

The Rise of Skywalker - Shill Media Meltdown


All electronic voting machines in US are hackable – Ben Swann

Why Did Trump and Pelosi Agree on USMCA Trade Deal?


US Media Testing 'Bernie Is Anti-Semitic' Strategy

Obama is a Feminist Now! Can Women Fix the World in 2 Years? | The News ...

" MGTOW = Less Suicides "

POLITICS IN THE CROSSHAIRS: Trudeau shooting himself in foot with rifle ...

Scientists Find Real Creature Behind "The Bloop"

Scientists Reveal Their Strangest Antarctic Discoveries Yet

The Cesspool of Quid Pro Quo Journalism

Trump SURGES as Impeachment Support COLLAPSES!!!

New York Issues ILLEGAL ALIENS Driver's Licenses! (REACTION)

The Rise of Skywalker - First Reactions Come In


Journo BUSTED Stealing Articles & Blames A Ghost

MSNBC Claims It’s Using FACTS In Russiagate Reporting

The Secret is Out! Dem Rep. Reveals the REAL Reason Dems Want Impeachment

A Minimoon of Earth Has Recently Crashed Into Our Planet

First Image of Most Distant Directly Observed Giant Galaxy - MAMBO 9

Democrats Lose Their Minds As #Impeachment Support Drops

BREAKING: Homeless Man Poops in Pelosi's Grocery Store as Impeachment Lo...

California is a DISGUSTING Wasteland And The Epitome Of Leftist Hypocrisy

Millennial Students Want To BAN Christmas On Campus!

The Washington Post Needs to Change Its Logo

Seattle's Homeless CULTURAL Presentation

'PRIME MINISTER' FREELAND? Trudeau's semi-retirement from duties perplexing

The Distant Glimmer of a Possible Hard Brexit

Greta Thunberg Slummin' In First Class

Saints Drew Bees Passes Peyton Manning, Breaks Record For Most Career TD...

We Were Lied To For 18 Years and NOBODY F*CKIN CARES

UK Election SALT

Dems Vote to Impeach Trump Without Documentary or Testimonial Evidence o...

I Don't Get No Respect!

Virginians are Forming MILITIAS to Protect Second Amendment

Impeachment BACKFIRE Gets WORSE As Trump now DEFEATS Every 2020 Democrat...

Where in the World is Greta Thunberg?

Impeachment - Orange Man Bad

It's Official, Patriots: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Is...

Fake Media Forced To Admit Trump Is Crushing It This Month!

Climate Cult Members Almost Get Splattered By Train

Seattle Homelessness Official Resigns After Transgender Strip Act | Just...

Public Official RESIGNS After Hiring Trans Stripper On Taxpayer Dollars ...

The Socialism of National Socialism - A Rant

UK Election Rant - How Labour Imploded

The Brexit Parliament Begins

Déjà Vu In UK As Liberals Refuse To Accept Election Results

NY Times Shamed Into Issuing Correction After Deliberately Smearing Cenk...

‘How America Tortures’: The abuse of prisoners in secret CIA prisons

Lawrence O'Donnell Defends FBI Lying & Gaslights Own Audience

Greta Thunberg Slummin' In First Class

MAJOR Chrome Bug Causing Data Loss on Android

Millennial Students Want To BAN Christmas On Campus!

Breaking News: 'Pewdiepie Has QUIT YouTube'

Buttigieg Shames Progressives As Purists For Opposing Bribes

Rise of Skywalker Premiere Shocker | George Lucas Banned by Disney!

VICTORY: Two House Raids Against Us Declared ILLEGAL

Belligerent Gangsta Chicago Cops OWNED by a Guy Who Knows His Rights!!

California Has NUKED Leftist Media From Orbit, HUNDREDS Of Writers Are B...

Greta, eugenics & fossil fuels: Another UN climate summit fails to save ...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez still fighting for the dead Green New Deal

Labour's Jess Phillips Caught Off Camera Ecstatic, Then Depressed, After...

Is James Comey Incompetent Or Malicious In FISA Abuses & Spying On Trump...

Businesses That Are Doomed 2020

Pres. Obama Says "Women Would Run The World Better Than Men." This Is Wh...

Men Agree To Marital Laws Without Knowing Them

Hallmark CAVES to the Communists

Obama Says Only Women Should Be World Leaders

Barbara Kay: Ontario mother takes on school's trans ideology with Human ...

Boris Prepares to Give the EU an Absolute Haymaker

Live Stream: The Dems Will Soon Realize That They Orchestrated Their Own...

CNN: Greta is off limits!


Paris Syndrome: Mental Illness or Reality Check?

The oldest cave painting found in Indonesia

Climate Change Religion

Pelosi PANICs as First Defection From Her Party Begins - #WalkAway Movem...

WATCH: HELL Breaks Loose At Adam Schiff Event, Pro-Trump HEROS Show Up T...

The World Would Be Better with Wammens Leading: President Obama, the Vag...

Oshawa GM plant sees end of the road for auto production

AOC Goes Rogue! Look How She Just Compared Women to Puppies

Joe Rogan on Jeremy Corbyn Declaring HIs Pronouns

Sex Sells, So Why is Prostitution Illegal?

Drunk Aurora CO Cop Passes Out In the Middle of the Road! Body Cam!

Supreme Court Rules Against Impeachment of Trump Giving the President a ...

The Rise of Skywalker first reactions are a DISASTER | more leaks proven...

Toxic Star Wars Journalists RUINS The Rise Of Skywalker

BOOM! Comey CONFESSES, Seconds Later Trump Drops The Hammer on Him With ...

AOC's Lemonade Stand

Toxic Star Wars Journalists RUINS The Rise Of Skywalker

IT BEGINS! Bill Barr Hints When FIRST Arrests Will Be Made!!!

ICE Deportation Numbers are IN! This PROVES Trump’s Success

Censorship or the Law? Hate Speech & Canada Explained | Viva Frei Vlawg

Australia burns - feminists most affected!

In India, Modi's citizenship proposal for non-Muslim refugees prompts ou...

Greta Thunberg Apologizes, Says She Will Take a Break From Climate Chan...

UK General Election 2019 Analysis: How Can Boris Johnson Keep Hold of hi...

Electric vehicle sales crash after Ford cuts off government subsidies | ...

Virginia Nat'l Guard Responds To DEMS Claims Of Martial Law

Thousands of Arrests Won't Stop Hong Kong Protests, Movement Hits Half Y...

Facebook, Google no longer in top 10 places to work in US

Far Left Democratic Candidate Wishes CANCER On Obama, Seriously, Then DO...

Why Did Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party Get Crushed?

COP25 Climate Summit Backed By Corporate Polluters

NY Times Publishes Blatant Lie To Smear Cenk Uygur

Another Convicted CRIMINAL Invited to Story Hour in Texas

Media Finally Admits the NATIONALIST RIGHT is the WAVE OF THE FUTURE!!!

Chaos Erupts in Texas Border Town as Los Zetas Cartel Attempts Complex S...

Foreign Saudi Student's Plot FOILED by the FBI


When Things Don’t Go Your Way...

Greta Thunburg BUSTED Lying About "Overpopulated Train"

Media Demands Diversity for HOCKEY LEAGUE

Baby Jesus depicted as caged refugee child in Toronto “Detained Christ” ...

Senior SETI Astronomer Talks About Mysterious Signals From Space

Media SMEARS Cenk Uygur Of The Young Turks, Gotta Admit Trump Has A Poin...

AOC Whines Healthcare Plans Are Too Complex For Her Tiny Brain

Media is LYING About Pewdiepie AGAIN Claims He's Quitting Youtube But It...

Putin Blames Susan Sarandon For Peace In Ukraine


Seattle Hires Transgender Stripper For Homeless Conference

‘I am your best friend ’: Stranger hacks camera in 8-yo bedroom and talk...

People Are Trolling Art Thieves By Posting Copyrighted Content

Britain Is Racist According To Singer Lily Allen

The Fake Outrage Over Cenk Uyger's Past

This Is PEAK Youtube! Tana Mongeau Wins Content Creator Of The Year


Clinton PAC Begins $50 Million Impeachment Campaign Against President Trump

2020 Dem Poll Analysis: Still No Single Anti-Biden

Impeachment Continues to Lose Favor

Impeachment Approval Now Lower than Opposition

Cenk Uygur DISAVOWS Russiagate! Has New Russia/Trump Theory

The Leaked Labour Antisemitism Report is Actually Shocking

Labour Became the Party of the Anti-English

British Economy SKYROCKETS Amid Conservative Victory, Proving Naysayers ...

Democrat SLAMMED By Protests As Impeachment Support COLLAPSES, Majority ...

Chris Wallace Destroys Jim Comey’s Lies About FBI

What Johnson's Win Means for Brexit & Britain's Future - Explaining Brexit

The SPACE FORCE Doesn't Want You To See This...Or Do They? 2019-2020

Tucker: Media proclaims FBI is innocent

Tucker: No one is above the law except Democrats

Judge Jeanine: Democrats have just guaranteed Trump's reelection

Geraldo warns impeachment is a 'disastrous idea' for Dems

The Impeachment Charade (Web Exclusive)

Jo Swinson Can't Define "Woman"

Democrats RESIGN Over Congressman FLIPPING Republican, Call Him TRAITOR ...

Trump Hints at Jail Time for Director Comey After Acknowledgment of Deli...

Who Was Running the FBI Spy Ring?, 2862

Cenk Uygur gets endorsed then un-endorsed by Bernie Sanders!

LOL! MSNBC Blames Fox News for Lack of Public Support for Impeachment

Brits! Stand With Boris Johnson for His Proposal to Abolish the BBC Lice...

Pentagon Investigating Navy Cadets Hand Signs For Racisms

The New Burning Times As Modern Day Witchfinders Say Navy Cadets Are Nazis

Civil war breaks out inside the Labour Party

Prediction: Hillary Clinton Will Run in 2020

Comey Admits He Was Wrong, Denies the FBI Committed Treason


The Nazi Roots of Environmentalism and the Climate Change Fraud | Close ...

MASSIVE Surge Of Credible UFO Sightings In 2019, Theorists Think ALIENS ...

Greta Thunberg Accidentally Calls For Execution Of Politicians, Take The...

Five Students ARRESTED For Beating A 14 Year Old Allegedly For Wearing A...


AG Bill Barr Just UNLOADED on Deep State FBI

Michelle Obama Defends George Bush From 'Cancel Culture'

Democrats Are DEFECTING And Joining Republican Party, The Most SHOCKING ...

Muslims Flee Britain After Boris's Win

Leftist Losers React to UK Election

West point Cadets Under investigation For "Ok Symbol" Because The Left I...

Labour's Communists Double Down

The One Thing Greta Thunberg SHOULDN'T Have Said

Bernie Sanders Reverses Endorsement of Cenk Uygur After Mere Hours

Democrats Lose Rep. Jeff Van Drew as he Defects to the GOP over Impeachment

The world economy ‘would collapse’ if it followed the ‘Greta Thunberg ap...

~271~ The Most Censored Stories of 2019!

CNN Reports Eight Clinton Lobbyists Indicted for Funneling Foreign Money...

‘Quiet’ voters are becoming very loud around the world: Kenny

Did This Scientist Just Solve The Mystery of Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

Psychological warfare and the Trump Impeachment—Jack Posobiec Explains |...

Anti-govt protesters clash with police in Beirut, Lebanon

French Citizens Protest Macron's Reforms, Clash With Police Over a Week ...

How to deal with the UK election results

Judge Jeanine Comey Most Corrupt Director in History, 2861

Why and How the Country Is Begging For A Return to Traditional Morals an...

CNN in FREEFALL! Look How LOW Their Ratings PLUMMETED After Being the Im...

Why Do Millennials Hate The West?! | Friedman Conference 2019

NASA Probe Makes Unexpected Discoveries Near the Sun

We Now Have a More Accurate Age of Milky Way Disc - It's Ancient!

German State Wants to Tax People Who Save for Their Retirement Even More

Ash Sarkar Destroys Herself


FBI Lied To FISA Court In Russiagate Investigation

Dems Roll Over & Give Trump Sadistic Military Budget -- AGAIN

BJJ Black Belt Street Fight!

YouTube Will Probably BAN Criticism of Journalists Next

Can the Labour Party Recover? - ft. We Got A Problem

Democrats Threaten NATIONAL GUARD if Police Don't Enforce Unconstitution...

Guy Calls Me a Sellout Because I'm Black and Against Socialism

Massive Entry Discovered Near Antarctica! Secret Hidden Base? 2019-2020

Can't find purpose in life? CREATE your own!



Greta Thunberg Threatens Firing Squads on Opposition

CRINGE: They Made a Comic Book of Greta Thunberg

Did Greta Thunberg Just Threaten World Leaders? 'WE WILL PUT THEM AGAINS...

Something EVERY Climate Change Follower Needs to See!

Dem Switching Parties to Trump Republican After Opposing Impeachment and...

YouTube ADMITS To Suppressing Independent News, Pushing CNN & Fox News

Remainer Twitter Has a Complete Meltdown

Russia Still Being Blamed For Star Wars Franchise Implosion